A collection of utilities to enable passkey accounts in viem & wagmi
- Create & Import EOA into a passkey wallet & use it to interact with directly with Ethereum
- Bring your own passkey library, such as SimpleWebAuthn or React Native Passkeys
- (Mostly) Unopinionated about how you store and handle the private key
... This is a work in progress so if you find any issues please let us know.
Install wagmi, viem & @forum/passkeys
pnpm install wagmi viem @forum/passkeys
This is one possible way to use this library to get started with largeBlob passkey accounts in wagmi.
It splits the setup process into three steps:
First define a class to represent your site's passkey. This can wrap the
api itself or some library likeSimpleWebAuthn
.This should handle the calls to your server to verify that the calls are legit. See SimpleWebAuthn's server docs for an example of how to handle the verification.
import { Passkey as AbstractPasskey } from '@forum/passkeys' export class Passkey extends AbstractPasskey { // - init your relaying party parameters // ... async create(options): Promise<RegistrationResponseJSON | null> { const { challenge } = await getChallengeFromServer() const passkeyResult = await await navigator.credential.create({ ...options, challenge }) if (!passkeyResult) throw new Error('Failed to create passkey') const verified = await getVerifiedPasskeyResult(passkeyResult) if (!verified) throw new Error('Failed to verify challenge') return passkeyResult } async get(options): Promise<AuthenticationResponseJSON | null> { const { challenge } = await getChallengeFromServer() const passkeyResult = await navigator.credential.get({ ...options, rpId: hostname, challenge }) const verified = await getVerifiedPasskeyResult(passkeyResult) if (!verified) throw new Error('Failed to verify challenge') return passkeyResult } }
Define a custom hook to create the account
import { useAccount, useConfig, useConnect, useDisconnect } from 'wagmi' import { generatePrivateKey, privateKeyToAddress } from 'viem/accounts' import { PasskeyConnector } from '@forum/passkeys' export const useCreateAccount() { const config = useConfig() const createAccount = async ( username: string, privateKey = generatePrivateKey() ) => { const passkey = new ForumPasskey() const address = privateKeyToAddress(privateKey) // - generate the initial passkey for the new user & check that they are // - using a device/browser that supports `largeBlob` webauthn extension const credential = await passkey.create({ user: { id: base64URLFromString(address), name: username, displayName: username, }, extensions: { largeBlob: { support: 'required' } }, }) if (!credential?.clientExtensionResults?.largeBlob?.supported) throw new Error('LargeBlob not supported') // - optional: if you have access to a secure store (e.g. keychain access) // - you can store the pk at this point await storeInYourOwnSecureStoreForPrivateKeys({ credentialId: credential.id, privateKey }) // - init the viem passkey account const largeBlobAccount = new LargeBlobPasskeyAccount({ passkey: new ForumPasskey(), privateKey }) // - init the wagmi passkey connector const connector = new PasskeyConnector({ account: largeBlobAccount.toAccount(), config, }) connect({ connector }) // - you could choose to delay the following (storing the large blob) // - until the users first tx but for the example we do it here const write = await passkey.get({ extensions: { largeBlob: { write: privateKey } }, allowCredentials: [{ type: 'public-key', id: credential.id }], }) if(!write?.clientExtensionResults.largeBlob?.written) throw new Error('failed to store large blob') return credential } return { createAccount } }
Integrate the hook into a normal wagmi connect flow
import { useAccount, useConfig, useConnect, useDisconnect } from 'wagmi' import { generatePrivateKey, privateKeyToAddress } from 'viem/accounts' import { PasskeyConnector } from '@forum/passkeys' import { useCreateAccount } from './use-create-account.ts' function Profile() { const { address } = useAccount() const { connect } = useConnect() const { disconnect } = useDisconnect() const { createAccount } = useCreateAccount() if (address) { return ( <div> Connected to { address } <button onClick={ () => disconnect() }> Disconnect < /button> < /div> ) y } return <button onClick={ () => createAccount('username') }> Connect Wallet < /button> }