Analytics collector
Events are immediately stored into redis, before being periodically saved into mongodb
- period in ms between transfer from redis to mongodbmongooseConnectionString
Data can contain any properties (with the exception of time
) and they will be persisted. However there are some standard and compulsory properties
Compulsory properties
- context - where we've collected the data from (e.g. 'Server', 'GovernorHub client')
- eventName - e.g 'NewNoticeboardPost'
Standard properties
- object - the ID of the object the event is happening to (if applicable)
- objectType - a string type for the object. Recommended for grouping of objects (e.g. 'NoticeboardPost')
- user - the ID of the user who triggered the event (if applicable)
- container - the ID of the object's container (if applicable - e.g. the group a 'NoticeboardPost' belongs to)
- containerType - a string type for the container