The purpose of this repository is to create an open-source stochastic economic scenario generator using algorithms previously published by OSEM. As a prototype (NOT TESTED!!!!), LEG supports 3 models:
The stochastic scenarios are available in two modelities. As an index (I) or as a discounting factor (D).
The example of the input:
Calibration_ID | model | Type | NoOfPaths | NoOfSteps | T | a | sigma | epsilon | Country | selected_param_file | selected_curves_file | mu | gamma |
11 | HW | I | 1000 | 600 | 50 | 0.02 | 0.02 | 0.01 | Slovenia | Param_no_VA.csv | Curves_no_VA.csv | 0 | 0 |
22 | BS | D | 1000 | 600 | 50 | 0 | 0.02 | 0.01 | Slovenia | Param_no_VA.csv | Curves_no_VA.csv | 0.02 | 0 |
33 | V | D | 1000 | 600 | 50 | 0 | 0.02 | 0.01 | Slovenia | Param_no_VA.csv | Curves_no_VA.csv | 0.02 | 0.3 |
This prototype generates a csv that contains 1000 stochastic scenarios for each of the 3 rows and append it one bellow the other.
The script that starts the prototype is (also in
import pandas as pd
from read_input import read_model_input
from term_structure import calculate_zero_coupon_price
from black_sholes import set_up_black_sholes
from vasicek import set_up_vasicek
from hull_white import set_up_hull_white
param_raw = pd.read_csv("Parameters.csv", sep=',', index_col=0)
combined_run = []
for run_id in param_raw.index:
[modeling_parameters, curve_parameters] = read_model_input(run_id)
zero_coupon_price = lambda t: calculate_zero_coupon_price(t, curve_parameters["target_maturities"], curve_parameters["calibration_vector"], curve_parameters["ultimate_forward_rate"], curve_parameters["convergence_speed"] )
if modeling_parameters["run_type"] == "HW":
run = set_up_hull_white(run_id, modeling_parameters, zero_coupon_price)
elif modeling_parameters["run_type"] == "BS":
run = set_up_black_sholes(run_id, modeling_parameters, zero_coupon_price)
elif modeling_parameters["run_type"] == "V":
run = set_up_vasicek(run_id, modeling_parameters, zero_coupon_price)
raise ValueError("Model type not available")
if isinstance(combined_run,pd.DataFrame):
combined_run = pd.concat([combined_run,run])
combined_run = run