Datasets from Geoportal Berlin:
Lichtsignalanlagen (Traffic lights)
- Dataset containing position of each traffic light in Berlin, also address information available
Verkehrszellen/Teilverkehrszellen in Berlin (Traffic cells / partial traffic cells in Berlin)
- Dataset containing polygons describing traffic cells for mobility planning for city authorithies
Radverkehrsanlage (Cycling facilities)
Dataset containing types of cycleways (cycle track, cycle lane), type of share (shared with pedestrians or only for cycling), types of lines (solid line, dashed line), obligation to use (yes, no), also address information available
Dataset containing position of traffic signs for cyclists, with a type of sign and address information
Straßenbeleuchtung-Berlin (Public street lighting)
- Dataset with the street lighting with the respective location, a symbol indicating the type of street light and source of power
Tempolimits (Speed limits)
- Dataset containing road network with speed limits for each segment, at certain time of specific days
Detailnetz Verbindungspunkte (Detail network junction points)
- Dataset contains crossroads and other junctions of different types of roads
Winterdienstmaßnahmen auf Gehwegen (Winter maintenance on sidewalks)
- Dataset containing information what part of sidewalks (including cycleways) are cleaned by city maintanance during winter
Dataset from Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis): (The Federal Statistical Office):
Verkehrsunfälle 2018 (Traffic accidents 2018)
- Dataset contains road accidents with personal injury on national level. It has position, type of accident (i.e. Turning accident, Turning over / crossing accident) type of collission (i. e. collision with laterally moving vehicle), accident category (i.e. accident with fatalities, accident with severely injured), Light conditions (i.e. daylight, night), road conditions (i.e. wet, dry, snow), number of participating drivers and type of vehicle (i.e. bicycle, car) or pedestrians