irctl is a command-line utilty to query and set properties of common remote control receivers. At the moment only IRMP_STM32 is supported.
make install
This will install the binary irctl to the default location /usr/local.
You can override the location with the PREFIX variable. For packaging one might also want to use the DESTDIR variable.
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX='/usr' install
Usage: irctl [-c] [-d driver] -g|-r [-a| -m M_SLOT -i I_SLOT|-w W_SLOT] device
irctl [-c] [-d driver] -s ARG [-a|-e|-m M_SLOT -i I_SLOT|-w W_SLOT] device
irctl [-c] [-d driver] -f firmware device
-c, --caps print capabilities of controller
-d, --driver driver to use to communicate to controller (default: stm32)
-e, --emit emit once
-f, --flash=FW flash firmware FW to controller
-g, --get get property
-s, --set=ARG set property to ARG
-r, --reset reset property
-a, --alarm number of seconds to wakeup host from now
-i, --ir=I_SLOT ir-code in I_SLOT of macro M_SLOT
-m, --macro=M_SLOT select macro M_SLOT
-w, --wakeup=W_SLOT wakeup ir-code of W_SLOT
Examples (using driver stm32 on /dev/hidraw0):
1. Get wakeup time in seconds from now
./irctl -dstm32 -a -g /dev/hidraw0
2. Set wakeup time to 1 hour from now
./irctl -dstm32 -a -s3600 /dev/hidraw0
3. Set first wakeup ir-code to 0x112233445566
./irctl -dstm32 -w1 -s0x112233445566 /dev/hidraw0
4. Send 0x112233445566 once
./irctl -dstm32 -e -s0x112233445566 /dev/hidraw0
5. Set third macro to be triggered by 0x112233445566,
which will when send out two commands (1: 0x778899AABBCC, 2: 0xDDEEFF001122)
./irctl -dstm32 -m3 -i0 -s0x112233445566 /dev/hidraw0
./irctl -dstm32 -m3 -i1 -s0x778899AABBCC /dev/hidraw0
./irctl -dstm32 -m3 -i2 -s0xDDEEFF001122 /dev/hidraw0
./irctl -dstm32 -m3 -i3 -r /dev/hidraw0
These ir-codes can be retrieved from irmplircd and are based on the IRMP protocol.