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Kevin Dalli bulutthecat
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

Polypass Ontario Canada

Adrian Tarantino AdrianTarantino
Hello everyone! My name's Adrian Tarantino. I'm a first year electrical engineering student at the University of Waterloo.

Ontario, Canada

Bahadır captnfirst
AG Robotik & Borusan Robotik

İstanbul / Turkey

Venkata AvianSilk

UofT Mississauga | @FRC5409 Alumnus GTA, Canada

Yonina W. yoninaW4917
@FRC5409, Beginner HTML dev too


Jason Li jasonli0616
University of Toronto Computer Science 2T8, @rsx-utoronto software team, @FRC5409 alumni

Toronto, Canada