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Open source polite web scrapper and crawler for web archiving efforts

Crawl-RS is a web crawler written in Rust , it uses the tokio runtime asynchronous IO to maximize the number of open connections and uses the WARC format to save responses in WET files WARC Standard


With Cargo

Crawl-RS uses Nightly Rust , after installing rustup

  • Install the nightly toolchain by :
    $ rustup toolchain install nightly ,
  • Install Crawl-RS to your user programs :
    $ cargo +nightly install --git
  • The program will be available as txtcrawl


$ txtcrawl job.toml

Configuration TOML file format

txtcrawl accepts 1 command-line argument : a TOML file , below is the default configuration with the complete available options , if any optional field is missing , the value here is used

seeds = ""
crawl_tasks = 20
link_timeout = 5000
crawl_recursion = 2
accept_languages = []
destination_warc = ""
respect_robots = true
  • (mandatory) seeds : a string with text file path with an initial list of seeds separated by new lines.
  • crawl_tasks : number of asynchronous workers to use, a value higher than 100 might cause your DNS resolution service to stop working on Linux if you are using systemd-resolved, This is an issue under investigation. If you used this txtcrawl and your Internet stopped working try systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service. This issue does not exist on Windows
  • link_timeout : The time in milliseconds a worker waits for connection establishment before marking a url as bad.
  • crawl_recursion : The breadth of the crawl path from 1 link.
  • accept_languages : A list of strings that represent languages, any webpage that contains any of accept_languages is allowed to contribute to the crawl path , current supported values are ["ar","arabic","en","english","fr","french"] , more will be added. Note that if a page not containing any of the languages will still be saved if it is present in the seed list, but won't further contribute links to crawling. An empty list means accept all pages
  • destination_warc : String containing filename to save output to, the default value is the current time in RFC 3339 format, webpages that fail are logged to a textfile with the same filename suffixed with .LOG
  • respect_robots : Respect robots.txt of a website if it is available, if robots.txt is not available, the crawler is allowed to visit any path it finds, although it uses a best-effort visiting pattern to not bombard 1 website repeatedly.

This work in inspired by by mraslann

This project is my internship work at Bibliotheca Alexandrina Web Archiving Sector




Web Crawler and Scraper for text archiving






