The OGC Web Map Service (WMS) 1.3.0 Test-Suite provides the Executable Test Script (ETS) to test implementations against the following specification(s):
- OGC WMS 1.3.0 Specification, OGC 06-042
Detailed information about this test suite is available [here] (
This test is build using Apache Maven To build the test suite run maven from the root directory. % mvn install
To test an application run: % mvn test
More information about how to build and install the test in TEAM Engine at the TEAM Engine project site
You can use a Java IDE such as Eclipse, NetBeans, or IntelliJ to run the test suite. Clone the repository and build the project. The runtime configuration is summarized below.
Main class: org.opengis.cite.wms13.CtlController
Arguments: The first argument must refer to an XML properties file containing the
required test run argument (a reference to a WMS 1.3 capabilities document). If not
specified, the default location at ${user.home}/test-run-props.xml
will be used.
You can modify the default settings in the sample test-run-props.xml
file. The value of the capabilities-url
argument must be an absolute URI that adheres to the 'http'
or 'file' schemes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<properties version="1.0">
<comment>Test run arguments (ets-wms13)</comment>
<entry key="capabilities-url">http://localhost:9090/wms13/capabilities.xml</entry>
The TestNG results file (testng-results.xml) will be written to a subdirectory in ${user.home}/testng/ having a UUID value as its name.
One of the build artifacts is an "all-in-one" JAR file that includes the test suite with all of its dependencies. This makes it very easy to execute the test suite in a command shell like so:
java -jar ets-wms13-${version}-aio.jar [test-run-props.xml]
This test suite comes with a Dockerfile which can be used to easily setup the OGC test harness with the test suite. Details can be found on[Create Docker Image and create and start Docker Container].
Use TEAM Engine, the official OGC test harness. The latest test suite release should be available at the beta testing facility. You can also build and deploy the test harness yourself and use a local installation.
Issue tracker is available at github
The cite-forum is where software developers discuss issues and solutions related to OGC tests.
Visit the CITE website to get more information about the CITE program and tools.