Release created via ./openebs/buildscripts/git-release
Changes since 1.8.0:
- feat(build): enable arm64 auto build (#1650) (e14cd39) (@akhilerm)
- chore(build): trigger downstream repo release (#1657) (50bd239) (@kmova)
- feat(upgrade): enable bulk upgrade for volumes and spc (#1655) (65bde19) (@shubham14bajpai)
- feat(localpv-device): allow local pv device on select devices (#1648) (a7b0b0f) (@kmova)
- feat(build): adding pc64le build for local provisioner pv (#1632) (2d51e0d) (@peeyush Gupta)
- fix(BDD): fix SPC reconciliation BDD by adding extra filter (#1654) (2723394) (@mittachaitu)
- feat(upgrade): split jiva replicas and migrate jiva resources to openebs (#1646) (d1c471e) (@shubham14bajpai)
- feat(cstorBackup, delete): support for snapshot deletion (#1644) (1485a47) (@mynktl)
- fix(bdd): fix BDD to avoid failures during creation of StorageClass (#1652) (441cf16) (@mittachaitu)
- fix(jiva): add namespace for stateful set target affinity (#1651) (ff7fc81) (@shubham14bajpai)
- fix(bdd): update the namespace for verifying jiva pods (#1649) (0557ba7) (@shubham14bajpai)
- feat(api): add label selector in BDC spec (#1647) (8a9acf3) (@akhilerm)
- feat(BDD): add positive test cases for verifying waitforfirstconsumer With CStor Volume Provisioning (#1643) (30ae345) (@mittachaitu)
- fix(jiva): add namespace to podAffinity for target (#1645) (ca49df8) (@shubham14bajpai)
- chore(BDD): checks to verify pool protectionfinalizer (#1640) (6730588) (@mittachaitu)
- feat(estimate_rebuilds): add pending snapshots on CVR by talking to peer replicas (#1641) (52f479a) (@mittachaitu)
- feat(apis): add new fields into BlockDevice (#feat(#1642) (4b7c946) (@akhilerm)
- refact(jiva): create separate replica deployments and move all resources to openebsNamespace (#1636) (1e5f31f) (@shubham14bajpai)
- feat(snapList): add snapshots information on CVR (#1639) (964389d) (@mittachaitu)
- feat(local-snapshot-restore, velero) : support to restore local snapshot to different namespace using velero (#1575) (7daa3c6) (@mynktl)
- refact(log): remove cstor prefix from localPV log and alert messages (#1638) (064f1d5) (@akhilerm)
- fix(provisioning): support to provision volumes in case of WaitForFirstConsumer (#1637) (c37fbf8) (@mittachaitu)
- fix(csp): add pool protection finalizer on CSP (#1635) (3740fe7) (@mittachaitu)
- chore(travis): add email for build notifications (#1634) (64e3417) (@shubham14bajpai)
- chore(version): bump version to 1.9.0 (#1633) (c5c30a9) (@shubham14bajpai)