My take on the classic arcade game, originally developed by Tomohiro Nishikado in 1987. Initially made for a first year assignment at Lancaster University.
- ncurses 5.9 which you can grab from
In a terminal window enter
c99 spaceinvaders.c -o spaceinvaders -lncurses
And to state the obvious, make sure the ncurses-5.9 folder is in the current directory. Recommended window size of minimum 130 columns and 30 rows. ← → keys to move left and right and ↑ key to shoot, q to quit.
There are a few small kinks that have yet to be sorted out. First, since the number of invaders change with screen size, the game becomes more difficult to play as the screen size decreases; fewer enemies in a blockade means that it you'll get less points before next blockade appears, which moves faster. Secondly, the random bomb dropping is not truly random when a column of invaders is gone as it will favor the following the closest column to the right with invaders still in it.