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PSD Content Builder Extension for eZ Publish. Currently targeted for eZ Publish 4.x only. It allows rapid creation of defined content-structures, which in e.g. can be used for pre-filling a development-system with content or creating defined content for driving system-tests. Out of the box, this extension allows for mirroring a lot of native eZ Publish-features, but it's flexible enough to enable the creation of custom datatype-builders with great complexity (as long as the representation fits into YAML).


  • Extensions:
    • sqliimport


  • Define content-structures as YAML-files which are created in eZ Publish.
  • Structures can consist of any available content-class, with most data-types supported by the sqliimport-extension.
  • Supported data-types can easily be extended, by writing additional Datatype-Builders (based on psdAbstractDatatypeBuilder-class, regisitered in psdcontentbuilder.ini)
  • There is currently a small collection of run-time functions, which can enhance the YAML-structure or can pull information into it.
  • Currently built-in functions are:
    • ezpublish/fetch/MODULE/FUNCTION access any eZ Publish fetch (defined by module/function) and re-map the attributes of results as needed. Return arrays or single objects.
    • ezpublish/locate/node|object locate existing or recently created nodes. Location can be done by nodeID (integer), remoteID (string) or a path (starts with a slash).
    • Functions can also be extended or overridden in psdcontentbuilder.ini.
  • After applying a yaml-file to an eZ Publish site-access, an undo-string is out put. This can be used to automatically remove all created nodes, undoing the action.

Command-Line Interface:

Inside your htdocs-folder, call:

php extension/psdcontentbuilder/bin/psdcontentbuildercli.php --apply="path/to/structure.yaml"

CLI Help-Screen:


php extension/psdcontentbuilder/bin/psdcontentbuildercli.php --help


PSD ContentBuilder CLI.

Commandline-Interface for building content from YAML-files.

--apply        PATH      Applies the structure defined in the file to the content-tree.
                         Requires the --site-access option set.
--remove       NODE-LIST List of NODE-LOCATIONs separated by commas.
--help                   This text.
                         defined in the package.xml-structure. Will overwrite existing classes, unless
                         the option --ignore-version is specified.
--site-access  STRING    Site-Access that will be needed to perform database-actions. If left blank, the
                         DefaultAccess is taken from site.ini.
--verbose                Keeps the script telling about what it\'s doing.

  PATH:                  Points to a folder or file and may contain wild-cards (eg. "*").
                         Wild-cards are resolved and allow the script to process multiple files at once.
                         In order to use wild-cards, you have to put the path in single- or
  NODE-LOCATION          Either a Node-Id, Path-String (starting with "/") or a Remote-ID.


  FYI: Run all commands relative to the root of your eZ Publish installation!

  Apply a structure to the default site-access:
  $ php psdcontentbuildercli.php --apply="path/to/structure.yaml"

  Apply a structure to a defined site-access:
  $ php psdcontentbuildercli.php --apply="path/to/structure.yaml" --site-access=NAME-OF-SITEACCESS

  Undo a recent application:
  > Undo String:
  > 123456,456778

  $ php psdcontentbuildercli.php --remove=123456,456778 --site-access=NAME-OF-SITEACCESS


Nodes can be referenced by nodeID (integer), remoteID (string), path (starts with a slash)

Basic Structure

--- #YAML Document
# Optional. Default prefix for object remote-ids, it is appended by a random hash.
# If omitted, the name of the input-file is used.
remoteIdPrefix: mytree

# The "assets"-key is a metaphoric namespace (you may call it what you like) for collecting re-usable
# elements and providing references (merge-keys).
# Remember, you can put functions in here, which get evaluated the moment, they are included somewhere
# below the "content:"-definition.

  # Queue below NodeID #2 of class "clip".
  children: &children
    - name: Child 1
      class: article
    - name: Child 2
      class: article
    - name: Child 3
      class: article

# The definition below this node only affects eZ's content-tree.
# Use merge-keys in order to re-use data and functions for being some kind of dynamic. Or combine both.

  - name:       MyFrontpage
    parentNode: 2
    class:      frontpage
    remote_id:  mytree
    <<: *children
  - name:       Sub-Tree
    class:      folder
      - name:       Articles 1
        class:      folder
        <<: *children
      - name:       Articles 2
        class:      folder
        <<: *children

Creates a strukture like:

  • MyFrontpage (frontpage)
    • Child 1 (article)
    • Child 2 (article)
    • Child 3 (article) Sub-Tree (folder)
    • Articles 1 (folder)
      • Child 1 (article)
      • Child 2 (article)
      • Child 3 (article)
    • Articles 2 (folder)
      • Child 1 (article)
      • Child 2 (article)
      • Child 3 (article)

Locate-function (built-in)

This locates the root-node by providing the path-string "/" to the ezpublish/locate/node-function. The value of path can be a nodeID (integer), remoteID (string) or a path (starts with a slash).


  - name:       MyFrontpage
      function: ezpublish/locate/node
      path:     /
    class:      frontpage

Fetch-function (built-in)

Imagine, you're creating an article in the beginning, which you want to re-use in an object-relation on several objects. In this example, the attribute related is of the data-type ezobjectrelation.

    - related: &related
        function:           ezpublish/fetch/content/list
        parent_node_id:     2
        class_filter_array: [article]
        class_filter_type:  include
        limit:              3
        depth:              10
        as:                 {node_id: node_id, contentobject_id: object_id}

    # Create content to fetch for.
    - name: Article 1
      class: article
    - name: Article 2
      class: article
    - name: Article 3
      class: article

    # Fetch content and add as relation.
    - name: Frontpage 1
      class: frontpage
      <<: *related
    - name: Frontpage 2
      class: frontpage
      <<: *related

This structure first creates 3 nodes of article. Then it creates 2 frontpages, expecting an object-relation-list, which is assigned to the fetched articles, created in the first step. Functions are always evaluated, as encountered. This means, unlike native YAML-datetype functions, you can create nodes and content in the beginning. Then, when creating some kind of overview-pages, you can re-fetch those nodes, putting them in place where they're needed.

Basic Datattypes:

Datatypes are recognized and created based on the current class's definition. Every datatype can have it's own builder registered, which receives an array-structure from which the content is generated. If there is no builder is registered for a data-type, the sqliimport-extension is used to create the content from a string. For details on sqliimport's fromString-import, see [].



start_date:   today
end_date:     2014-01-24
connect_date: 1386081255

Time-values can be represented by time-stamps (integers) or (valid PHP-timestrings)[].



simple_relation: /path/to/node # Relation by path-string.

fetched_relation      # Result from fetch.
  function:           ezpublish/fetch/content/tree
  parent_node_id:     2
  class_filter_array: [image]
  class_filter_type:  include
  limit:              1
  depth:              10

Relations are defined by valid locations. Values can be directly assigned to the key (example 1) or specified as an array (example 2, e.g. as a result from an fetch or a shared merge-key).



image: /vagrant/fixtures/images/350x150.jpg

Image-files are specified by an absolute local path.



single_line: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
multi_line: |
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  Aenean vel placerat tortor.

  Duis luctus nibh sit amet nulla fringilla sed hendrerit eros vestibulum.
  In scelerisque tincidunt sapien, at molestie ante lacinia eu.

Plain-text is supported as default YAML-string either as inline or multi-line notation.



single_line: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <b>consectetur adipiscing elit</b>.
multi_line: |
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <b>consectetur adipiscing elit</b>.
  <h1>Aenean vel placerat tortor. </h1>

  <p>Duis luctus nibh sit amet nulla fringilla sed hendrerit eros vestibulum.
  In scelerisque tincidunt sapien, at molestie ante lacinia eu.</p>

Rich-text is supported as simplified HTML, all input-tags provided by eZOEInputParser are supported.



# Result from fetch.
  function:           ezpublish/fetch/content/tree
  parent_node_id:     2
  class_filter_array: [format]
  class_filter_type:  include
  limit:              10
  depth:              10

# Relation by path-string.
  - /media/images/image-01
  - /media/images/image-02
  - /media/images/image-03
  - /media/images/image-04

Relation-lists require an array with valid locations.



tags:                                           # YAML ordered list.
  - Tag 1                                       # Tag on root-level.
  - Root Tag/Sub Tag                            # Multilevel-Tag.
  - /Tags/Another Tag/                          # Optional Slashes at the beginning and end.

inline_tags: [Tag 1, Root Tag/Sub Tag, Tag 2]   # YAML Inline list.

Tags are defined as an array. Every entry represents the absolute path of a tag, different levels are separated by slashes. The slashes at the beginning or end of the path are optional. Unknown paths are created.



  title:       String
  keywords:    String
  description: String
  priority:    Float   # 0.0 .. 1.0
  change:      String  # always|hourly|daily|weekly|monthly|yearly|never
  googlemap:   Boolean # 0|1
  canonical:   String
  robots:      String  # See xrowmetadata.ini/EditorInputSettings/RobotsTagOptions
  extraMeta:   String

All values are optional.


Content Builder Extension for eZ Publish






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