Function: Take output data from client program and send it via socket to server program which then transmits it over serial port to a hardware simulator. This model is currently configured to send magnetometer data to the Helmholtz Cage.
Python Basilisk Pyserial
Start by installing Basilisk in a Python virtual environment. Installing basilisk is complicated. Follow the instructions on:
Note that Basilisk has several dependencies which need to be installed first.
You will need to install pyserial within the virtual environment that you run Basilisk in.
Install with: "pip install pyserial"
If you cannot run this as root, you'll need to install it system-wide with your package manager. On Debian: "sudo apt install python3-pyserial"
#Permissions In order to let the program access the computer's serial ports you may need to set permissions: sudo usermod -a -G dialout [username]
You need to be in a virtual environment for the files using Basilisk to function: Venv recommended.
Activate your virtual environment.
In sock-ser-official:
Open ./
Open ./
If you run with visualization the program will not send data until the visualization windows are manually exited.
Quit with ctrl-c.