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This is a template that facilitates the development of new odtp-components


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ODTP Component Template

This is a template that facilitates the development of new odtp-components. An odtp compatible component is a docker container able to perform a functional unit of computing in the digital twin. You can think of it as a blackbox that takes inputs files and/or parameters and perfom a task. Usually this lead to some files as a result (Ephemeral component), or to a visualization (Interactive component).

Internally a component will run a bash script ./app/ that must include the commands for running your tool, and managing the input/output logic. While input files are located in the folder /odtp/odtp-input, parameters values are represented by environment variables within the component. In this way you can access to them by using $ before the name of your variable. Finally, the output files generated are requested to be placed in /odtp/odtp-output/.

How to clone this repository?

This repository makes use of submodules. Therefore, when cloning it you need to include them.

git clone --recurse-submodules

How to create an odtp compatible component using this template?

  1. Identify which parameters would you like to expose.
  2. Configure the Dockerfile to install all the OS requirements needed for your tool to run.
    1. (Optional) If your tool requires python, and the dependencies offered in the repo are not compatible with the docker image you can configure custom dependencies in requirements.txt
  3. Configure the app/ file to:
    1. Clone the repository of your tool and checkout to one specific commit.
    2. (Optional) If your app uses a config file (i.e. config.yml or config.json), you need to provide a templace including placeholders for the variables you would like to expose. Placeholders can be defined by using double curly braces wrapping the name of the variable, such as {{VARIABLE}}. Then you can run python3 /odtp/odtp-component-client/ PATH_TO_TEMPLATE PATH_TO_OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE and every placeholder will be replaced by the value in the environment variable.
    3. Copy (cp -r) or create symbolic links (ln -s) to locate the input files in /odpt/odtp-input/ in the folder.
    4. Run the tool. You can access to the parameters as environemnt variables (i.e. $PARAMETER_A)
    5. Manage the output exporting. At the end of the component execution all generated output should be located in /odtp/odtp-output. Copy all output files into this folder.
  4. Describe all the metadata in odtp.yml. Please check below for instructions.
  5. Publish your tool in the ODTP Zoo. (Temporaly unavailable)

Semantic Validation

ODTP will be able to validate the input/output files. In order to do this we use SHACL validation. However, the developer should provide a schema of the input/output schema. This section is still under development and it will be available soon.

Internal data structure of a component

It's important to remark that when the container is built an specific folder structure is generated:

  • /odtp: The main folder.
  • /odtp/odtp-component-client: This is the odtp client that will manage the execution, logging, and input/output functions of the component. It is include as a submodule, and the user doesn't need to modify it.
  • /odtp/odtp-app: This folder have the content of /app folder in this template. It contains the tool execution bash script and the tool configuration files.
  • /odtp/odtp-workdir: This is the working directory where the tool repository should be placed and all the middle files such as cache folders.
  • /odtp/odtp-input: Input folder that is be mounted as volume for the docker container.
  • /odtp/odtp-output: Output folder that is mounted as volume for the docker container.
  • /odtp/odtp-logs: Folder reserved for internal loggings.
  • /odtp/odtp-config: Folder reserved for odtp configuration.

Testing the component

There are 3 main ways in which you can test a component and the different odtp features.

  1. Testing it as a docker container
  2. Testing it as a single component using odtp
  3. Testing it in a odtp digital twin execution

When developing we recomend to start by testing the component via docker and then follow with the others.

Testing the component as a docker container

The user will need to manually create the input/output folders and build the docker image.

  1. Prepare the following folder structure:
- testing-folder
    - data-input
    - data-output
    - data-logs

Place all required input files in testing-folder/data-input.

  1. Create your .env file with the following parameters.
  1. Build the dockerfile.
docker build -t odtp-component .
  1. Run the following command.
docker run -it --rm \ 
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_INPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-input \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_INPUT_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-output \
-v {PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGS_VOLUME}:/odtp/odtp-logs \
--env-file .env \

This command will run the component. If you want debug some errors and execute the docker in an interactive manner, you can use the flag --entrypoint bash when running docker.

Also if your tool is interactive such as an Streamlit app, don't forget to map the ports by using -p XXXX:XXXX.

Testing the component as part of odtp

To execute the command as part of odtp please refer to our odtp documentation:


ODTP requires a set of metadata to work. These fields should be filled by the developers.

# Schema version for tracking updates to the schema format
schema-version: "v0.5.0"

# Component Information
component-name: Component Name
  - name: Author One
    orcid: ""
  - name: Author Two
    orcid: ""
component-version: "1.0.0"
  url: ""
  doi: ""
component-license: Component License
component-type: ephemeral or interactive
component-description: Description of the component's function
component-docker-image: "dockeruser/dockerimage:label"
  - tag1
  - tag2

# Tool Information
  - tool-name: Tool Name
      - name: Tool Author
        orcid: ""
    tool-version: Tool Version
      url: ""
      doi: ""
    tool-license: Tool License

# Secrets (ENV variables)
  - name: API_KEY
    description: API key for authentication
    type: str

# Build Arguments (if any)
    description: License key for Matlab
    secret: true # Mark as secret if sensitive

# Exposed Ports
  - name: PORT_A
    description: Main server port
    port-value: 8080
  - name: PORT_B
    description: Auxiliary service port
    port-value: 9090

# Parameters for the Component
  - name: PARAMETER_A
    default-value: 10
    datatype: int
    description: Max retries allowed
      - 0 # Minimum value
      - 100 # Maximum value
    options: null
    allow-custom-value: false

  - name: PARAMETER_B
    default-value: OptionA
    datatype: str
    description: Select a mode
      - OptionA
      - OptionB
      - OptionC # Limited choices for str type
    allow-custom-value: false

# Data Inputs
  - name: INPUT_A
    type: .txt
    path: /path/to/input/SIMPLE_INPUT.txt
    description: Single static input file
    naming-convention: "SIMPLE_INPUT.txt"

  - name: INPUT_B
    type: TYPE_B
    path: /path/to/input/folder_A
    description: Folder containing dynamically named input files
    naming-convention: "data_{PARAMETER_A}_{PARAMETER_B}_v{number}.ext"
      start: 1
      increment: 1

  - name: INPUT_C
    type: TYPE_C
    path: /path/to/input/folder_B
    description: Folder with structured input files
        - file-pattern: "summary_{PARAMETER_C}_{date}.txt"
        - file-pattern: "log_{PARAMETER_C}_{number}.json"
      naming-convention: "parameter_and_numeric_based"
        - PARAMETER_C
      date-format: "YYYYMMDD"
        start: 1
        increment: 1

# Data Outputs
  - name: OUTPUT_A
    type: .txt
    path: /path/to/output/SIMPLE_OUTPUT.txt
    description: Static output file
    naming-convention: "SIMPLE_OUTPUT.txt"

  - name: OUTPUT_B
    type: TYPE_B
    path: /path/to/output/folder_A
    description: Folder for dynamic output files
    naming-convention: "prefix_{PARAMETER_A}_{PARAMETER_B}_v{number}.ext"
      start: 1
      increment: 1

  - name: OUTPUT_C
    type: TYPE_C
    path: /path/to/output/folder_B
    description: Folder for structured output files
        - file-pattern: "output_summary_{PARAMETER_C}_{date}.txt"
        - file-pattern: "log_{PARAMETER_C}_{number}.json"
      naming-convention: "parameter_and_numeric_based"
        - PARAMETER_C
      date-format: "YYYYMMDD"
        start: 1
        increment: 1

# Validation Schemas (Future Development)
schema-input: PATH_TO_INPUT_SCHEMA
schema-output: PATH_TO_OUTPUT_SCHEMA

# Device Requirements
  - type: gpu
    required: true

Template changelog

  • v0.5.0

    • odtp-component-client: Updated to v0.1.2
    • Updated odtp.yml:
      • datainputs & dataoutputs now are compatible with folders including multiples files.
      • component-docker-image: Now it's compatible with docker links
      • authors: Now authors can be listed
      • doi & orcid: now it's included.
    • Citation.cff included.
    • Included github actions allowing to build the image in dockerhub/github registry if credentials are provided
    • Added Issues template
    • Updated .env.dist
    • Added tests folder
    • Added template
    • Updated .gitignore with ODTP dev folders
  • v0.4.0

    • Update default Base and Python in Dockerfile to ubuntu:22.04 and python3.10
  • v0.3.4

    • Inclusion of secrets and build-args in odtp.yml
    • Tools as list
  • v0.3.3

    • Inclusion of boundaries conditions and options in odtp.yml parameters.
  • v0.3.2

    • Extended odtp.yml parameters and input/output definition.
    • odtp.requirements.txt transfered to submodule odtp-component-client.
  • v0.3.1

    • Updating schema fields in odtp.yml to kebab-case.
  • v0.3.0

    • Turning odtp-client into a separate repository and adding it as a submodule in odtp-component-client
    • Updating and tutorial.
    • Updating odtp.yml file.
    • Adding .DS_Store to .gitignore
  • v0.2.0

    • Compatible with ODTP v.0.2.0 only with platform / components
    • Compatible with configuration text files
    • Improved loging system
    • Accepting Digital Twins, Executions, and steps, metadata.
    • Including component versioning in odtp.yml
  • v0.1.0

    • Compatible with ODTP v.0.1.0 only with platform / components
    • Compatible with configuration text files

Acknowledgments, Copyright, and Licensing

Acknowledgments and Funding

This work is part of the broader project Open Digital Twin Platform of the Swiss Mobility System (ODTP-SMS) funded by Swissuniversities CHORD grant Track B - Establish Projects. ODTP-SMS project is a joint endeavour by the Center for Sustainable Future Mobility - CSFM (ETH Zürich) and the Swiss Data Science Center - SDSC (EPFL and ETH Zürich). The Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) develops domain-agnostic standards and containerized components to manage digital twins. This includes the creation of the Core Platform (both back-end and front-end), Service Component Integration Templates, Component Ontology, and the Component Zoo template. The Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM) develops mobility services and utilizes the components produced by SDSC to deploy a mobility digital twin platform. CSFM focuses on integrating mobility services and collecting available components in the mobility zoo, thereby applying the digital twin concept in the realm of mobility.


Copyright © 2023-2024 Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), All rights reserved. The SDSC is jointly established and legally represented by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich). This copyright encompasses all materials, software, documentation, and other content created and developed by the SDSC.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights

The Open Digital Twin Platform (ODTP) is the result of a collaborative effort between ETH Zurich (ETHZ) and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Both institutions hold equal intellectual property rights for the ODTP project, reflecting the equitable and shared contributions of EPFL and ETH Zürich in the development and advancement of this initiative.


The Service Component Integration Templates within this repository are licensed under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License. This license allows for broad compatibility and standardization, encouraging open use and contribution. For the full license text, please see the LICENSE file accompanying these templates.

Distinct Licensing for Other Components

  • Core Platform: Open-source under AGPLv3.
  • Ontology: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA).
  • Component Zoo Template: BSD-3 license.

Alternative Commercial Licensing

Alternative commercial licensing options for the core platform and other components are available and can be negotiated through the EPFL Technology Transfer Office ( or ETH Zürich Technology Transfer Office (

Ethical Use and Legal Compliance Disclaimer

Please note that this software should not be used to deliberately harm any individual or entity. Users and developers must adhere to ethical guidelines and use the software responsibly and legally. This disclaimer serves to remind all parties involved in the use or development of this software to engage in practices that are ethical, lawful, and in accordance with the intended purpose of the software.


This is a template that facilitates the development of new odtp-components








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