Firehose integration for Cosmos chains
To get started, first clone the repository and install all dependencies:
git clone
go mod download
Once done, let's build the development binary:
make build
You should be able to use the ./build/firecosmos
binary moving forward.
To install the binary globally, run:
make install
Alternatively, use a prebuilt binary from Releases Page
You can use our official Docker images:
docker pull figmentnetworks/firehose-cosmos:0.4.0
Execute with:
docker run --rm -it figmentnetworks/firehose-cosmos:0.4.0 /app/firehose help
To view usage and flags, run: ./build/firecosmos help
firecosmos [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
init Initialize local configuration
reset Reset local data directory
start Starts all services at once
tools Developer tools
--common-auth-plugin string Auth plugin URI, see streamingfast/dauth repository (default "null://")
--common-merged-blocks-store-url string Store URL (with prefix) where to read/write (default "file://{fh-data-dir}/storage/merged-blocks")
--common-live-blocks-addr string GRPC endpoint to get real-time blocks (default "")
--common-first-streamable-block uint First streamable block number
--common-metering-plugin string Metering plugin URI, see streamingfast/dmetering repository (default "null://")
--common-oneblock-store-url string Store URL (with prefix) to read/write one-block files (default "file://{fh-data-dir}/storage/one-blocks")
--common-shutdown-delay duration Add a delay between receiving SIGTERM signal and shutting down apps. Apps will respond negatively to /healthz during this period (default 5ns)
--common-startup-delay duration Delay before launching firehose process
-c, --config string Configuration file for the firehose (default "firehose.yml")
-d, --data-dir string Path to data storage for all components of firehose (default "./fh-data")
-h, --help help for firecosmos
--log-format string Logging format (default "text")
--metrics-listen-addr string If non-empty, the process will listen on this address to server Prometheus metrics (default "")
--pprof-listen-addr string If non-empty, the process will listen on this address for pprof analysis (see
-v, --verbose int Enables verbose output (-vvvv for max verbosity) (default 3)
Use "firecosmos [command] --help" for more information about a command.
If you wish to use a configuration file instead of setting all CLI flags, you may create a new firehose.yml
file in your current working directory.
- reader
- merger
- relayer
- firehose
# Common flags
common-first-streamable-block: 1
# Reader specific flags
reader-mode: node
reader-node-path: path/to/node/bin
reader-node-args: start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants
reader-node-env: "KEY=VALUE,KEY=VALUE"
It's possible to run the firehose reader from the static logs, mostly for development/testing purposes.
Example config:
- reader
# ... other services
# ... other config options
# reader specific flags
reader-mode: logs
reader-logs-dir: /path/to/logs/dir
# Configure the pattern if not using .log extension
# reader-logs-pattern: *.log
We provide scripts for running firehose for these networks:
By default, firecosmos
will start all available services, each providing a GRPC interface.
- Reader9010
- Relayer9020
- Merger9030
- Firehose
Apache License 2.0