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GitHub action for bumping Gradle versions using semantic commits

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Android Version Bump

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Sick of depending on fastlane or bumping versions manually?

This action uses semantic commits to automate version bumping in native Android repos and creates a release on every successful merge to master. By using this action, your CI runner can examine the commits in the event and bump the semantic version accordingly as long as you are using conventional commits. If you are not using conventional commits, it will just bump the patch version consistently.

Keep in mind that the max patch version is 99 on Android if you use the default version code generator. Inspired by npm version bump. 🎉


GitHub Actions


It's recommended to use actions/checkout@v2 or greater when checking out the repo.


Add the following to your yaml workflow declaration. Make sure to bump before building any artifacts so that the correct versions are applied.

- name: Bump version
  id: bump_version
  uses: oflynned/android-version-bump@master
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Private repos

To use this action with ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} in a private repo, you must set the contents: write permission for the token to write to the package.json file specified in the workflow.

      contents: write

Android Studio

The CI will create a by default, but you can also create this yourself to set the first version to bump from. Remember, creating a file with 0.0.1 will bump it to 0.0.2 on first run. Not creating any will make the CI action handle this edge case itself and create the first version 0.0.1 without bumping.


The build number can remain unset if you are using the default version name generator below.


build.gradle will not use these values unless you add some logic to it.

The version properties file must first be loaded into the Gradle context. Add this to the top of build.gradle

Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream("$project.rootDir/"))
props.each { prop ->
    project.ext.set(prop.key, prop.value)

You can define how version name & codes are generated in that file:

private Integer getVersionCode() {
    int major = ext.majorVersion as Integer
    int minor = ext.minorVersion as Integer
    int patch = ext.patchVersion as Integer

    return major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch

private String getVersionName() {
    if (ext.buildNumber) {
        return "${ext.majorVersion}.${ext.minorVersion}.${ext.patchVersion}.${ext.buildNumber}"

    return "${ext.majorVersion}.${ext.minorVersion}.${ext.patchVersion}"

You then use those two functions in your config in the same file:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        versionCode getVersionCode()
        versionName getVersionName()



Bumps on the following intents:

major: drop support for api v21

Also triggered if the commit body contains BREAKING CHANGE or if the intent contains a !.

refactor!: drop support for api v21
refactor: BREAKING CHANGE drop support for api v21  

If any commit like this is in the list of commits within the event, then the major version will get bumped (1.0.0 -> 2.0.0)


Bumps on the following intents:

feat: add oauth login with google
minor: allow user to delete account

If any commit like this is in the list of commits within the event, then the minor version will get bumped (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0)


Any other changes, even if not following conventional commits will bump the patch version (1.0.0 -> 1.0.1)

Build number

This field is optional.

Providing the build number will automatically affix this to the version name

Enable this field by passing a build number/string/SHA as an env var to the action:

- name: Bump version
  id: bump_version
  uses: oflynned/android-version-bump@master
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    build_number: ${{ github.run_number }}

Optional arguments

Pass these in the with: block

Tag Effect Example Default value
tag_prefix Allows you to set a prefix for a tag tag_prefix: 'v' sets the tag to v1.0.0 ''
skip_ci Affixes [skip-ci] to the end of the commit message, even if you provide a custom message skip_ci: true false
build_number Sets the build run number in the version build_number: ${{ github.run_number }} generates ''
commit_message Sets the commit message when a release bump is performed. Can optionally use {{ version }} to insert the generated version bump with the tag prefix into the commit message. ci: {{ version }} was just released into the wild! :tada: :partying_face: release: {{ version }}


I need to also create a release, not just a tag

The action also outputs a tag that you can use in later stages of the workflow like so.

- name: Create release
  id: create_release
  uses: actions/create-release@v1
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    tag_name: ${{ steps.bump_version.outputs.new_tag }}
    release_name: ${{ steps.bump_version.outputs.new_tag }}
    draft: false
    prerelease: false

Make sure you also assign the bump version step its own id (in this case it was already set to id: bump_version)


GitHub action for bumping Gradle versions using semantic commits


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