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Frank Purcell edited this page Aug 31, 2013 · 50 revisions

Two Minute Introduction to OTP

The intent is to get OTP running on your system with pre-built binaries and data (for Portland, Oregon), so you can see OTP running locally quickly. This should take less than 10 minutes, not considering download delays.

  1. Download (240mb file ... do a mouse right-click and save-as ... or better yet, use a cmd-line client like curl or wget to download). NOTE: was last packaged on July 18, 2013 -- it is fairly old code from November 2012.

  2. Unzip the contents to the root (/) directory (or C:\ for Windows users). This will create an otp directory directly under the root containing the pre-built OTP binaries.

    NOTE: it's very important to have the pre-built web app run from the /otp (or C:\otp) directory. If you want to run it from another location, you'll need to edit the file WEB-INF/classes/data-sources.xml within /otp/webapps/opentripplanner-api-webapp.war. Yes, this defies all convention on *nix platforms, but it's the only way to make the demo cross-platform for now.

  3. Download pre-built Graph.obj file from (~270 Mb ... IMPORTANT: do a mouse right-click on this hyperlink, then 'Save link as' on this url ... or better yet, use a cmd-line client like curl or wget to download).

  4. Move Graph.obj to /otp/Graph.obj

  5. Open a command shell (cmd.exe on Windows). From here on, we'll be typing things into the shell, including starting OTP with the start-server script.

  6. Type: java -version into the command shell. You should see something like java version "1.6.0_1". If you don't have Java installed (or if you're running a version lower than 1.6), you will need to download a Java environment from The latest java 1.6 JRE or JDK is recommended. Java 1.6 is usually installed on most PCs (look in c:\Program Files) and Macs.

  7. cd to /otp/ (or C:\otp).

  8. Run bin/ (or bin\start-server.bat for Windows users). Note that in doing so you are starting up a web server on port 8080 and you can't have more than one server on the same port, so make sure you don't have other servers running on 8080.

  9. Open http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-webapp in a web browser.

  10. To kill OTP, you can either hit control-C in the command shell (or simply close the window).

See the 5 minute detailed dive-in for instructions on how to build your own OTP Graph.obj...

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