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Signed-off-by: Takumi Yanagawa <[email protected]>
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yana1205 committed Dec 7, 2023
1 parent 84d3e4b commit c3c2bb6
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162 changes: 93 additions & 69 deletions docs/ocm/
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Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,19 @@ Use "c2pcli ocm [command] --help" for more information about a command.

### Manual end-to-end use case

#### Outline
1. Create OSCAL Component Definition
- Use example one. In real cases, a user writes OSCAL by Authoring tool like [Trestle](
1. Run oscal2policy to generate OCM Policies from OSCAL
1. Deploy generated OCM Policies to OCM Hub
1. Get OCM Policies from OCM Hub
1. Run result2oscal to generate OSCAL Assessment Results from the OCM Policy Results
1. Prettify OSCAL Assessment Results
- Use C2P tools. In real cases, it's responsible of GRC tools.


#### Steps
1. Prerequisites
1. OCM is configured to manage two k8s clusters (cluster1 and cluster2) and installed Policy Governance Framework.
1. Namespace `c2p` is created in OCM Hub
Expand All @@ -48,12 +61,12 @@ Use "c2pcli ocm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
└── <Status> 2 ManagedClusters selected
└── <Clusters> [cluster1 cluster2]
1. Run oscal2policy
1. Run oscal2policy to generate OCM Policies from OSCAL
c2pcli ocm oscal2policy -c ./docs/ocm/c2p-config.yaml -o /tmp/ocm-policies
- The generated ocm-policies directory looks like [./final-outputs/ocm-policies](./final-outputs/ocm-policies)
1. Deploy generated OCM Policies to OCM Hub
1. Deploy the generated OCM Policies to OCM Hub
kubectl create -f /tmp/ocm-policies
Expand All @@ -76,12 +89,12 @@ Use "c2pcli ocm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
1. Get OCM Policy Results (Policy, PolicySet, PlacementDecision) from OCM Hub
mkdir /tmp/results
mkdir -p /tmp/results
kubectl get -A -o yaml > /tmp/results/
kubectl get -A -o yaml > /tmp/results/
kubectl get -A -o yaml > /tmp/results/
1. Run result2oscal
1. Run result2oscal to generate OSCAL Assessment Results from the OCM Policy Results
c2pcli ocm result2oscal -c ./docs/ocm/c2p-config.yaml --results /tmp/results -o /tmp/assessment-results.json
Expand All @@ -91,71 +104,15 @@ Use "c2pcli ocm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- You can view the compliance posture like [./final-outputs/](./final-outputs/
### C2P Decomposer
Decompose OCM poicy collection to kubernetes resources composing each OCM policy (we call it policy resource).
### GitOps automation use case
1. Clone [Policy Collection](
git clone --depth 1 /tmp/policy-collection
1. Run C2P Decomposer
go run ./cmd/decompose/decompose.go --policy-collection-dir=/tmp/policy-collection --out=/tmp/c2p-output
1. Decomposed policy resources are ouput in `/tmp/c2p-output/decomposed/resources`
$ tree -L 1 /tmp/c2p-output/decomposed
├── _sources
└── resources
Individual decomposed resource contains k8s manifests and configuration files (policy-generator.yaml and kustomization.yaml) for PolicyGenerator.
$ tree -L 3 /tmp/c2p-output/decomposed/resources
├── add-chrony
│   ├── add-chrony-worker
│   │   └── MachineConfig.50-worker-chrony.0.yaml
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   └── policy-generator.yaml
├── add-tvk-license
│   ├── add-tvk-license
│   │   └── License.triliovault-license.0.yaml
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
### C2P Composer
Compose OCM Policy from policy resources from compliance information (for example, [compliance.yaml](cmd/compose/compliance.yaml))
#### Outline
1. Run C2P Composer
go run cmd/compose-by-c2pcr/main.go --c2pcr ./cmd/compose-by-c2pcr/c2pcr.yaml --out /tmp/c2p-output
1. Composed OCM policies are output in `/tmp/c2p-output`
$ tree /tmp/c2p-output
├── add-chrony
│ ├── add-chrony-worker
│ │ └── MachineConfig.50-worker-chrony.0.yaml
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ └── policy-generator.yaml
├── install-odf-lvm-operator
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── odf-lvmcluster
│ │ └── LVMCluster.odf-lvmcluster.0.yaml
│ ├── policy-generator.yaml
│ └── policy-odf-lvm-operator
│ ├── Namespace.openshift-storage.0.yaml
│ ├── OperatorGroup.openshift-storage-operatorgroup.0.yaml
│ └── Subscription.lvm-operator.0.yaml
├── kustomization.yaml
├── policy-generator.yaml
└── policy-sets.yaml
### GitOps automation use case
#### Steps
Setup Github Repos
1. Create two repositories (one is configuration repository that's used for pipeline from OSCAL to Policy and another is evidence repository that's used for pipeline from OCM statuses to Compliance result)
- For example, c2p-for-ocm-pipeline01-config and c2p-for-ocm-pipeline01-evidence
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,17 +140,20 @@
- Name: PAT
- Secret: Created Github Personal Access Token
### Run oscal-to-pocliy
Run oscal-to-pocliy
1. Go to the configuration repository
1. Go to `Actions` tab
1. Run `OSCAL to Policy`
1. This action generates manifests from OSCAL and then generate a PR of changes for a directory `ocm-policy-manifests` containing the generated manifests.
1. Merge the PR
### Integrate with GitOps
Integrate with GitOps
1. Sync `ocm-policy-manifests` directory with your OCM Hub by OCM GitOps (OCM Channel and Subscription addon)
### Deploy collector to your OCM Hub
Deploy collector to your OCM Hub
1. Apply RBAC for collector
kubectl apply -f
Expand All @@ -211,13 +171,77 @@
kubectl apply -f
### Cleanup
kubectl delete -f
kubectl -n c2p delete secret collect-ocm-status-secret
kubectl delete -f
### C2P Decomposer
Decompose OCM poicy collection to kubernetes resources composing each OCM policy (we call it policy resource).
1. Clone [Policy Collection](
git clone --depth 1 /tmp/policy-collection
1. Run C2P Decomposer
go run ./cmd/decompose/decompose.go --policy-collection-dir=/tmp/policy-collection --out=/tmp/c2p-output
1. Decomposed policy resources are ouput in `/tmp/c2p-output/decomposed/resources`
$ tree -L 1 /tmp/c2p-output/decomposed
├── _sources
└── resources
Individual decomposed resource contains k8s manifests and configuration files (policy-generator.yaml and kustomization.yaml) for PolicyGenerator.
$ tree -L 3 /tmp/c2p-output/decomposed/resources
├── add-chrony
│   ├── add-chrony-worker
│   │   └── MachineConfig.50-worker-chrony.0.yaml
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   └── policy-generator.yaml
├── add-tvk-license
│   ├── add-tvk-license
│   │   └── License.triliovault-license.0.yaml
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
### C2P Composer
Compose OCM Policy from policy resources from compliance information (for example, [compliance.yaml](cmd/compose/compliance.yaml))
1. Run C2P Composer
go run cmd/compose-by-c2pcr/main.go --c2pcr ./cmd/compose-by-c2pcr/c2pcr.yaml --out /tmp/c2p-output
1. Composed OCM policies are output in `/tmp/c2p-output`
$ tree /tmp/c2p-output
├── add-chrony
│ ├── add-chrony-worker
│ │ └── MachineConfig.50-worker-chrony.0.yaml
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ └── policy-generator.yaml
├── install-odf-lvm-operator
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── odf-lvmcluster
│ │ └── LVMCluster.odf-lvmcluster.0.yaml
│ ├── policy-generator.yaml
│ └── policy-odf-lvm-operator
│ ├── Namespace.openshift-storage.0.yaml
│ ├── OperatorGroup.openshift-storage-operatorgroup.0.yaml
│ └── Subscription.lvm-operator.0.yaml
├── kustomization.yaml
├── policy-generator.yaml
└── policy-sets.yaml
## C2P as controller (deprecated)
1. Build image
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76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions docs/ocm/images/manual-end-to-end-use-case.drawio
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