This is a FitNesse Theme that extends the default bootstrap theme for better usability. Uses Bootstrap 4.4, JQuery 3.4 and CodeMirror 5.52
- Improved styling for better readability and information density
- Light and dark version of the theme for the wiki and CodeMirror editor
- Different favicons for Tests, Suites, Static pages and Edit mode
- Show the page name first in the page title (So different tabs have recognizable titles)
- Optional sidebar to ease navigation
- Visual identification of slim tables using icons
- Failure navigator highlights current failure, eliminates scrolling - jumps to next
- Adds a 'Recent pages' overview to the end of the frontpage
- Optional maven version checker that shows current dependency versions and compares them to the latest version in maven central
- Icons in Table of contents to distinguish between Tests, Suites and Static pages
- Suites now have a 'run tags' input field in the navigation bar, so all tests containing any of the specified tags in this input field can be run immediately
- If Autocomplete responder is also installed, ctrl-space suggestions are context-aware:
- All fixture methods available in the current test
- All scenario's from include ScenarioLibraries
- All slim symbols set by
that are available - NOTE: If you want context-aware autosuggest in ScenarioLibraries, make sure to edit them from an edit link on a test-page. The hint-script will then use the referring page as context
- Context-help pane containing all fixtures, methods, scenario's, slim symbols in current test scope
- Jump to definition for fixture methods and scenario's by pressing ctrl-comma in the editor, revealing candidates in the context-help pane
- validation of wiki tables against current context and basic syntax (aimed at slim usage). Use validate button,auto validate on save option or ctrl-dot.
- Insert scenario's and fixture methods in the editor by clicking the plus-icon in the context pane
- Experimental: Autosave and validate test pages on enter
Use Praegus' toolchain-plugin to use bootstrap-plus and enable all of it's features. See:
- Tooltips now display on every page
New tooltips can be added by editing fitnesse/resources/bootstrap-plus/txt/toolTipData.txt and putting text at the end of the file and seperating by enters in format [this is a tooltip] without the brackets.
- Tooltips will now also load in from fixtures.
you can add tooltips to your fixture by adding Tooltips.txt(case insensitive) to the root off your fixture.