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test(e2e): add e2e specs for oras cp
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Signed-off-by: Billy Zha <[email protected]>
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qweeah committed Mar 13, 2023
1 parent e539375 commit d5bd5c2
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Showing 3 changed files with 263 additions and 17 deletions.
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions test/e2e/internal/utils/flags.go
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Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ limitations under the License.

package utils

const (
LayoutFlag = "--oci-layout"
FromLayout = "--from-oci-layout"
ToLayout = "--to-oci-layout"
var Flags = struct {
Layout string
FromLayout string
ToLayout string
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions test/e2e/suite/command/blob.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,15 +250,15 @@ var _ = Describe("Common registry users:", func() {
var _ = Describe("OCI image layout users:", func() {
prepare := func(from string) string {
tmpRoot := GinkgoT().TempDir()
ORAS("cp", from, ToLayout, tmpRoot).WithDescription("prepare image from registry to OCI layout").Exec()
ORAS("cp", from, Flags.ToLayout, tmpRoot).WithDescription("prepare image from registry to OCI layout").Exec()
return tmpRoot
When("running `blob delete`", func() {
It("should not support deleting a blob", func() {
toDeleteRef := LayoutRef(prepare(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag)), foobar.FooBlobDigest)
ORAS("blob", "delete", LayoutFlag, toDeleteRef).
ORAS("blob", "delete", Flags.Layout, toDeleteRef).
MatchErrKeyWords("Error:", "unknown flag", LayoutFlag).
MatchErrKeyWords("Error:", "unknown flag", Flags.Layout).
Expand All @@ -267,27 +267,27 @@ var _ = Describe("OCI image layout users:", func() {
When("running `blob fetch`", func() {
It("should fetch blob descriptor", func() {
root := prepare(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag))
ORAS("blob", "fetch", LayoutFlag, LayoutRef(root, foobar.FooBlobDigest), "--descriptor").
ORAS("blob", "fetch", Flags.Layout, LayoutRef(root, foobar.FooBlobDigest), "--descriptor").
It("should fetch blob content and output to stdout", func() {
root := prepare(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag))
ORAS("blob", "fetch", LayoutFlag, LayoutRef(root, foobar.FooBlobDigest), "--output", "-").
ORAS("blob", "fetch", Flags.Layout, LayoutRef(root, foobar.FooBlobDigest), "--output", "-").
It("should fetch blob content and output to a file", func() {
root := prepare(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag))
tempDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
contentPath := filepath.Join(tempDir, "fetched")
ORAS("blob", "fetch", LayoutFlag, LayoutRef(root, foobar.FooBlobDigest), "--output", contentPath).
ORAS("blob", "fetch", Flags.Layout, LayoutRef(root, foobar.FooBlobDigest), "--output", contentPath).
MatchFile(contentPath, foobar.FooBlobContent, DefaultTimeout)
It("should fetch blob descriptor and output content to a file", func() {
root := prepare(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag))
tempDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
contentPath := filepath.Join(tempDir, "fetched")
ORAS("blob", "fetch", LayoutFlag, LayoutRef(root, foobar.FooBlobDigest), "--output", contentPath, "--descriptor").
ORAS("blob", "fetch", Flags.Layout, LayoutRef(root, foobar.FooBlobDigest), "--output", contentPath, "--descriptor").
MatchFile(contentPath, foobar.FooBlobContent, DefaultTimeout)
Expand All @@ -301,25 +301,25 @@ var _ = Describe("OCI image layout users:", func() {
mediaType := ""
blobPath := WriteTempFile("blob", pushContent)
// test
ORAS("blob", "push", LayoutFlag, LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), blobPath, "--media-type", mediaType, "--descriptor").
ORAS("blob", "push", Flags.Layout, LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), blobPath, "--media-type", mediaType, "--descriptor").
MatchContent(fmt.Sprintf(pushDescFmt, mediaType)).Exec()
ORAS("blob", "push", LayoutFlag, LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), blobPath, "-v").
ORAS("blob", "push", Flags.Layout, LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), blobPath, "-v").
WithDescription("skip pushing if the blob already exists in the target repo").
// validate
ORAS("blob", "fetch", LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), LayoutFlag, "--output", "-").MatchContent(pushContent).Exec()
ORAS("blob", "fetch", LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), Flags.Layout, "--output", "-").MatchContent(pushContent).Exec()

It("should push a blob from a stdin and output the descriptor with specific media-type", func() {
// prepare
tmpRoot := GinkgoT().TempDir()
// test
mediaType := ""
ORAS("blob", "push", LayoutFlag, LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), "-", "--media-type", mediaType, "--descriptor", "--size", strconv.Itoa(len(pushContent))).
ORAS("blob", "push", Flags.Layout, LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), "-", "--media-type", mediaType, "--descriptor", "--size", strconv.Itoa(len(pushContent))).
MatchContent(fmt.Sprintf(pushDescFmt, mediaType)).Exec()
// validate
ORAS("blob", "fetch", LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), LayoutFlag, "--output", "-").MatchContent(pushContent).Exec()
ORAS("blob", "fetch", LayoutRef(tmpRoot, pushDigest), Flags.Layout, "--output", "-").MatchContent(pushContent).Exec()
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions test/e2e/suite/command/cp.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -264,3 +264,245 @@ var _ = Describe("OCI spec 1.0 registry users:", func() {

var _ = Describe("OCI layout users:", func() {
When("running `cp`", func() {
It("should copy an image from a registry to an OCI image layout via tag", func() {
dst := LayoutRef(GinkgoT().TempDir(), "copied")
src := RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag)
ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-v", Flags.ToLayout).MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// validate
srcManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", src).WithDescription("fetch from source for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()
dstManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", dst, Flags.Layout).WithDescription("fetch from destination for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()

It("should copy an image from an OCI image layout to a registry via tag", func() {
layoutDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
src := LayoutRef(layoutDir, "copied")
dst := RegistryRef(Host, cpTestRepo("from-layout-tag"), foobar.Tag)
// prepare
ORAS("cp", RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag), src, Flags.ToLayout).Exec()
// test
ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-v", Flags.FromLayout).MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// validate
srcManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", src, Flags.Layout).WithDescription("fetch from source for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()
dstManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", dst).WithDescription("fetch from destination for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()

It("should copy an image between OCI image layouts via tag", func() {
srcDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
toDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
src := LayoutRef(srcDir, "from")
dst := LayoutRef(toDir, "to")
// prepare
ORAS("cp", RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag), src, Flags.ToLayout).Exec()
// test
ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-v", Flags.FromLayout, Flags.ToLayout).MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// validate
srcManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", src, Flags.Layout).WithDescription("fetch from source for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()
dstManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", dst, Flags.Layout).WithDescription("fetch from destination for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()

It("should copy an image from a registry to an OCI image layout via digest", func() {
dstDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
src := RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag)
ORAS("cp", src, dstDir, "-v", Flags.ToLayout).MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// validate
srcManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", src).WithDescription("fetch from source for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()
dstManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", LayoutRef(dstDir, foobar.Digest), Flags.Layout).WithDescription("fetch from destination for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()

It("should copy an image from an OCI image layout to a registry via digest", func() {
layoutDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
src := LayoutRef(layoutDir, foobar.Digest)
dst := RegistryRef(Host, cpTestRepo("from-layout-digest"), "copied")
// prepare
ORAS("cp", RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag), layoutDir, Flags.ToLayout).Exec()
// test
ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-v", Flags.FromLayout).MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// validate
srcManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", src, Flags.Layout).WithDescription("fetch from source for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()
dstManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", dst).WithDescription("fetch from destination for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()

It("should copy an image between OCI image layouts via digest", func() {
srcDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
toDir := GinkgoT().TempDir()
src := LayoutRef(srcDir, foobar.Digest)
dst := LayoutRef(toDir, foobar.Digest)
// prepare
ORAS("cp", RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag), srcDir, Flags.ToLayout).Exec()
// test
ORAS("cp", src, toDir, "-v", Flags.FromLayout, Flags.ToLayout).MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// validate
srcManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", src, Flags.Layout).WithDescription("fetch from source for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()
dstManifest := ORAS("manifest", "fetch", dst, Flags.Layout).WithDescription("fetch from destination for validation").Exec().Out.Contents()

// It("should copy an image to a new repository via digest", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Digest)
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, cpTestRepo("digest"), "copiedTag")
// ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-v").MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// CompareRef(src, dst)
// })

// It("should copy an image to a new repository via tag without tagging", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Tag)
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, cpTestRepo("no-tagging"), foobar.Digest)
// ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-v").MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// CompareRef(src, dst)
// })

// It("should copy an image and its referrers to a new repository", func() {
// stateKeys := append(append(foobarStates, foobar.ArtifactReferrerStateKeys...), foobar.ImageReferrerConfigStateKeys...)
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ArtifactRepo, foobar.Tag)
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, cpTestRepo("referrers"), foobar.Digest)
// ORAS("cp", "-r", src, dst, "-v").MatchStatus(stateKeys, true, len(stateKeys)).Exec()
// CompareRef(src, dst)
// })

// It("should copy a multi-arch image and its referrers to a new repository via tag", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ArtifactRepo, ma.Tag)
// dstRepo := cpTestRepo("index-referrers")
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, "copiedTag")
// ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-r", "-v").
// MatchStatus(ma.IndexStateKeys, true, len(ma.IndexStateKeys)).
// MatchKeyWords("Digest: " + ma.Digest).
// Exec()
// // validate
// CompareRef(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, ma.Digest), dst)
// var index ocispec.Index
// bytes := ORAS("discover", dst, "-o", "json").
// MatchKeyWords(ma.IndexReferrerDigest).
// WithDescription("copy image referrer").
// Exec().Out.Contents()
// Expect(json.Unmarshal(bytes, &index)).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
// Expect(len(index.Manifests)).To(Equal(1))
// Expect(index.Manifests[0].Digest.String()).To(Equal(ma.IndexReferrerDigest))
// ORAS("manifest", "fetch", RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.LinuxAMD64Referrer.Digest.String())).
// WithDescription("not copy referrer of successor").
// ExpectFailure().
// Exec()
// })

// It("should copy a multi-arch image and its referrers to a new repository via digest", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ArtifactRepo, ma.Tag)
// dstRepo := cpTestRepo("index-referrers-digest")
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.Digest)
// ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-r", "-v").
// MatchStatus(ma.IndexStateKeys, true, len(ma.IndexStateKeys)).
// MatchKeyWords("Digest: " + ma.Digest).
// Exec()
// // validate
// CompareRef(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, ma.Digest), dst)
// var index ocispec.Index
// bytes := ORAS("discover", dst, "-o", "json").
// MatchKeyWords(ma.IndexReferrerDigest).
// WithDescription("copy image referrer").
// Exec().Out.Contents()
// Expect(json.Unmarshal(bytes, &index)).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
// Expect(len(index.Manifests)).To(Equal(1))
// Expect(index.Manifests[0].Digest.String()).To(Equal(ma.IndexReferrerDigest))
// ORAS("manifest", "fetch", RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.LinuxAMD64Referrer.Digest.String())).
// WithDescription("not copy referrer of successor").
// ExpectFailure().
// Exec()
// })

// It("should copy a certain platform of image to a new repository via tag", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, ma.Tag)
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, cpTestRepo("platform-tag"), "copiedTag")

// ORAS("cp", src, dst, "--platform", "linux/amd64", "-v").
// MatchStatus(ma.IndexStateKeys, true, len(ma.IndexStateKeys)).
// MatchKeyWords("Digest: " + ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()).
// Exec()
// CompareRef(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()), dst)
// })

// It("should copy a certain platform of image to a new repository via digest", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, ma.Digest)
// dstRepo := cpTestRepo("platform-digest")
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, "")
// ORAS("cp", src, dst, "--platform", "linux/amd64", "-v").
// MatchStatus(ma.IndexStateKeys, true, len(ma.IndexStateKeys)).
// MatchKeyWords("Digest: " + ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()).
// Exec()
// CompareRef(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()), RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()))
// })

// It("should copy a certain platform of image and its referrers to a new repository with tag", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ArtifactRepo, ma.Tag)
// dstRepo := cpTestRepo("platform-referrers")
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, "copiedTag")
// ORAS("cp", src, dst, "-r", "--platform", "linux/amd64", "-v").
// MatchStatus(ma.IndexStateKeys, true, len(ma.IndexStateKeys)).
// MatchKeyWords("Digest: " + ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()).
// Exec()
// // validate
// CompareRef(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()), dst)
// var index ocispec.Index
// bytes := ORAS("discover", dst, "-o", "json", "--platform", "linux/amd64").
// MatchKeyWords(ma.LinuxAMD64Referrer.Digest.String()).
// WithDescription("discover amd64 referrers").
// Exec().Out.Contents()
// Expect(json.Unmarshal(bytes, &index)).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
// Expect(len(index.Manifests)).To(Equal(1))
// Expect(index.Manifests[0].Digest.String()).To(Equal(ma.LinuxAMD64Referrer.Digest.String()))
// ORAS("manifest", "fetch", RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.Digest)).
// WithDescription("not copy index").
// ExpectFailure().
// Exec()
// ORAS("manifest", "fetch", RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.IndexReferrerDigest)).
// WithDescription("not copy index referrer").
// ExpectFailure().
// Exec()
// })

// It("should copy a certain platform of image and its referrers to a new repository without tagging", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ArtifactRepo, ma.Tag)
// dstRepo := cpTestRepo("platform-referrers-no-tag")
// ORAS("cp", src, RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ""), "-r", "--platform", "linux/amd64", "-v").
// MatchStatus(ma.IndexStateKeys, true, len(ma.IndexStateKeys)).
// MatchKeyWords("Digest: " + ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()).
// Exec()
// // validate
// dstRef := RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String())
// CompareRef(RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, ma.LinuxAMD64.Digest.String()), dstRef)
// var index ocispec.Index
// bytes := ORAS("discover", dstRef, "-o", "json", "--platform", "linux/amd64").
// MatchKeyWords(ma.LinuxAMD64Referrer.Digest.String()).
// WithDescription("discover amd64 referrers").
// Exec().Out.Contents()
// Expect(json.Unmarshal(bytes, &index)).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
// Expect(len(index.Manifests)).To(Equal(1))
// Expect(index.Manifests[0].Digest.String()).To(Equal(ma.LinuxAMD64Referrer.Digest.String()))
// ORAS("manifest", "fetch", RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.Digest)).
// WithDescription("not copy index").
// ExpectFailure().
// Exec()
// ORAS("manifest", "fetch", RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, ma.IndexReferrerDigest)).
// WithDescription("not copy index referrer").
// ExpectFailure().
// Exec()
// })

// It("should copy an image to a new repository with multiple tagging", func() {
// src := RegistryRef(Host, ImageRepo, foobar.Digest)
// tags := []string{"tag1", "tag2", "tag3"}
// dstRepo := cpTestRepo("multi-tagging")
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, "")
// ORAS("cp", src, dst+":"+strings.Join(tags, ","), "-v").MatchStatus(foobarStates, true, len(foobarStates)).Exec()
// for _, tag := range tags {
// dst := RegistryRef(Host, dstRepo, tag)
// CompareRef(src, dst)
// }
// })

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