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Releases: oe1wkl/Morserino-32

Version 5.1.3

13 Jun 20:49
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Bug fix release:

Bug Fixes:

  • When the loudspeaker / headphones volume was turned down to zero, the line-out audio was also switched off. Fixed.
  • When the paramater „latency“ was set to zero, the Morserino would hang. Fixed.

Version 5.1.2

16 Apr 14:55
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This is a maintenance release. The manual has also been updated!

Feature Modifications:

  • The timings of echo trainer were still not good enough for very huge settings of inter-word space (you might want these setting to be huge if you want more grace time after the prompt). These have been modified now and should hopefully turn out to be reasonable.
  • In echo trainer mode, entering an 'error' character (7 or more dits) would just delete the last character you had entered (like a backspace). This has been changed now to a complete reset of the word. So after you realize you made a mistake, send the 7 or more dits, and then immediately start keying the word from the beginning.
  • The nomenclature of the pitches that can be selected has been changed. Besides the values in Hz, there were the names of the nearest equivalent musical tones given, but (inconsistently) in the German nomenclature (e.g. a2 for 880Hz). This has been changed to the names common in English (A5 with this example of 880Hz).

Bug Fixes:

  • The pitches of the side tone did not correspond to the pitches shown in the parameter menu (caused by an index error in an array), and were one step too low. Fixed.
  • When connecting a straight key with a two-pole plug to the Morserino, it would always go into „Hardware Config“ at start-up (because the 2-pole plug creates a short for the 3-pole jack ring). Fixed.
  • When the option „Keyer&Gen.&RX“ was selected for the parameter „Key ext TX“, the Morserino would not key a transmitter in mode „Transceiver / iCW/Ext Trx“. Fixed.

Version 5.1.1

18 Jan 10:09
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Changes V.5.1.1

Feature Modifications

  • CW Academy has changed the order of characters in their course. This has been taken into account in Morserino’s CWA character sequence.

Bug Fixes:

  • When using the CW memory, the automatic playing of the memory could only be stopped when using an iambic mode, but you could not stop it when using a straight key. Fixed.
  • When an IP address with 4 times 3 digits was displayed, the last digit was not completely visible on screen (because the font was too big for 15 chars on a line). Fixed (using a smaller font).
  • When storing snapshots, already used snapshot locations should have been shown in bold face, but this was not the case. Fixed.

Version 5.1

29 Nov 15:07
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Changes V.5.1

Feature Modifications / Improvements

  • When selecting a WiFi setting, the peer IP name is displayed together with the SSID.
  • In LoRa transceiver mode, sometimes spurious characters are received as a result of local ambient noise. Packet headers are now checked for the correct protocol version etc, which should make this a rather rare occurrence.
  • Into the list of common amateur radio abbreviations, „QSZ“ („Send each word or group twice“) and „QAZ“ („Closing because of thunderstorm“) have been included.
  • There is a new algorithm for calculating the waiting time in Echo trainer; especially with very long inter-word spacing that was insanely long, more or less unusable. While it is still to some degree depending on inter-character and inter-word spacing, the differences are not so big anymore.
  • The user manual now contains an appendix with all CW abbreviations used by the Morserino-32.

Bug Fixes:

  • A pause was not played correctly when using the M32Protocol command „put cw/play/…“ or „put cw/repeat/…“. Fixed.
  • When he file player reassumed playing after being stopped, it missed a word of the text (the fix in 5.0.2 fixed only part of it). Fixed (hopefully for good).
  • The last characters in the CWOps Academy character sequence were in the wrong order. Fixed.

New Feature(s)

  • Implementation of a memory keyer: 8 memory slots (with max. 47 characters per slot) can be stored permanently (but you need a computer program that implements the serial protocol in order to define these memories). But once defined, you can recall these memories also stand-alone within keyer mode (or within mode iCW/Ext Trx). Memory slots 1 and 2 will be played in a loop (until stopped by touching the paddle or key), e.g. useful for a CQ loop, the other 6 slots play just once when activated.

    For this feature there are new commands in the serial protocol:

    • PUT cw/store// : store in permanent memory number (n is 1 .. 8); if content is an empty string, this memory is deleted.
 can be normal Morse code characters, pro signs, e.g. , and also [p] or \p for a pause
    • PUT cw/recall/: generate morse code from the content in memory number ; if is 1 or 2, do this until stopped by touching a paddle, or by the PUT cw/stop command
    • GET cw/memories : get a list of memory numbers that have some content stored; example: get cw/memories -> {„CW Memories":{"cw memories in use":[1,3,4]}}
    • GET cw/memory/ : get contents of memory number ; example: get cw/memory/1 -> {"CW Memory":{"number":1,"content":"cq cq cq de oe1wkl oe1wkl [p]"}}

    In Keyer mode (or within mode iCW/Ext Trx) you can recall a memory by pressing the black encoder knob quickly once, and then select by rotating the encoder the memory you want to be „played“

    • the number (and beginning of content) are shown in the top display line. You start the generation of content by clicking again with the encoder knob
      (if EXIT is shown and you press the encoder, you leave without anything being generated). Here also memories 1 and 2 are played continuously, until interrupted by manual entry.


16 Sep 20:35
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Changes V.5.0.3

Bug fixes:

There was a problem introduced with the last bug fix regarding File Player, so that after uploading a new file, the file player would not start, and the M32 would not react to anything. Fixed.
As of version 5.0, a bug had been introduced that affected WiFi and LoRa transceiver modes: if an undecodable or unrecognized character was received, a series of spurious dits and dahs were generated. Fixed.

Version 5.0.2

12 Sep 14:38
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A bug fix release.

Changes V.5.0.2

Bug fixes:

  • In V4.5 two more options were introduced for the feature „Word doubling“ (play each word 2x in Generator and File Player modes), to change a higher inter-character space value when the word is repeated: "ON (true WpM)" to ignore the higher inter-character space completely , and "ON (less ICS)" to add only half of the excess inter-character space. In V.5 this change was erroneously lost, and now it has been re-introduced.
  • There was a problem with the serial protocol: even when there were 8 snapshots stored, the command „GET snapshots“ would only return 7. Fixed.
  • The Parameters „Each Word 2x“ and „Stop/Next/Rep“ are mutually exclusive, so if you activate one, the other should be set to OFF. This did not happen, and strange effects occurred if you set both parameters to ON. Fixed.
  • When stopping file player and then restarting it, it should continue with the next word after the interruption, but it always skipped another word. Fixed.
  • Under certain circumstances a DEBUG message appeared on the serial output . Fixed.


20 Aug 08:01
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Bug Fix Release

Changes V.5.0.1

Bug fixes:

  • A change of values for inter character space and inter word space was registered and shown on display, but only became effective after a restart. Fixed.
  • In Koch trainer, the length of words and abbreviations was not handled correctly (generated things were always max l-1 long, not l). Fixed.

Feature Modification

  • The max value for inter character space was changed from 24 to 45, and the max value for inter word space from 45 to 105, to accommodate the initial settings used by CW Academy.

Version 5.0

21 Jun 13:02
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Changes V.5.0

Bug fixes:

  • <bk> was not recognized as pro sign in file player. Fixed.

  • <err> was only recognized once in echo Trainer mode, so you could only correct one error within a word. Fixed: it behaves now like a backspace key.

  • Some inconsistencies in displaying snapshot functions and hardware calibration functions. Fixed.

  • Paddle polarity was the opposite as shown in the preferences. Fixed.

  • Touching touch paddles at power-on to get into hardware configuration menu was not very reliable. Hopefully fixed.

Feature Modifications / Improvements:

  • \c or <c> marks the begin of a comment in a file player text file - these characters or the word containing one of these and the rest of the line are ignored.
  • The order of parameters in the parameter menu has been changed slightly to make the grouping a bit more logical. The user manual has been changed to make sure the order in the manual is the same as in the M32.

New Feature(s):

  • Implementation of a serial protocol (see separate documentation on GitHub).
    This allows (through some software on a computer connected through USB) screen or voice output of menus and settings (e.g. making the M32 usable for blind or visually impaired people), and also allows remote control of all Morserino features from the computer (like setting parameters, managing snapshots, changing speed, exiting and entering menus, uploading text files and even automated keying). The protocol is described in a separate document.

  • LoRa output power is now configurable through the Hardware Config Menu, and can be set between 10 and 100 mW (10 - 20 dBm); previously it always used the default of 25 mW (14 dBm). Be aware that some countries have restriction regarding maximal power of LoRa - so check your mileage before changing the default to something higher!

Version 4.5.2 (Important bug fix)

04 Apr 14:45
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Through a stupid mistake of mine, a nasty bug was introduced into 4.5.1: a few vital bits of information were not written into non-volatile storage, and therefore not preserved through a power-off or re-boot. The information affected by the bug is the selected Koch lesson, and WiFi information. This has been fixed in this maintenance release. It might mean that you need to update from 4.5.1. by USB, unless you had a WiFi setup with a previous version!

Version 4.5.1

10 Mar 08:42
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This is a maintenance release.
Changes V.4.5.1

Bug Fix(es):

  • In the mode „Transceiver / iCW/Ext Trx“ the external transmitter (connected to connector 1, marked as X1_Key on PCB) was not keyed. Fixed.

Bug Fix / Feature Modification:

  • The implementation of the „Serial Out“ parameter was buggy (and probably also confusing), and has been simplified. There are now 5 possible settings:
    • Nothing (certain errors might still be sent to serial port)
    • Keyed : essentially, what you enter through paddles
    • Decoded: what you enter through a straight key, or decoded audio
    • Keyed+Decoded: the previous 2 options combined
    • Generated: what the Morserino generates (also includes packets received through LoRa or WiFi)
    • All (= Keyed+Decoded+Generated)

Feature Change(s) / Improvements:

  • The WiFi settings, as well as the setting for „Serial Out“, had been stored in (and retrieved from) snapshots. In most cases this just lead to confusions and unpredictable behavior. These settings are now not stored in snapshots, and never changed by recalling a snapshot. Now the following parameters are never overwritten by recalling a snapshot:
    • WiFi Settings
    • Serial Out
    • Koch lesson
    • Speed
    • Speaker volume