We believe iPhone development should be clean, scalable, and fast with a language that developers not only enjoy, but actively choose. With the advent of Ruby for iPhone development the RubyMotion community has combined and tested the most active and powerful gems into a single package called RedPotion
RedPotion combines RMQ, ProMotion, CDQ, AFMotion, MotionPrint and MORE!. It also adds new features to better integrate RMQ with ProMotion. The goal is simply to choose standard libraries and promote best practices, allowing you to develop iOS apps in record time.
The makers of RMQ at InfiniteRed and the creators of ProMotion at ClearSight as well as David Larrabee have teamed up to create the ultimate RubyMotion library.
ProMotion for screens and RMQ for styles, animations, traversing, events, etc.
Read the RedPotion Documentation here
gem install redpotion
potion new my_app
gem install redpotion
If you use rbenv
rbenv rehash
add it to your Gemfile
gem 'redpotion'