How you grew smart – record of your projects, employers and skills.
Have a single SQLite database with
- companies – you worked for
- projects – what you did in the past and currently do
- capabilities – frameworks, tools and libraries you use, certificates you gained
- skills – levels of experience
- roles – what set of capabilities is needed
And now combine them
- Insert the companies
- Fill in the projects
- Assign capabilities, skills and roles
- Query the views
How many months you've been using an IDE? How fast you grew from a junior to a senior? How many years you worked in development compared to quality assurance/ testing/ architecture?
- get SQLite 3
- optional get SQLiteStudio3, a UI for SQLite
Load the DDL and DML of this repository (currently only in German):
sqlite3 your_capability.db ".read db/install_de.sql"
Use the, to let it iterate through the scripts your instance needs. It'll do a backup first, next to the already existing database. But to stay on the safe side it will:
- copy your database
- upgrade the copy
- have a look at the copy
- either continue with the copy (delete origin, rename copy to origin)
- or repeat with origin
Mind that all weighting is based on percentage ranging from 0..100. If you are employed fulltime for a project it's weight is 100%, which is the default value. This is the same for capabilities. If you work for example fulltime with Java and spend 10% of your time with Maven, then assign 10 to the prj_cap_mapping for Maven and use the default for Java.
- create employers in t_company
- create projects in t_project
- assign capabilities to projects with prj_cap_mapping
- assign your roles to the projects with prj_role_mapping
Special cases:
- Training: create project with weight of 50%, so time spent on the project counts half
- Fulltime project moved to maintenance: create two projects, one with 100% mapping, the other with the maintenance rate, e.g. 20%
- Multiple projects in parallel: create projects according to time slices and weight each accordingly, like A fulltime, then B partly overlapping with A 60% and B 40%: A1 with 100%, A2 with 60%, B with 40%
- for changes add a new script in either DML or DDL-directory
- increment version number in, this'll be your file's name
- test locally with a sample database, incl.
- record the script in install.template and invoke to populate installation script(s)
- Java 11
- Maven 3.6
cd ui && mvn clean install
- cannot query the views
- cannot assign/ use skills
- for schema documentation,
- make sure, Java 8 (or later) is installed on your system
- make sure, GraphViz is installed on your system (with Java-interface)
- get Schemaspy version from, put into any/ new directory
- get JDBC-driver from, put into same directory as Schemaspy
- create a target directory for Schemaspy-output (HTML, JavaScript, …)
- invoke Schemaspy from within Schemaspy-directory
Invocation on command line:
# Render graphics to ~/Documents/hygs-schema -directory, complete cataloge,
# user (-u) and schema (-s) must be given but value is not used.
# Invocation for version other than 6.1.0 may differ. Type sqlite-xerial
# taken from -dbhelp
java -jar schemaspy-6.1.0.jar -t sqlite-xerial \
-dp ./sqlite-jdbc-
-db ~/git/hygs/db/sample_de.db
-o ~/Documents/hygs-schema -u dontcare -cat % -s dontcare