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Releases and roadmap

jtarraga edited this page Sep 30, 2014 · 10 revisions


Most significant past releases and features are described below.

v2.0 (2014)

The main change in this release was a new index implementation based on Suffix Arrays (SA), this allowed a much higher performance at the cost of a higher memory consumption which is affordable by current high-end nodes. Other significant improvements in this release include a much higher sensitivity and specificity by improving the alignment quality and the possibility of aligning reads with adaptors. HPG Aligner also performs an indel realignment of mappings and a base quality score recalibration.

Select a link of the list below to download the HPG Aligner 2.0 binary for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and Centos distributions. OS versions shown on the list are the the minimum versions supported.

v1.0 (2012-2013)

This first stable release focused in the design and implementation of HPC libraries, such as SSE4 version of Smith-Waterman, for building a high-quality NGS aligner. The index used in first release was Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), this allowed to achieve a very good performance while keeping the memory footprint small.


Right now we are actively working on other features aimed to v2.1 version due to Q4 2014

Coming features