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Presidential Innovation Fellows website

This is the PIF website, jekyll edition (inspired by the 18F hub). The website is currently maintained by the PIF leadership, with contributions from the fellows.

In the /_data section there are YAML files available for fellow bios, current/previous projects, and case studies. Additionally, there are specific fields for each YAML file and corresponding approved values.

NOTE: When adding info to YAML files, if the text added contains a , or . please use "" around the text. ALSO, if you need to quote something (using ""), use '' instead.

Fellow bios

LOCATION: /_data/fellows/

FILENAME: lastname-firstname.yml

field format/info
id: lastname-firstname
name: full name
year: year joined
img: lastname-firstname-headshot.png
hometown: City, STATE
region: US Census regions map link
bio: 140 character bio
bio_full: full fellow bio
skills: list of approved terms are in Appendix

NOTE: It's IMPORTANT to use the approved values for SKILLS so the filtering on the Fellows page works.

Case Studies

Case studies are specific fellow projects that are highlighted and used for branding and marketing.

LOCATION: /_data/case_studies/

FILENAME: case-study-name.yml

field format/info
id: case-study-name
img: case-study.png
title: name of case study
date: typically a range (e.g. 2013 - present)

Current and Previous Projects

Current and previous projects are within their respective subdirectories. As current projects wrap up, they should be moved to the previous projects subdirectory.

LOCATION: /_data/current_projects/ OR /_data/previous_projects/

FILENAME: project-name.yml

field format/info
name: name of project
agency: reference name, see Appendix
fellows: list of fellows who worked on project

NOTE: It's IMPORTANT to use the approved values for AGENCY and PIFS so their info in other YAML files are accurately populated.

Agency List

This YAML file contains the reference keys for agencies

LOCATION: /_data/

FILENAME: agency_list.yml

field info
short: acronym or abbreviated name
long: full name
website: full URL of agency website

NOTE: If you need to add an agency, make sure to add their logo (400x400) to the /images/agencies/ folder using the SHORT field name AND update the file to include the agency in the Appendix list.



term name
northeast Northeast
south South
midwest Midwest
west West
outside Outside the US


term name
policy Policy & Legislation
front Front End Development
data Data Visualization
product Product Management
ux User Experience
comms Marketing & Communications
bd Business Development
back Back End Development
design Visual Design
cyber Cyber Security
digital Digital Strategy


term name
DOC Department of Commerce
DOE Department of Energy
DOI Department of Interior
DOL Department of Labor
ED Department of Education
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
GSA General Services Administration
HHS Health and Human Services
IRS Internal Revenue Service
MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation
NARA National Archives and Records Administration
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NIH National Institute of Health
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NSF National Science Foundatoin
OSTP White House Office of Science & Technology, Policy
SBA Small Business Administration
Smithsonian Smithsonian Institution
State State Department
Treasury Department of the Treasury
USAID US Agency for International Development
USDA Department of Agriculture
USCB Census Bureau
USCIO US Chief Information Officer
USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office
VA Veteran Affairs

Setting up


The s3_website gem needs the Javas. Go ahead and get a JVM installed.

Create s3_website.yml

This file isn't committed because it contains your own secret credentials:

s3_id: <YOUR AWS KEY ID>
s3_secret: <YOUR AWS SECRET KEY>
gzip: true
ignore_on_server: _DELETE_NOTHING_ON_THE_S3_BUCKET_
cloudfront_distribution_id: E17JIBNHAD5OVL


Build then deploy: jekyll build && s3_website push

Ensure you've done the "Setting up" things first (see above).


PIF website, jekyll flavored







No releases published


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  • HTML 54.6%
  • CSS 39.7%
  • JavaScript 3.2%
  • Ruby 2.1%
  • Nginx 0.4%