- Practice using higher order functions in JavaScript.
This exercise includes a few basic programming questions. Solve them in any order you like, but know that they more-or-less increase in difficulty.
There is more than one file containing code for you to write, but the code in either file does not affect anything outside of itself. So you can work on them independently without fear of messing your other work up.
After forking this repo and opening it in your development environment (e.g. Cloud9), run bin/setup
. This will install any software that this exercise depends upon.
Your work belongs in the files in the lib/ directory. There is one file per exercise. Modify the function in each JavaScript file. To check if you have passed an exercise, run bin/check
. This will run a series of automated tests and provide you with errors and/or feedback.
Do not change the name of the functions. Simply alter the body of the function to get the tests passing.
There are four programming problems in this set of exercises. Each is described below:
This function should return either true
or false
, depending on whether num
is greater than 5
or not.
You can safely assume that num
will always be some valid integer.
This function should return a string of all capital letters--specifically it should convert str
into all-caps. So it the inputted str
is "dog"
, then this function would return "DOG"
You can safely assume that str
will always be some valid string.
This function should add up all of the numbers in arr
and return the sum. The inputted arr
will always be an array/list like [5, 10, 2]
. With this example, the function would return 17
This function should return an array/list with all numbers 10 or greater removed. That is, it should go through arr
, which might be something like [30, 5, 9, 10, 11]
, and remove the numbers 10 or greater. In this case, it would return [5, 9]
You can safely assume arr
will always be some array/list of numbers.