sly-utils is a modular and efficient JavaScript utility library designed to simplify complex tasks.
- Compare strings (compute the Levenshtein distance between two strings)
- Convert map to json
- Convert json to map
- Deep freeze a nested object
- Escape HTML tags as HTML entities
- Flatten a nested object
- Generate UUID & UUIDShort
- Strip HTML tags
- Transform keys
- Transform URL strings to SEO-friendly URLs
- Check if two given arrays are the same
- Chunk an array
- Find the common elements of two arrays
- Find if a given string exists in an array of objects
- Group by array of objects
- Move an element in an array from one position to another
- Pluck values from an array of objects
- Remove duplicates from an array of objects
- Shuffle an array
- Sort an array of objects
- Camel case to snake case
- Camel case to kebab case
- Camel case to Pascal case
- Kebab case to snake case
- Kebab case to camel case
- Kebab case to Pascal case
- Pascal case to camel case
- Pascal case to kebab case
- Pascal case to snake case
- Snake case to camel case
- Snake case to Pascal case
- Snake case to kebab case
Sly-utils is currently in active development and fine-tuning. If you encounter any issues, please open a GitHub issue. If you would like to contribute, please open a GitHub Pull Request.
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