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Mongodb Bosh Release



This project is a Mongodb Bosh release. The blobs are the provided ones from the mongodb community and are not compiled anymore. So the release can now only be deployed on an ubuntu stemcell.

This version exclude the rocksdb engine, which is not supported anymore.

What should the Release do

  • Configure a standalone or a set of standalone servers
  • Configure a replica set
  • Configure a sharded cluster including config server and mongos
  • Complete requirements for mongodb servers (production notes)
  • Install mongodb component (shell / tools / mongod)
  • Authentification using bosh/credhub generated passwords (could be disable)

Packages versions summary

  • Mongodb database and modules version
Package Version Note
mongodb 3.6.12
mongo-rocks 3.4.7 Not supported anymore
mongo-tools 3.6.12
rocksdb 3.4.7 Not supported anymore


Clone the repository

git clone --recursive

Deployment manifests

Two different base manifests are provided for single replicaset or sharded deployment and can be found in the manifests directory


Release include a deployment-vars-template.yml file, which includes all the needed variables for the deployment. Just copy and fill the variables for your needs.

Operation files

The release provides a set of operation files to enable or disable features. Operation files are located in the operationsdirectory. This folder contains commons opsfiles and two subdirectories for sharding and replicaset

Ops file feature needed variable dependecies
rename-azs.yml use specific azs azs-list
use-specific-mongodb-release.yml use a named uploaded mongodb release version instead of the latest one mongodb-release-version
use_mmapv1.yml use mmapv1 engine instead of wiredtiger default
use-trusty.yml use an ubuntu trusty stemcell instead of the xenial default
use-specific-stemcell.yml Use a specifically named stemcell version instead of the latest one stemcell-version
enable-mongodb-acceptance-test.yml Deploy the acceptance tests errand accept_vm_type
enable-mongodb-broker.yml broker_vm_type
enable-mongodb-broker-route-registrar.yml cf.nats_host
enable-mongodb-broker-smoke-tests.yml enable-mongodb-broker.yml
rename-broker-network.yml use a specific network for the broker instead of the default one enable-mongodb-broker.yml
enable-prometheus-exporter.yml deploy the prometheus mongodb exporter from prometheus-addons bosh release clustermonitor_username

Note that operations directory include some others opsfiles like ssl ones that are not fully tested yet and should not be use


bosh create-release
bosh upload-release
bosh -d [deployment name] -n deploy manifests/manifest[rs|shard].yml <-o operations/[operation file name] -o ...> -l <deployment-vars-file> <--vars-store=credentials.yml >

--vars-store=credentials.yml is uneeded if you are using credhub


Mongodb Broker (broker job)

The mongodb broker implements the 5 REST endpoints required by Cloud Foundry to write V2 services :

  • Catalog management in order to register the broker to the platform
  • Provisioning in order to create resource in the mongodb server
  • Deprovisioning in order to release resource previously allocated
  • Binding (credentials type) in order to provide application with a set of information required to use the allocated service
  • Unbinding in order to delete credentials resources previously allocated

Mongodb Broker Smoke Tests (broker-smoke-tests job)

The mongodb broker smoke test acts as an end user developper who wants to host its application in a cloud foundry.

For that, it relies on a sample mongodb application :

The following steps are performed by the smoke tests job :

  • Authentication on Cloud Foundry by targeting org and space (cf auth and cf target)
  • Deployment of the sample mongodb application (cf push)
  • Provisioning of the service (cf create-service)
  • Binding of the service (cf bind-service)
  • Restaging of the sample mongodb application (cf restage)
  • Table creation in the mongodb cluster (HTTP POST command to the sample mongodb application)
  • Table deletion in the mongodb cluster (HTTP DELETE command to the sample mongodb application)

Configuring CF to use Mongodb service

Available Plans

For the moment, only 1 default plan available for shared Mongodb.

Broker registration

The broker uses HTTP basic authentication to authenticate clients. The cf create-service-broker command expects the credentials for the cloud controller to authenticate itself to the broker.

cf create-service-broker p-mongodb-broker <user> <password> <url> 
cf enable-service-access mongodb

Service provisioning

cf create-service mongodb default mongodb-instance

Service binding

cf bind-service mongodb-example-app mongodb-instance

Service unbinding

cf unbind-service mongodb-example-app mongodb-instance

Service deprovisioning

cf delete-service mongodb-instance


Ruby Env Setup

This my setup:

brew install ruby-build chruby
ruby-build 2.4.2 --install-dir ~/.rubies/ruby-2.4.2
gem update --system
gem install bundler
bundle install