Suitable for running a production WordPress Multisite.
Includes Nginx configuration, Composer, Outgoing Authenticated SMTP email, and Cron capabilities.
Latest containers (on oeru/php74-fpm, oeru/php74-fpm-cron-wp, oeru/nginx-stretch-wp - replacing (20210225) the previous set of containers (on oeru/php72-fpm, oeru/php72-fpm-xdebug, oeru/php72-fpm-cron, oeru/nginx
This Docker Recipe is distributed under the GPL v3 license.
you need a Docker host configured to use both a current Docker and Docker Compose with network access and git installed.
make sure you have a MySQL or MariaDB running either on your Docker host, or in a container
clone this repo:
git clone [email protected]:oeru/docker-wpms.git
which will, by default, create a directory called 'docker-mautic' -
create a local docker-compose.yml by copying docker-compose.yml-sample:
cd docker-wpms
cp docker-compose.yml-sample docker-compose.yml
and the edit the file to specify the details of your MySQL or MariaDB database. You need to specify a user who has the ability to create a database. Also you can tweak the ports assignments to make it publicly visible (I encourage defaulting to SSL!). -
Copy the appropriate nginx-proxy.conf sample into your /etc/nginx/sites-available directory as, say a file named after YOUR_DOMAIN,
edit that YOUR_DOMAIN file to substitute in your variable values (for YOUR_DOMAIN, etc.) and add it to your sites-enabled variable (making relevant substitutions)
sudo cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/YOUR_DOMAIN .
test your nginx instance to make sure it's happy:
nginx -t
if you're setting up Let's Encrypt certs you'll might need to comment out all the secure stuff to get NGINX to restart properly with your new configuration (it'll complain about the missing cert files otherwise) and then run the
letsencrypt certonly --webroot -w /var/www/letsencrypt -d YOUR_DOMAIN
. If that finishes with a "Congratulations!" then uncomment the SSL-related configuration and reload nginx. -
you also need to create a directory on your Docker host for your WordPress code, and reference it in the yml file.
docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f
, wait for it to initialize completely (you'll be shown the debugging information spat out by the containers - hit CTRL-C to get out of the logging - this won't shut down your containers - usedocker-compose stop
to do that), and visithttp://YOUR_DOMAIN
If you want to tweak the docker containers somehow, you can do that by editing the relevant Dockerfile and possibly the supporting files. Note that you might need to change the name of the image you're using to reflect your own build. The in the Docker directories (cron, php, and nginx) can give you some insights about image names... or the sample docker-compose.yml file - you can always consult the Docker Hub and check the age of a given image (e.g. oeru/php72-fpm) or look at the oeru organisation in case we've updated the image name - you'll see we've also got oeru/php74-fpm - just make sure all the other needed containers are available - we build a LOT of different Docker images!
''' oeru/php83-fpm-wpms oeru/nginx-debian-wpms '''
To build
''' docker build -t oeru/php83-fpm-wpms php docker build -t oeru/nginx-debian-wpms nginx '''
and upload (after logging into - or you can push to your own container repo by altering the path)
''' docker push oeru/php83-fpm-wpms docker push oeru/nginx-debian-wpms '''
This has been tested on Docker 27.3.1 and (probably) requires Docker 27.3.x or better.
If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact us by submitting an issue on this project! We will endeavour to assist, although we're doing this through enlightened self-interest, so can't provide any guarantees!