Problem Statement 4 - #risk-scoring
Non-profits need a way to vet the standing of people, specifically for pets, as they want to be sure they are going to a nice home. Given a social media profile (and potentially their network) that someone has granted access to, analyze the content of their posts to create a risk score to understand if there are any red flags for pet adoption.
Project is created with:
- Python version: 3.6.9
- Django version: 3.0.3
- tweepy version: 3.8.0
- pymongo version: 3.10.1
- cryptography version: 3.0
- djongo version: 1.3.3
- djangorestframework version: 3.11.0
- django-cors-headers version: 3.4.0
- nltk version: 3.5
- scikit-learn version: 0.23.2
- keras version: 2.4.3
- tensorflow version: 2.2.0
Clone this repo to your local machine using
The dependencies for this project are present in environment.yml
- To create an environment, execute
conda env create -f config/environment.yml
- When dependencies are added to
executeconda deactivate conda env update -f config/environment.yml --prune conda activate <env_name>
- To remove an environment
shell script conda remove --name <env_name> --all
Add a credentials.json
file with your Twitter and Facebook credentials
"twitter_consumer_key": "YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY",
"twitter_consumer_secret": "YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET",
"facebook_client_id": "YOUR_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID",
"facebook_client_secret": "YOUR_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET"
Once you have configured your installation, run the following command to install the single database table that stores session data
python migrate
Run the application by navigating to the Django Project and starting the server
cd Risk_Analysis
python runserver
Go to link https://localhost:8000/authentication to authenticate users