Here will be the website for the RDA researcher engagement project.
It was created via Rblogdown using Rstudio, it is based on Hugo (i.e. markdown and yml files are used) and most things can be added/changed manually.
Once you have write access to the repository (you can also fork the repo, work on your copy and make a pull request afterwards).
- copy this text:
text: "INSERT"
name: "INSERT"
position: "INSERT"
avatar: "img/testimonials/INSERT.jpg"
- go to
- click "create new file"
- paste the text you copied
- add some text instead of "INSERT", keep the "
- name the file "yourname.yaml", the ".yaml" is important!
- write a small commit message, push the create new branch choice and click the propose new file button
- push the create pull request button
- optionally you can add a picture on location indicated (inside the static folder, probably here: