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Crankshaft and Berryboot

inspector71 edited this page Aug 15, 2018 · 3 revisions

This will help you get crankshaft working with Berryboot

First off download Berryboot.

Copy the contents to the root of your SD card.

Open up Ubuntu (or any other distro). Make sure you have kpartx installed and up to date.

Open a terminal and navigate to where your Crankshaft IMG is. Run the following commands. # Reference Here Convert IMG to SquashFS

$ sudo kpartx -av image_you_want_to_convert.img 

add map loop0p1 (252:5): 0 117187 linear /dev/loop0 1

add map loop0p2 (252:6): 0 3493888 linear /dev/loop0 118784

$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p2 /mnt

$ sudo sed -i 's/^\/dev\/mmcblk/#\0/g' /mnt/etc/fstab

$ sudo sed -i 's/^PARTUUID/#\0/g' /mnt/etc/fstab

$ sudo rm -f /mnt/etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz

$ sudo rm -f /mnt/etc/systemd/system/

$ sudo rm -f /mnt/etc/systemd/system/

$ sudo rm -f /mnt/etc/rc3.d/S01resize2fs_once

$ sudo mksquashfs /mnt converted_image_for_berryboot.img -comp lzo -e lib/modules

$ sudo umount /mnt

$ sudo kpartx -d image_you_want_to_convert.img

Now save this newly converted img to a USB drive and plug it into your Pi.

Proceed to setup and boot Berryboot.

Once setup is complete go to "Add OS" and long press with either your mouse (or finger if you're using touch) and select "Copy OS from USB". Navigate to /dev/sda1 and open "Name_of_converted_ image.img" this will copy and place crankshaft along side your other OSes.

Audio issues in crankshaft

If you do not get audio via AUX then go into crankshaft setting/audio and de-select "Music Channel" & "Speech channel" Save settings and retry using Bluetooth Audio.

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