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Add some tests for the opentracing bridge
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The tests mostly check various aspects of the cooperation between
OpenTracing and OpenTelemetry APIs.
  • Loading branch information
krnowak committed Sep 21, 2019
1 parent eb83204 commit 707ea58
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Showing 3 changed files with 937 additions and 0 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions experimental/bridge/opentracing/internal/doc.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Copyright 2019, OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package internal // import ""
353 changes: 353 additions & 0 deletions experimental/bridge/opentracing/internal/mock.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
// Copyright 2019, OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package internal

import (


otelcore ""
otelkey ""
oteltag ""
oteltrace ""

migration ""

var (
ComponentKey = otelkey.New("component")
ServiceKey = otelkey.New("service")
StatusKey = otelkey.New("status")
ErrorKey = otelkey.New("error")
NameKey = otelkey.New("name")

type MockContextKeyValue struct {
Key interface{}
Value interface{}

type MockTracer struct {
Resources oteltag.Map
FinishedSpans []*MockSpan
SpareTraceIDs []otelcore.TraceID
SpareSpanIDs []uint64
SpareContextKeyValues []MockContextKeyValue

randLock sync.Mutex
rand *rand.Rand

var _ oteltrace.Tracer = &MockTracer{}
var _ migration.DeferredContextSetupTracerExtension = &MockTracer{}

func NewMockTracer() *MockTracer {
return &MockTracer{
Resources: oteltag.NewEmptyMap(),
FinishedSpans: nil,
SpareTraceIDs: nil,
SpareSpanIDs: nil,
SpareContextKeyValues: nil,

rand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())),

func (t *MockTracer) WithResources(attributes ...otelcore.KeyValue) oteltrace.Tracer {
t.Resources = t.Resources.Apply(upsertMultiMapUpdate(attributes...))
return t

func (t *MockTracer) WithComponent(name string) oteltrace.Tracer {
return t.WithResources(otelkey.New("component").String(name))

func (t *MockTracer) WithService(name string) oteltrace.Tracer {
return t.WithResources(otelkey.New("service").String(name))

func (t *MockTracer) WithSpan(ctx context.Context, name string, body func(context.Context) error) error {
ctx, span := t.Start(ctx, name)
defer span.Finish()
return body(ctx)

func (t *MockTracer) Start(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...oteltrace.SpanOption) (context.Context, oteltrace.Span) {
spanOpts := oteltrace.SpanOptions{}
for _, opt := range opts {
startTime := spanOpts.StartTime
if startTime.IsZero() {
startTime = time.Now()
spanContext := otelcore.SpanContext{
TraceID: t.getTraceID(ctx, &spanOpts),
SpanID: t.getSpanID(),
TraceOptions: 0,
span := &MockSpan{
mockTracer: t,
officialTracer: t,
spanContext: spanContext,
recording: spanOpts.RecordEvent,
Attributes: oteltag.NewMap(upsertMultiMapUpdate(spanOpts.Attributes...)),
StartTime: startTime,
FinishTime: time.Time{},
ParentSpanID: t.getParentSpanID(ctx, &spanOpts),
Events: nil,
if !migration.SkipContextSetup(ctx) {
ctx = oteltrace.SetCurrentSpan(ctx, span)
ctx = t.addSpareContextValue(ctx)
return ctx, span

func (t *MockTracer) Inject(ctx context.Context, span oteltrace.Span, injector oteltrace.Injector) {

func (t *MockTracer) addSpareContextValue(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
if len(t.SpareContextKeyValues) > 0 {
pair := t.SpareContextKeyValues[0]
t.SpareContextKeyValues[0] = MockContextKeyValue{}
t.SpareContextKeyValues = t.SpareContextKeyValues[1:]
if len(t.SpareContextKeyValues) == 0 {
t.SpareContextKeyValues = nil
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, pair.Key, pair.Value)
return ctx

func (t *MockTracer) getTraceID(ctx context.Context, spanOpts *oteltrace.SpanOptions) otelcore.TraceID {
if parent := t.getParentSpanContext(ctx, spanOpts); parent.IsValid() {
return parent.TraceID
if len(t.SpareTraceIDs) > 0 {
traceID := t.SpareTraceIDs[0]
t.SpareTraceIDs = t.SpareTraceIDs[1:]
if len(t.SpareTraceIDs) == 0 {
t.SpareTraceIDs = nil
return traceID
uints := t.getNRandUint64(2)
return otelcore.TraceID{
High: uints[0],
Low: uints[1],

func (t *MockTracer) getParentSpanID(ctx context.Context, spanOpts *oteltrace.SpanOptions) uint64 {
if parent := t.getParentSpanContext(ctx, spanOpts); parent.IsValid() {
return parent.SpanID
return 0

func (t *MockTracer) getParentSpanContext(ctx context.Context, spanOpts *oteltrace.SpanOptions) otelcore.SpanContext {
if spanOpts.Reference.RelationshipType == oteltrace.ChildOfRelationship &&
spanOpts.Reference.SpanContext.IsValid() {
return spanOpts.Reference.SpanContext
if parentSpanContext := oteltrace.CurrentSpan(ctx).SpanContext(); parentSpanContext.IsValid() {
return parentSpanContext
return otelcore.EmptySpanContext()

func (t *MockTracer) getSpanID() uint64 {
if len(t.SpareSpanIDs) > 0 {
spanID := t.SpareSpanIDs[0]
t.SpareSpanIDs = t.SpareSpanIDs[1:]
if len(t.SpareSpanIDs) == 0 {
t.SpareSpanIDs = nil
return spanID
return t.getRandUint64()

func (t *MockTracer) getRandUint64() uint64 {
return t.getNRandUint64(1)[0]

func (t *MockTracer) getNRandUint64(n int) []uint64 {
uints := make([]uint64, n)
defer t.randLock.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
uints[i] = t.rand.Uint64()
return uints

func (t *MockTracer) DeferredContextSetupHook(ctx context.Context, span oteltrace.Span) context.Context {
return t.addSpareContextValue(ctx)

type MockEvent struct {
CtxAttributes oteltag.Map
Timestamp time.Time
Msg string
Attributes oteltag.Map

type MockSpan struct {
mockTracer *MockTracer
officialTracer oteltrace.Tracer
spanContext otelcore.SpanContext
recording bool

Attributes oteltag.Map
StartTime time.Time
FinishTime time.Time
ParentSpanID uint64
Events []MockEvent

var _ oteltrace.Span = &MockSpan{}
var _ migration.OverrideTracerSpanExtension = &MockSpan{}

func (s *MockSpan) SpanContext() otelcore.SpanContext {
return s.spanContext

func (s *MockSpan) IsRecordingEvents() bool {
return s.recording

func (s *MockSpan) SetStatus(status codes.Code) {

func (s *MockSpan) SetName(name string) {

func (s *MockSpan) SetError(v bool) {

func (s *MockSpan) SetAttribute(attribute otelcore.KeyValue) {

func (s *MockSpan) SetAttributes(attributes ...otelcore.KeyValue) {

func (s *MockSpan) ModifyAttribute(mutator oteltag.Mutator) {
SingleMutator: mutator,

func (s *MockSpan) ModifyAttributes(mutators ...oteltag.Mutator) {
MultiMutator: mutators,

func (s *MockSpan) applyUpdate(update oteltag.MapUpdate) {
s.Attributes = s.Attributes.Apply(update)

func (s *MockSpan) Finish(options ...oteltrace.FinishOption) {
if !s.FinishTime.IsZero() {
return // already finished
finishOpts := oteltrace.FinishOptions{}

for _, opt := range options {

finishTime := finishOpts.FinishTime
if finishTime.IsZero() {
finishTime = time.Now()
s.FinishTime = finishTime
s.mockTracer.FinishedSpans = append(s.mockTracer.FinishedSpans, s)

func (s *MockSpan) Tracer() oteltrace.Tracer {
return s.officialTracer

func (s *MockSpan) AddEvent(ctx context.Context, msg string, attrs ...otelcore.KeyValue) {
s.AddEventWithTimestamp(ctx, time.Now(), msg, attrs...)

func (s *MockSpan) AddEventWithTimestamp(ctx context.Context, timestamp time.Time, msg string, attrs ...otelcore.KeyValue) {
s.Events = append(s.Events, MockEvent{
CtxAttributes: oteltag.FromContext(ctx),
Timestamp: timestamp,
Msg: msg,
Attributes: oteltag.NewMap(upsertMultiMapUpdate(attrs...)),

func (s *MockSpan) AddLink(link oteltrace.Link) {

func (s *MockSpan) Link(sc otelcore.SpanContext, attrs ...otelcore.KeyValue) {

func (s *MockSpan) OverrideTracer(tracer oteltrace.Tracer) {
s.officialTracer = tracer

func upsertMapUpdate(kv otelcore.KeyValue) oteltag.MapUpdate {
return singleMutatorMapUpdate(oteltag.UPSERT, kv)

func upsertMultiMapUpdate(kvs ...otelcore.KeyValue) oteltag.MapUpdate {
return multiMutatorMapUpdate(oteltag.UPSERT, kvs...)

func singleMutatorMapUpdate(op oteltag.MutatorOp, kv otelcore.KeyValue) oteltag.MapUpdate {
return oteltag.MapUpdate{
SingleMutator: keyValueToMutator(op, kv),

func multiMutatorMapUpdate(op oteltag.MutatorOp, kvs ...otelcore.KeyValue) oteltag.MapUpdate {
return oteltag.MapUpdate{
MultiMutator: keyValuesToMutators(op, kvs...),

func keyValuesToMutators(op oteltag.MutatorOp, kvs ...otelcore.KeyValue) []oteltag.Mutator {
var mutators []oteltag.Mutator
for _, kv := range kvs {
mutators = append(mutators, keyValueToMutator(op, kv))
return mutators

func keyValueToMutator(op oteltag.MutatorOp, kv otelcore.KeyValue) oteltag.Mutator {
return oteltag.Mutator{
MutatorOp: op,
KeyValue: kv,

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