BITB template for Turkcell's FastLogin/HızlıGiriş SSO service. Used in internal Phishing attacks as such it is designed to NOT be an exact copy of the real SSO. Demo Link: Here
- Detects Color Preference for the browser. Dark or Light
- Selection fix o prevent unnecessary selection for certain regions.
- CSS to use System Default Fonts instead of browser fallback fonts
- Has slight delay to the pop-up window as it appears.
- *On phones and small displays, it opens the BITB as a new page/tab.
- *Dragging the windows doesn't work on phones, didn't bother to add the functionally.
PC ✅ | Phone ❌ -> Means the detection technique works on PC's but not on Phones
- Dragging the Window PC ✅ | Phone ❌
- Minimize / Close the Windows PC ✅ | Phone ❌
- Minimize or Close button will not work as intended as CSS/JS doesn't have the functionality to mimic the actual action and since there is no open windows to close or minimize.
- Maximize the Windows PC ✅ | Phone ❌
- Resizing the Window PC ✅ | Phone ❌
- This effect could be mimicked with CSS/JS but this repo doesn't have it.
- Checking the Link PC ❌ | Phone ✅
- Browser extension PC ✅ | Phone ❌
- @odacavo released a great browser extension that can detect and warn users about embedded iframe.
- Repo Available Here.
- Simply add a backend service to the BITB to receive the inputs.
- Web Template from: Tech City Free Coming Soon Bootstrap Responsive Template
- Browser In The Browser (BITB) Repo: mrd0x/BITB
- Also Check Out
- BITB in the Wild
Usage of these templates for attacking targets without prior consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable laws. The developer is not responsible for any misuse of these templates.