Updated. Next update date: 10/04/2022
- Tries to find the owner of the phone number
- Spam risk
- Comments about the phone number
- Linked social media platforms
- reports, searches, duckduckgo results etc.
chmod 755 install.sh
bash install.sh
python3 Moriarty.py -pn +PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_COUNTRY_CODE
python3 Moriarty.py -rf -pn +PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_COUNTRY_CODE
python3 Moriarty.py --no-social-media -rf -pn +PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_COUNTRY_CODE or python3 Moriarty.py --no-social-media -pn +PHONE_NUMBER_WITH_COUNTRY_CODE
Unkown Phone
Social Media Platforms(facebook,instagram,yandex,google,microsoft,linkedin)
- This tool doesn't work on kali nethunter,termux or any other mobile operating systems.
- Microsoft mail address is required but it does not have to be the one that you're using currently. You can create a fake microsoft account for this project.
- This tool will not steal your account. Codes are opensource you can check.
- If you're having error with running this tool, use normal account on linux(i mean don't be root, run it as a normal user)
- If you want me to add new features please let me know