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Backport main workflows to 2.8 branch #12272

Backport main workflows to 2.8 branch

Backport main workflows to 2.8 branch #12272

GitHub Actions / vale succeeded Apr 5, 2024 in 1s

reviewdog [vale] report

reported by reviewdog 🐶

Findings (0)
Filtered Findings (2985)

_about/|15 col 133| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: multimodal. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|15 col 506| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: toolset. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|20 col 134| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Simple Schema for Observability' instead of 'simple schema for observability'.
_about/|22 col 172| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Gradle' instead of 'gradle'.
_about/|22 col 172| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gradle. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|24 col 595| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: maketime. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|24 col 608| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: makedate. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|24 col 617| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: datetime. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|25 col 134| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gradle. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|25 col 134| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Gradle' instead of 'gradle'.
_about/|25 col 167| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Gradle' instead of 'gradle'.
_about/|25 col 167| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gradle. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|26 col 245| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Nmslib. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|41 col 172| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Gradle' instead of 'gradle'.
_about/|41 col 172| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gradle. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|44 col 284| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'run, process, apply, start, launch, or initiate' instead of 'execute' because the latter is an offensive term.
_about/|45 col 225| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: protostuff. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|46 col 483| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: backport. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|47 col 250| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gson. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|48 col 228| [OpenSearch.Range] Use an en dash (--) with no space on either side in a range of numbers.
_about/|50 col 327| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Anomaly Detection plugin' instead of 'anomaly detection plugin'.
_about/|31 col 22| [OpenSearch.HeadingPunctuation] Don't use punctuation at the end of a heading.
_about/|51 col 69| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: underperformance. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_about/|62 col 4| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'k-NN' instead of 'KNN'.
_about/|64 col 80| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Piped Processing Language' instead of 'piped processing language'.
_about/|66 col 90| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'run, process, apply, start, launch, or initiate' instead of 'execute' because the latter is an offensive term.
_about/|66 col 98| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'machine learning' instead of 'machine-learning'.
_about/|74 col 27| [OpenSearch.HeadingPunctuation] Don't use punctuation at the end of a heading.
_about/|85 col 182| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Elasticsearch' instead of 'ELASTICSEARCH'.
_about/|8 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] '1.x' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_about/|10 col 1| [OpenSearch.StackedHeadings] Do not stack headings. Insert an introductory sentence between headings.
_about/|19 col 1| [OpenSearch.StackedHeadings] Do not stack headings. Insert an introductory sentence between headings.
_about/|27 col 4| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'allow list' instead of 'Whitelist' because the latter is an offensive term.
_about/|28 col 4| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'deny list' instead of 'Blacklist' because the latter is an offensive term.
_about/|29 col 4| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'Master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_about/|31 col 5| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'Add OpenSearch Notifications plugins' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_about/|42 col 1| [OpenSearch.StackedHeadings] Do not stack headings. Insert an introductory sentence between headings.
_about/|35 col 155| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Docker' instead of 'docker'.
_about/|43 col 105| [OpenSearch.Simple] Don't use 'just' because it's not neutral in tone. If you mean 'only', use 'only' instead.
_about/|55 col 135| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'hostname' instead of 'host name'.
_about/|59 col 5| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'example response' instead of 'Sample response'.
_about/|127 col 36| [OpenSearch.DirectionTopBottom] Use 'upper right' instead of 'top right' for window, page, or pane references to features or controls. Use 'top' and 'bottom' only as a general screen reference.
_about/|150 col 26| [OpenSearch.HeadingColon] Capitalize the word after a colon in ': docker'.
_about/|150 col 28| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Docker' instead of 'docker'.
_about/|150 col 42| [OpenSearch.HeadingColon] Capitalize the word after a colon in ': command'.
_about/|154 col 21| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Docker' instead of 'docker'.
_about/|10 col 266| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_about/|23 col 431| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'for more information about' instead of 'For more information on'.
_about/|26 col 4| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'Indices'.
_about/|28 col 33| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_about/|52 col 1| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'Indices'.
_about/|59 col 19| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_about/|90 col 68| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/job-scheduler/|21 col 164| [OpenSearch.AcronymParentheses] 'README': Spell out acronyms the first time that you use them on a page and follow them with the acronym in parentheses. Subsequently, use the acronym alone.
_monitoring-your-cluster/job-scheduler/|76 col 14| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: isEnabled. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/job-scheduler/|122 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: getName. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/job-scheduler/|125 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: getSchedule. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/job-scheduler/|128 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: getJitter. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|10 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'PerfTop dashboards' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|95 col 84| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'tables. To'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|100 col 107| [OpenSearch.Simple] Don't use 'just' because it's not neutral in tone. If you mean 'only', use 'only' instead.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/rca/|13 col 1| [OpenSearch.StackedHeadings] Do not stack headings. Insert an introductory sentence between headings.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/rca/|11 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'Root Cause Analysis' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_monitoring-your-cluster/|40 col 27| [OpenSearch.AcronymParentheses] 'DEBUG': Spell out acronyms the first time that you use them on a page and follow them with the acronym in parentheses. Subsequently, use the acronym alone.
_monitoring-your-cluster/|41 col 27| [OpenSearch.AcronymParentheses] 'DEBUG': Spell out acronyms the first time that you use them on a page and follow them with the acronym in parentheses. Subsequently, use the acronym alone.
_monitoring-your-cluster/|168 col 35| [OpenSearch.AcronymParentheses] 'WARN': Spell out acronyms the first time that you use them on a page and follow them with the acronym in parentheses. Subsequently, use the acronym alone.
_monitoring-your-cluster/|191 col 72| [Vale.Terms] Use 'JSON' instead of 'json'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/|19 col 4| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|14 col 1| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'for information about' instead of 'For information on'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|179 col 68| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: fielddata. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|185 col 11| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Fielddata. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|325 col 33| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'Indices'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|501 col 226| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|507 col 45| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'Indices'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|521 col 23| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: CBType. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|543 col 42| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|549 col 42| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|591 col 67| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|599 col 54| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|605 col 112| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|611 col 74| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|617 col 70| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'cluster manager' instead of 'master' because the latter is an offensive term.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|631 col 83| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|667 col 1| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'Indices'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|667 col 23| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|674 col 1| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: CBType. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|11 col 3| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|13 col 1| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|15 col 5| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|18 col 4| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|20 col 77| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|22 col 13| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|24 col 5| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|24 col 231| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|24 col 486| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|26 col 14| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|32 col 35| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|32 col 67| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|38 col 18| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|44 col 16| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|50 col 18| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|56 col 15| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|58 col 18| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|99 col 14| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|107 col 1| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|107 col 98| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|125 col 1| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|142 col 12| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|144 col 78| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|222 col 132| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|295 col 4| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|297 col 1| [OpenSearch.StackedHeadings] Do not stack headings. Insert an introductory sentence between headings.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|299 col 37| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'performance analyzer'.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/|301 col 4| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Performance Analyzer' instead of 'Performance analyzer'.
_benchmark/|13 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'OpenSearch Benchmark' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|15 col 27| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: macrobenchmark. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/rca/|31 col 6| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'Example Response' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/rca/|92 col 136| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: cpu. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/rca/|93 col 125| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: cpu. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/rca/|93 col 159| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: alloc. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_monitoring-your-cluster/pa/rca/|93 col 175| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: alloc. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/commands/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'OpenSearch Benchmark command reference' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/commands/|14 col 4| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'run, process, apply, start, launch, or initiate' instead of 'execute' because the latter is an offensive term.
_benchmark/commands/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'info' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/commands/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'compare' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/commands/|37 col 1| [OpenSearch.AdverbsOfTime] Don't use a comma after single-word adverbs of time at the beginning of a sentence in 'Then,'.
_benchmark/commands/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'download' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/commands/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'list' is a heading and should be in sentence case.|1 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'Code of Conduct' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/|19 col 99| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/|7 col 1| [OpenSearch.Please] Using 'Please' is unnecessary. Remove.
_benchmark/|74 col 22| [Vale.Terms] Use 'JSON' instead of 'json'.
_benchmark/|106 col 55| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Zemeckis. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|107 col 119| [OpenSearch.SpacingWords] There should be once space between words in 'out of'.
_benchmark/|108 col 54| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Wes. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|243 col 1| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'opensearch'.
_benchmark/|269 col 1| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'opensearch'.
_benchmark/|351 col 220| [Vale.Terms] Use 'JSON' instead of 'json'.
_benchmark/|368 col 78| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'opensearch'.
_benchmark/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'Configuring OpenSearch Benchmark' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|14 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'meta' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|22 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'system' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|29 col 119| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: asyncio. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|30 col 74| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: asyncio. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|33 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'node' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|42 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'source' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|53 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'benchmarks' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|72 col 22| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'parameters' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|87 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: datastore. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|118 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'workloads' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|123 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'defaults' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|131 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'distributions' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|185 col 79| [Vale.Terms] Use 'JSON' instead of 'json'.
.github/|4 col 5| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'Issues Resolved' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
.github/|10 col 1| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'for more information about' instead of 'For more information on'.
.github/|10 col 97| [OpenSearch.Please] Using 'please' is unnecessary. Remove.
_benchmark/commands/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'execute-test' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/commands/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'run, process, apply, start, launch, or initiate' instead of 'execute' because the latter is an offensive term.
_benchmark/|8 col 3| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'Installing OpenSearch Benchmark' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|20 col 143| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'opensearch'.
_benchmark/|26 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: eventdata. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|27 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: geonames. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|33 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: noaa. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|36 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: pmc. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|55 col 6| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: pyenv. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_benchmark/|126 col 5| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'Running Benchmark with Docker' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
_benchmark/|144 col 212| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: geonames. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
.github/vale/tests/|5 col 1| [OpenSearch.AdverbsOfTime] Don't use a comma after single-word adverbs of time at the beginning of a sentence in 'Then,'.
.github/vale/tests/|7 col 21| [OpenSearch.Cyber] Use 'cyber' as a prefix. Remove spaces or hyphens in 'cyber security'.
.github/vale/tests/|7 col 21| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: cyber. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
.github/vale/tests/|9 col 21| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'dash --- spacing'.
.github/vale/tests/|11 col 25| [OpenSearch.DirectionAboveBelow] Use 'preceding table' instead of 'table above' for versions or orientation within a document. Use 'above' and 'below' only for physical space or screen descriptions.
.github/vale/tests/|11 col 49| [OpenSearch.DirectionAboveBelow] Use 'earlier' instead of '1.2 and below' for versions or orientation within a document. Use 'above' and 'below' only for physical space or screen descriptions.
.github/vale/tests/|13 col 21| [OpenSearch.DirectionTopBottom] Use 'upper-right' instead of 'top-right' for window, page, or pane references to features or controls. Use 'top' and 'bottom' only as a general screen reference.
.github/vale/tests/|13 col 35| [OpenSearch.DirectionTopBottom] Use 'lower left' instead of 'bottom left' for window, page, or pane references to features or controls. Use 'top' and 'bottom' only as a general screen reference.
.github/vale/tests/|15 col 33| [OpenSearch.Exclamation] Don't use exclamation points in documentation.
.github/vale/tests/|17 col 21| [OpenSearch.FailoverNoun] Use 'failover' as an adjective or noun instead of 'fail-over'.
.github/vale/tests/|17 col 35| [OpenSearch.FailoverVerb] Use 'fail over' as a verb instead of 'failover'.
.github/vale/tests/|21 col 40| [OpenSearch.HeadingAcronyms] '(HA)': Don't define acronyms in headings.
.github/vale/tests/|23 col 70| [OpenSearch.Inclusive] Use 'stop, end, clear, remove, or cancel' instead of 'kill' because the latter is an offensive term.
.github/vale/tests/|25 col 4| [OpenSearch.HeadingCapitalization] 'This heading tests Capitalization' is a heading and should be in sentence case.
.github/vale/tests/|27 col 40| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
.github/vale/tests/|29 col 41| [OpenSearch.HeadingPunctuation] Don't use punctuation at the end of a heading.
.github/vale/tests/|31 col 40| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
.github/vale/tests/|33 col 16| [OpenSearch.HeadingColon] Capitalize the word after a colon in ': tests'.
.github/vale/tests/|35 col 38| [OpenSearch.LinksEndSlash] Add a trailing slash to the link '({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}/opensearch)'.
.github/vale/tests/|37 col 38| [OpenSearch.LinksMidSlash] Add a slash after '{{site.url}}/{{site.baseurl}}' in '({{site.url}}{{site.baseurl}}opensearch)'.
.github/vale/tests/|39 col 21| [OpenSearch.LoginNoun] Use 'login' as an adjective or noun instead of 'log-in'.
.github/vale/tests/|39 col 42| [OpenSearch.LoginVerb] Use 'log in' as a verb instead of 'login'.
.github/vale/tests/|43 col 21| [OpenSearch.OxfordComma] Add an Oxford comma in 'periods, colons and commas.'.
.github/vale/tests/|47 col 1| [OpenSearch.Please] Using 'Please' is unnecessary. Remove.
.github/vale/tests/|49 col 31| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in '2 -- 5'.
.github/vale/tests/|51 col 21| [OpenSearch.Repetition] 'repetition' is repeated.
.github/vale/tests/|53 col 21| [OpenSearch.RolloverNoun] Use 'rollover' as an adjective or noun instead of 'roll-over'.
.github/vale/tests/|53 col 45| [OpenSearch.RolloverVerb] Use 'roll over' as a verb instead of 'rollover'.
.github/vale/tests/|55 col 21| [OpenSearch.SetupNoun] Use 'setup' as an adjective or noun instead of 'set-up'.
.github/vale/tests/|55 col 42| [OpenSearch.SetupVerb] Use 'set up' as a verb instead of 'setup'.
.github/vale/tests/|57 col 15| [OpenSearch.Simple] Don't use 'simply' because it's not neutral in tone. If you mean 'only', use 'only' instead.
.github/vale/tests/|57 col 49| [OpenSearch.Simple] Don't use 'just' because it's not neutral in tone. If you mean 'only', use 'only' instead.
.github/vale/tests/|59 col 11| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'sentences. Test'.
.github/vale/tests/|61 col 25| [OpenSearch.SpacingSlash] When using '/' between words, do not insert space on either side of it.
.github/vale/tests/|63 col 15| [OpenSearch.SpacingWords] There should be once space between words in 'tests word'.
.github/vale/tests/|65 col 21| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: splling. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
.github/vale/tests/|69 col 1| [OpenSearch.StackedHeadings] Do not stack headings. Insert an introductory sentence between headings.
.github/vale/tests/|71 col 58| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
.github/vale/tests/|75 col 1| [OpenSearch.TableHeadings] 'This Table' is a table heading and should be in sentence case.
.github/vale/tests/|75 col 14| [OpenSearch.TableHeadings] 'tests capitalization' is a table heading and should be in sentence case.
.github/vale/tests/|79 col 21| [OpenSearch.TimeoutNoun] Use 'timeout' as an adjective or noun instead of 'time-out'.
.github/vale/tests/|79 col 44| [OpenSearch.TimeoutVerb] Use 'time out' as a verb instead of 'timeout'.
.github/vale/tests/|81 col 23| [OpenSearch.UnitsNames] Use 'KB' instead of 'kb'.
.github/vale/tests/|83 col 21| [OpenSearch.UnitsSpacing] Put a space between the number and the units in '2KB '.
.github/vale/tests/|85 col 21| [OpenSearch.Version] In 'v1.2', spell out 'version'.
.github/vale/tests/|87 col 36| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Security plugin' instead of 'security plugin'.
_field-types/supported-field-types/|121 col 98| [OpenSearch.SpacingWords] There should be once space between words in 'A value'.
_field-types/supported-field-types/|122 col 125| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: _source. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_field-types/supported-field-types/|23 col 1| [OpenSearch.TableHeadings] 'Field Data type' is a table heading and should be in sentence case.
_field-types/|17 col 11| [OpenSearch.Simple] Don't use 'just' because it's not neutral in tone. If you mean 'only', use 'only' instead.
_field-types/|38 col 1| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Boolean' instead of 'boolean'.
_field-types/|38 col 52| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Boolean' instead of 'boolean'.
_field-types/|43 col 85| [OpenSearch.Simple] Don't use 'just' because it's not neutral in tone. If you mean 'only', use 'only' instead.
_field-types/|174 col 8| [OpenSearch.DirectionAboveBelow] Use 'previous, preceding, or earlier' instead of 'above' for versions or orientation within a document. Use 'above' and 'below' only for physical space or screen descriptions.
_field-types/supported-field-types/|76 col 114| [OpenSearch.AdverbsOfTime] Don't use a comma after single-word adverbs of time at the beginning of a sentence in ' Then,'.
_field-types/supported-field-types/|102 col 28| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: testindex. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
... (Too many findings. Dropped some findings)