Instagram moved the pictures array to another endpoint (with more than one redirect) making harder to catch images server side without scrapers like Puppeter.
Althought is not perfect (as a temporary solution) works.
Maybe in the future I will share a new version, but judging by the many demands without any kind of gratitude and collaboration from the community, I have lost the desire.
This is a Node.js library, are you looking for the same in PHP? go to
A simple Node.js code to get unlimited instagram public pictures by every user without api, without credentials (just token from cookies), just Instagram Scraping in 2023 (with cookie and image data in base64).
You can get the latest pictures/information from an account or a single picture/information by id.
๐ค Author @orsifrancesco
โ Coffees are welcome (in particular if you appreciate the project or you plan to contact me)
npm i instagram-without-api-node
# download the file
# add your cookie, user-agent and x-ig-app-id following the next step "How to get Instagram Cookie"
node test.js
- Login to Instagram
- Go to your https://instagram/yourUsername
- Open your Browser Console (on Chrome just pressing F12)
- Select the "Network" tab
- Search and click on "timeline/" file; if it is empty just refresh the page
- Select "Headers" bar
- Be sure the file is Request Method "POST" (if it is "OPTIONS" search the other "timeline/" file in the list)
- Scroll down and select "Request Headers" tab
- Copy all the code after the word "cookie: " and paste it on
variable - Copy all the code after the word "user-agent: " and paste it on
variable - Copy all the code after the word "x-ig-app-id: " and paste it on
- don't share your cookie code with anyone!!! it is the same of your credentials
- That's it, enjoy :)
Although you can get the URLs of the images, Instagram doesn't give you the possibility to include and showing those images on your projects (they will be automatically blocked from their servers).
To solve this problem you will get all the URLs and all the images data in base64.
You can easily show the image data on your project with the following snippets of code:
<img src="data:image/jpg;base64, hereYourBase64String.."/>
.example { background-image: url('data:image/jpg;base64, hereYourBase64String..'); }
Check for Base64 example.
example on
const { iwaTag, iwa, iwaId, iwaIdUrl } = require('instagram-without-api-node');
const _cookie = 'mid=Ywj....hFLUdjNT55f0"' // <!-- required!! please get your cookie from your browser console (6)
const _userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0.../537.36' // <!-- required!! please get your user-agent from your browser console (7)
const _xIgAppId = '93661974...' // <!-- required!! please get your x-ig-app-id from your browser console (8)
async function fetch() {
// get the latest 12 feeds from a tag (example
const responseIwaTag = await iwaTag({
group: 'recent', // <!-- "recent" images or "top" images; "recent" is by default
base64images: true, // <!-- optional, but without you will be not able to save images.. it increases the size of the json file
base64imagesCarousel: false, // <!-- optional but not recommended, it increases the size of the json file
base64videos: false, // <!-- optional but not recommended, it increases the size of the json file
headers: {
'cookie': _cookie,
'user-agent': _userAgent,
'x-ig-app-id': _xIgAppId
maxImages: 2, // <!-- optional, 12 is the max number
file: "instagram-cache-bytag.json", // <!-- optional, instagram-cache.json is by default
pretty: true, // <!-- optional, prettyfy json true/false
time: 3600, // <!-- optional, reload contents after 3600 seconds by default
id: "love" // <!-- id is required
console.log({ responseIwaTag });
// get the latest 12 feeds from an account (example
const responseIwa = await iwa({
base64images: true, // <!-- optional, but without you will be not able to save images.. it increases the size of the json file
base64imagesCarousel: false, // <!-- optional but not recommended, it increases the size of the json file
base64videos: false, // <!-- optional but not recommended, it increases the size of the json file
headers: {
'cookie': _cookie,
'user-agent': _userAgent,
'x-ig-app-id': _xIgAppId
maxImages: 2, // <!-- optional, 12 is the max number
file: "instagram-cache.json", // <!-- optional, instagram-cache.json is by default
pretty: true, // <!-- optional, prettyfy json true/false
time: 3600, // <!-- optional, reload contents after 3600 seconds by default
id: "orsifrancesco" // <!-- id is required
console.log({ responseIwa });
// get picture and info from instagram id url (example
const responseIwaIdUrl = await iwaIdUrl({
headers: {
'cookie': _cookie,
'user-agent': _userAgent,
'x-ig-app-id': _xIgAppId
base64images: false, // <!-- optional, but without it, you will be not able to store/show images
file: "instagram-cache-byidurl.json", // <!-- optional, instagram-cache.json is by default
pretty: true, // <!-- optional, prettyfy json true/false
time: 3600, // <!-- optional, reload contents after 3600 seconds by default
id: "Cgczi6qMuh1" // <!-- id is required
console.log({ responseIwaIdUrl });
// get picture and info from instagram id (2890411760684296309 is the id of
const responseIwaId = await iwaId({
base64images: true, // <!-- optional, but without you will be not able to save images.. it increases the size of the json file
base64videos: false, // <!-- optional but not recommended, it increases the size of the json file
headers: {
'cookie': _cookie,
'user-agent': _userAgent,
'x-ig-app-id': _xIgAppId
file: "instagram-cache-byid.json", // <!-- optional, instagram-cache.json is by default
pretty: true, // <!-- optional, prettyfy json true/false
time: 3600, // <!-- optional, reload contents after 3600 seconds by default
id: "2890411760684296309" // <!-- id is required
console.log({ responseIwaId });
output example for iwaTag
or iwa
function on
"id": "2696840872190940431",
"time": 1635708506,
"imageUrl": "",
"likes": 18,
"comments": 0,
"link": "",
"text": "#helloworld #domain #check",
"image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/7QB8UGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNBAQAAAAAAGA.............",
"location": "Liverpool Cathedral",
"carousel": [
"imageUrl": "",
"image": "/9j/4AAQSsasaakZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/7QB8UGhvdGQAAAAAAGA............."
"imageUrl": "",
"image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNBAQAAAAAAGA............."
"id": "2654027113529608497",
"time": 1630604708,
"imageUrl": "",
"videoUrl": "",
"likes": 38,
"comments": 0,
"link": "",
"text": "#london #uk #unitedkingdom #tube #underground #overground #sunrise #morning #morningvibes #sky #metro #line #prospective",
"image": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/7QB8UGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4Qkl...........",
"location": "Eiffle Tower, Paris France."
output example for iwaId
or iwaIdUrl
"id": "289855367...",
"width": 1385,
"height": 1731,
"imageUrl": "https:\/\/scontent-lhr8-1.cdnin...",
"time": 1659754546,
"topLikers": [
"likes": 32,
"commentCount": 2,
"comments": [
"time": 1659756069,
"text": "This is a comment...",
"user": {
"username": "test",
"fullName": "DearTest",
"imageUrl": "https:\/\/"
"link": "https:\/\/\/p\/Cgczi6qMuh1\/",
"text": "If you know it, you know it...",
"user": {
"username": "orsifrancesco",
"fullName": "Frank",
"imageUrl": "https:\/\/"
"image": "\/9j\/4AAQSkZJR....Q=="
Licensed under MIT
Any feedback to @orsifrancesco and coffees are welcome :)