Wrapper of the astroserver using the data catalog
Author: Nicola Omodei ([email protected])
usage: getLATFitsFiles.py [-h] [--wdir WDIR] --outfile OUTFILE --minTimestamp
{FT2,FT2SECONDS,FT1,EXTENDEDFT1} [--verbose {0,1}]
[--overwrite {0,1}]
Emulating the astroserver by wrapping the datacatalog
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--wdir WDIR Name of the working dir where all the interidiate
files are saved
--outfile OUTFILE Name of the output file
--minTimestamp MINTIMESTAMP
Minimum MET
--maxTimestamp MAXTIMESTAMP
Maximum MET
Type of the files
--verbose {0,1} Verbose or silent output
--overwrite {0,1} Overwrite if existsing?
Make sute the python directory is addded to your $PATH
The environment variable DATACATALOG_EXE needs to point to the datacatalog application. If you don't define it, it points to the datacatalog app at SLAC in S3DF : /sdf/home/g/glast/a/datacat/prod/datacat
If you want to change it, add this to your setup:
export DATACATALOG_EXE=_new_datacatalog_app_path_
##Examples: The following examples downloads an FT2 file:
getLATFitsFiles.py --wdir TMP/SRC --outfile TMP/pippo_ft2.fits --minTimestamp 565660805.000 --maxTimestamp 565747205.000 --type FT2 --verbose 1 --overwrite 1
An FT2 file with 1 second cadence:
getLATFitsFiles.py --wdir TMP/SRC --outfile TMP/pippo_ft2_1sec.fits --minTimestamp 565660805.000 --maxTimestamp 565747205.000 --type FT2SECONDS --verbose 1 --overwrite 1
A FT1 file and an extended FT1 file:
An extended FT1 file:
./getLATFitsFiles.py --wdir TMP/SRC --outfile TMP/pippo_ft1_ext.fits --minTimestamp 565660805.000 --maxTimestamp 565747205.000 --type EXTENDEDFT1 --verbose 1 --overwrite 1
Note that no extra selection are made, so the FT1 files will always contain the full sky, and the full energy range. Subsequent selection cut needs to be independently done with gtselect, gtmktime, etc...
To decide which FT1 you need to retrieve, please ahve a look here: https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/analysis/documentation/Cicerone/Cicerone_Data/LAT_DP.html