This project aims to touch various aspects of Vuex while building several projects.
Browse through each project by going through the folders as listed below.
- Starter Files: Where it all begins
- Auth: An Auth example with Vuex
- Counter: A simple counter implementation with Vuex
- Firestore: A Simple FireStore implementation with Vuex
- Gallery: An Image Gallery implementation with Vuex
- Simple Todo: A Simple Todo implementation with Vuex
- Shopping Cart: A Shopping Cart implementation with Vuex
- Todo: A better todo app implementation with Vuex
- Make request
- Clone the Repo:
git clone
# install dependencies
npm --prefix <project> install <project>
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm --prefix <project> run dev
# build for production with minification
npm --prefix <project> run build
Example: To run the auth project
npm --prefix auth install
npm --prefix auth run dev
npm --prefix auth run build
Happy Coding!