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Heatmiser PRT Thermostat Integration
For integrating Heatmiser PRT Wi-Fi thermostats in openHAB 2.x, see also this community topic.
This Section describes how to use AT Heatmiser Wifi Project together with JSONPath and execute commands and actions to completely control an Heatmiser Thermostat.
This is not a binding but is a a set of items/sitemap/rules file that use per Perl development by A. Thoukydides that can be found at https://github.com/thoukydides/heatmiser-wifi
As a first prerequisite please follow the instructions found at https://github.com/thoukydides/heatmiser-wifi/wiki As far as Perl is concerned I installed the full CPan not CPanminus (It might work also with cpanminus).
You just need the perl script interacting with Json for the sake of OpenHab Integration, so Installation of the WebServer and MySql is optional, but once you are there it is a nice addon for your olf Heatmiser...
Be advised that installation of the prerequisite will take a rather long time. Leave all parameters default. My installation runs with PI user modify that with your user if needed
Finally: integrate the following to your sitemap/items/rules.
Please adapt the icon names to the ones you want to use.
Please bear in mind that this is still largely WIP but is published with the intent to finish it with help of the community as I have not much time to dedicate to it. So... feel free to complete/make it better.
Copy the perl script created by the above setup from cgi bin directory to /home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/bin/
# This script provides a JSON interface to access the iPhone interface of
# Heatmiser's range of Wi-Fi enabled thermostats from languages other than
# Perl.
# Copyright © 2013 Alexander Thoukydides
# This file is part of the Heatmiser Wi-Fi project.
# <http://code.google.com/p/heatmiser-wifi/>
# Heatmiser Wi-Fi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Heatmiser Wi-Fi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Heatmiser Wi-Fi. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Catch errors quickly
use strict;
use warnings;
# Allow use of modules in the same directory
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname(abs_path $0);
# Useful libraries
use Getopt::Std;
use JSON;
use heatmiser_config;
use heatmiser_wifi;
# Command line options
my ($prog) = $0 =~ /([^\\\/]+$)/;
sub VERSION_MESSAGE { print "Heatmiser Wi-Fi Thermostat JSON Interface v1\n"; }
sub HELP_MESSAGE { print "Usage: $prog [-h <host>] [-p <pin>] [JSON DCB]\n"; }
our ($opt_h, $opt_p);
heatmiser_config::set(host => [h => $opt_h], pin => [p => $opt_p]);
my $items;
$items = decode_json(join(' ', @ARGV)) if @ARGV;
# Loop through all configured hosts
my (%status);
foreach my $host (@{heatmiser_config::get_item('host')})
# Read the current status of the thermostat
my $heatmiser = new heatmiser_wifi(host => $host,
my @pre_dcb = $heatmiser->read_dcb();
my $status = $heatmiser->dcb_to_status(@pre_dcb);
# Write any specified items to the thermostat
if ($items)
my @items = $heatmiser->status_to_dcb($status, %$items);
my @post_dcb = $heatmiser->write_dcb(@items);
$status = $heatmiser->dcb_to_status(@post_dcb);
# Store the decoded status
$status{$host} = $status;
# Output the status in JSON format
print qq(Content-type: text/plain\n\n);
print JSON->new->utf8->pretty->canonical->encode(\%status);
# That's all folks
I reported this file since I am not sure if I did some very minor modification to the script created by the above installation: check and compare.
Unix Bash Oneliners Scripts:
Create the folder /home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/openhabscripts/ and put this scripts in the folder. Make sure theyare executable by the openhab user.
/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/bin/heatmiser_json.pl {\"keylock\":$1}
/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/bin/heatmiser_json.pl {\"enabled\": $1 }
echo $a$1$b
/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/bin/heatmiser_json.pl $a$1$b
sitemap heatmiserwifi label="Heatmiser Wifi"
Frame label="Heatmiser Wifi"
Group label="Heating" icon="heatinghm"
Text item=HW_TemperatureInternal label="Room Temperature [%s C]" icon="thermometer"
Setpoint item=HW_HeatingTarget label="Set Temperature [%d C]" icon="thermometer" step=1
Switch item=HW_Keylock label="Lock" icon="lockclosed"
Switch item=HW_HeatingEnabled label="Disable Heating" icon="snowflake"
Group label="Set Heating Times" icon="year"
Group label="Weekdays" icon="weekdays"
Frame label="Weekdays Schedules"
Frame label="Wake"
Setpoint icon="thermometer" label="Temperature [%d]" item=HW_WWDTemp minValue=0 maxValue=50 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Hour [%d]" item=HW_WWDHour minValue=0 maxValue=24 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Minute [%d]" item=HW_WWDMinute minValue=0 maxValue=60 step=30
Frame label="Leave"
Setpoint icon="thermometer" label="Temperature [%d]" item=HW_LWDTemp minValue=0 maxValue=50 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Hour [%d]" item=HW_LWDHour minValue=0 maxValue=24 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Minute [%d]" item=HW_LWDMinute minValue=0 maxValue=60 step=30
Frame label="Return"
Setpoint icon="thermometer" label="Temperature [%s]" item=HW_RWDTemp minValue=0 maxValue=50 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Hour [%s]" item=HW_RWDHour minValue=0 maxValue=24 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Minute [%s]" item=HW_RWDMinute minValue=0 maxValue=60 step=30
Frame label="Sleep"
Setpoint icon="thermometer" label="Temperature [%s]" item=HW_SWDTemp minValue=0 maxValue=50 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Hour [%s]" item=HW_SWDHour minValue=0 maxValue=24 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Minute [%s]" item=HW_SWDMinute minValue=0 maxValue=60 step=30
Group label="Weekend" icon="weekend"
Frame label="Weekend Schedules"
Frame label="Wake"
Setpoint icon="thermometer" label="Temperature [%s]" item=HW_WWETemp minValue=0 maxValue=50 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Hour [%s]" item=HW_WWEHour minValue=0 maxValue=24 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Minute [%s]" item=HW_WWEMinute minValue=0 maxValue=60 step=30
Frame label="Sleep"
Setpoint icon="thermometer" label="Temperature [%s]" item=HW_SWETemp minValue=0 maxValue=50 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Hour [%s]" item=HW_SWEHour minValue=0 maxValue=24 step=1
Setpoint icon="clock" label="Minute [%s]" item=HW_SWEMinute minValue=0 maxValue=60 step=30
Group label="Temperature Hold" icon="weekdays"
Setpoint item=HW_TempHoldDuration minValue=0 maxValue=55 step=5
Setpoint item=HW_TempHoldTemperature minValue=0 maxValue=55 step=5
Group label="Holiday" icon="airplane"
Frame label="SetHolidays"
Switch item=HW_SetHoliday icon="lockopened"
Frame label="Date"
Setpoint item=HW_HolidayDay icon="day" minValue=0 maxValue=55 step=5
Setpoint item=HW_HolidayMonth icon="month" minValue=0 maxValue=55 step=5
Setpoint item=HW_HolidayYear icon="year" minValue=0 maxValue=55 step=5
Group label="Additional Information" icon="airplane"
Frame label="Additional Information"
Text item=HW_ProductModel label="Model : [%s]"
Text item=HW_ProductVendor label="Vendor [%s]"
Text item=HW_ProductVersion label="Version [%s]"
Text item=HW_FrostprotectEnabled label="Frost protection enabled: [%s]"
Text item=HW_FrostprotectTarget label="Frost Protection Target Degrees [%s]"
Number HW_TemperatureInternal
Number HW_HeatingTarget
Switch HW_HeatingEnabled { exec=">[ON:/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/openhabscripts/hw_setback.sh@@0] >[OFF:/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/openhabscripts/hw_setback.sh@@1]" }
Switch HW_Keylock { exec=">[ON:/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/openhabscripts/hw_keylock.sh@@1] >[OFF:/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/openhabscripts/hw_keylock.sh@@0]" }
Number HW_WWDTemp
Number HW_WWDHour
Number HW_WWDMinute
Number HW_LWDTemp
Number HW_LWDHour
Number HW_LWDMinute
Number HW_RWDTemp
Number HW_RWDHour
Number HW_RWDMinute
Number HW_SWDTemp
Number HW_SWDHour
Number HW_SWDMinute
Number HW_WWETemp
Number HW_WWEHour
Number HW_WWEMinute
Number HW_SWETemp
Number HW_SWEHour
Number HW_SWEMinute
Number HW_TempHoldDuration
Number HW_TempHoldTemperature
Number HW_HolidayEnabled
Number HW_HolidayDay
Number HW_HolidayMonth
Number HW_HolidayYear
String HW_FrostprotectEnabled
String HW_FrostprotectTarget
String HW_ProductModel
String HW_ProductVendor
String HW_ProductVersion
import org.openhab.core.library.types.*
import org.openhab.core.persistence.*
import org.openhab.model.script.actions.*
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import java.lang.Integer
import java.lang.Double
import java.lang.String
var Timer timer1 = null
var java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock lock1 = new java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock()
var Number tempint
var String temps
// eofvar String HeatmiserIP="''"
rule hm_statusinit
rule "Initialization"
System started or
Time cron "0 5 0 * * ?"
// Get Full State of thermostat periodically, every 5 minutes, and initially at system start
var String HW_Status = executeCommandLine("/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/openhabscripts/hw_status.sh",1000)
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Retrieved JSON Status " + HW_Status)
// decode and update items for read only or not DCB writable info
postUpdate(HW_ProductModel , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].product.model", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Product Model :" + HW_ProductModel)
postUpdate(HW_ProductVersion , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].product.version", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Product Version :" + HW_ProductVersion)
postUpdate(HW_ProductVendor , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].product.vendor", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Product Vendor :" + HW_ProductVendor)
postUpdate(HW_FrostprotectEnabled , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].frostprotect.enabled", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Frost protect " + HW_FrostprotectEnabled)
postUpdate(HW_FrostprotectTarget , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].frostprotect.target", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Frostprotect Target Temp" + HW_FrostprotectTarget)
// Decode and update items for read write items
postUpdate(HW_HeatingTarget , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].heating.target", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Target Temperature " + HW_HeatingTarget)
postUpdate(HW_TemperatureInternal , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].temperature.internal", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Room Temperature " + HW_TemperatureInternal)
if( transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].enabled", HW_Status) == "1" ){
postUpdate(HW_HeatingEnabled , OFF)
else {
postUpdate(HW_HeatingEnabled , ON)
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Heating Enabled " + HW_HeatingEnabled)
if( transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].enabled", HW_Status) == "1" ){
postUpdate(HW_Keylock , OFF)
else {
postUpdate(HW_Keylock , ON)
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Keylock " + HW_Keylock)
// Now use lambda functions for schedules details
//First for Weekdays schedules and temperatures
postUpdate(HW_WWDTemp , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].target[0]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Wake WeekDays Temperature " + HW_WWDTemp)
postUpdate(HW_WWDHour , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].time[0]", HW_Status).substring(0,2))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Wake WeekDays Hour " + HW_WWDHour)
postUpdate(HW_WWDMinute , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].time[0]", HW_Status).substring(3,5))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Wake WeekDays Minute " + HW_WWDMinute)
postUpdate(HW_LWDTemp , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].target[1]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Leave WeekDays Temperature " + HW_LWDTemp)
postUpdate(HW_LWDHour , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].time[1]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Leave WeekDays Hour " + HW_LWDHour)
postUpdate(HW_RWDTemp , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].target[2]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Return WeekDays Temperature " + HW_RWDTemp)
postUpdate(HWeRWDHour , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].time[2]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Return WeekDays Hour " + HW_RWDHour)
postUpdate(HW_SWDTemp , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].target[3]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Sleep WeekDays Temperature " + HW_SWDTemp)
postUpdate(HW_SWDHour , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[0].time[3]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Sleep WeekDays Hour " + HW_SWDHour)
postUpdate(HW_WWETemp , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[1].target[0]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Wake WeekEnds Temperature " + HW_WWETemp)
postUpdate(HW_WWEHour , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[1].time[0]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Wake WeekEnds Hour " + HW_WWEHour)
postUpdate(HW_SWETemp , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[1].target[1]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Sleep WeekEnds Temperature " + HW_SWETemp)
postUpdate(HW_SWEHour , transform("JSONPATH", "$.[''].comfort[1].time[1]", HW_Status))
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Sleep WeekEnds Hour " + HW_SWEHour)
rule "ChangeSet"
Item HW_SetTemperature changed
try {
logInfo("Heatmiser", "Sending new set temperature : " + HW_SetTemperature)
var s = "/home/pi/heatmiser-wifi-read-only/openhabscripts/hw_settemp.sh@@"+HW_SetTemperature.state
logInfo("Heatmiser", "executing : " + s)
} finally {
// release the lock - we are ready to process the next event
Please note that here my heatmiser ip ( is hardcoded but it shall be substituted with a variable.
ℹ Please find all documentation for openHAB 2 under http://docs.openhab.org.
The wiki pages here contain (outdated) documentation for the older openHAB 1.x version. Please be aware that a lot of core details changed with openHAB 2.0 and this wiki as well as all tutorials found for openHAB 1.x might be misleading. Check http://docs.openhab.org for more details and consult the community forum for all remaining questions.
- Classic UI
- iOS Client
- Android Client
- Windows Phone Client
- GreenT UI
- CometVisu
- Kodi
- Chrome Extension
- Alfred Workflow
- Cosm Persistence
- db4o Persistence
- Amazon DynamoDB Persistence
- Exec Persistence
- Google Calendar Presence Simulator
- InfluxDB Persistence
- JDBC Persistence
- JPA Persistence
- Logging Persistence
- mapdb Persistence
- MongoDB Persistence
- MQTT Persistence
- my.openHAB Persistence
- MySQL Persistence
- rrd4j Persistence
- Sen.Se Persistence
- SiteWhere Persistence
- AKM868 Binding
- AlarmDecoder Binding
- Anel Binding
- Arduino SmartHome Souliss Binding
- Asterisk Binding
- Astro Binding
- Autelis Pool Control Binding
- BenQ Projector Binding
- Bluetooth Binding
- Bticino Binding
- CalDAV Binding
- Chamberlain MyQ Binding
- Comfo Air Binding
- Config Admin Binding
- CUL Transport
- CUL Intertechno Binding
- CUPS Binding
- DAIKIN Binding
- Davis Binding
- DD-WRT Binding
- Denon Binding
- digitalSTROM Binding
- DIY on XBee Binding
- DMX512 Binding
- DSC Alarm Binding
- DSMR Binding
- eBUS Binding
- Ecobee Binding
- EDS OWSever Binding
- eKey Binding
- Energenie Binding
- EnOcean Binding
- Enphase Energy Binding
- Epson Projector Binding
- Exec Binding
- Expire Binding
- Fatek PLC Binding
- Freebox Binding
- Freeswitch Binding
- Frontier Silicon Radio Binding
- Fritz AHA Binding
- Fritz!Box Binding
- FritzBox-TR064-Binding
- FS20 Binding
- Garadget Binding
- Global Caché IR Binding
- GPIO Binding
- HAI/Leviton OmniLink Binding
- HDAnywhere Binding
- Heatmiser Binding
- Homematic / Homegear Binding
- Horizon Mediabox Binding
- HTTP Binding
- IEC 62056-21 Binding
- IHC / ELKO Binding
- ImperiHome Binding
- Insteon Hub Binding
- Insteon PLM Binding
- IPX800 Binding
- IRtrans Binding
- jointSPACE-Binding
- KM200 Binding
- KNX Binding
- Koubachi Binding
- LCN Binding
- LightwaveRF Binding
- Leviton/HAI Omnilink Binding
- Lg TV Binding
- Logitech Harmony Hub
- MailControl Binding
- MAX!Cube-Binding
- MAX! CUL Binding
- MCP23017 I/O Expander Binding
- MCP3424 ADC Binding
- MiLight Binding
- MiOS Binding
- Mochad X10 Binding
- Modbus Binding
- MPD Binding
- MQTT Binding
- MQTTitude binding
- MystromEcoPower Binding
- Neohub Binding
- Nest Binding
- Netatmo Binding
- Network Health Binding
- Network UPS Tools Binding
- Nibe Heatpump Binding
- Nikobus Binding
- Novelan/Luxtronic Heatpump Binding
- NTP Binding
- One-Wire Binding
- Onkyo AV Receiver Binding
- Open Energy Monitor Binding
- OpenPaths presence detection binding
- OpenSprinkler Binding
- OSGi Configuration Admin Binding
- Panasonic TV Binding
- panStamp Binding
- Philips Hue Binding
- Picnet Binding
- Piface Binding
- PiXtend Binding
- pilight Binding
- Pioneer-AVR-Binding
- Plex Binding
- Plugwise Binding
- PLCBus Binding
- PowerDog Local API Binding
- Powermax alarm Binding
- Primare Binding
- Pulseaudio Binding
- Raspberry Pi RC Switch Binding
- RFXCOM Binding
- RWE Smarthome Binding
- Sager WeatherCaster Binding
- Samsung AC Binding
- Samsung TV Binding
- Serial Binding
- Sallegra Binding
- Satel Alarm Binding
- Siemens Logo! Binding
- SimpleBinary Binding
- Sinthesi Sapp Binding
- Smarthomatic Binding
- Snmp Binding
- Somfy URTSI II Binding
- Sonance Binding
- Sonos Binding
- Souliss Binding
- Squeezebox Binding
- Stiebel Eltron Heatpump
- Swegon ventilation Binding
- System Info Binding
- TA CMI Binding
- TCP/UDP Binding
- Tellstick Binding
- TinkerForge Binding
- Tivo Binding
- UCProjects.eu Relay Board Binding
- UPB Binding
- VDR Binding
- Velleman-K8055-Binding
- Wago Binding
- Wake-on-LAN Binding
- Waterkotte EcoTouch Heatpump Binding
- Weather Binding
- Wemo Binding
- Withings Binding
- XBMC Binding
- xPL Binding
- Yamahareceiver Binding
- Zibase Binding
- Z-Wave Binding
- Asterisk
- DoorBird
- Foscam IP Cameras
- LG Hombot
- Worx Landroid
- Heatmiser PRT Thermostat
- Google Calendar
- Linux Media Players
- Osram Lightify
- Rainforest EAGLE Energy Access Gateway
- Roku Integration
- ROS Robot Operating System
- Slack
- Telldus Tellstick
- Zoneminder
- Wink Hub (rooted)
- Wink Monitoring
- openHAB Cloud Connector
- Google Calendar Scheduler
- Transformations
- Security
- Service Discovery
- Voice Control
- BritishGasHive-Using-Ruby
- Dropbox Bundle
A good source of inspiration and tips from users gathered over the years. Be aware that things may have changed since they were written and some examples might not work correctly.
Please update the wiki if you do come across any out of date information.
- Rollershutter Bindings
- Squeezebox
- WAC Binding
- WebSolarLog
- Alarm Clock
- Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- The mother of all lighting rules
- Reusable Rules via Functions
- Combining different Items
- Items, Rules and more Examples of a SmartHome
- Google Map
- Controlling openHAB with Android
- Usecase examples
- B-Control Manager
- Spell checking for foreign languages
- Flic via Tasker
- Chromecast via castnow
- Speedtest.net integration