To use this library compatible wallet should be installed on the device.
We released our own Tesseract Wallet as reference wallet implementation. Install it on your device to check provided examples.
Add the following to your Podfile:
pod 'TesseractSDK/Ethereum'
Then run pod install
Let's try to get Ethereum account balance.
import Tesseract
// Check that we have wallet installed. You should handle this situation in your app.
guard Tesseract.Ethereum.isKeychainInstalled else {
fatalError("Wallet is not installed!")
// Our HTTP RPC URL. Can be Infura
let rpcUrl = "{API-KEY}"
// Creating Web3 instance. Try to reuse existing instance of Web3 in your app.
let web3 = Tesseract.Ethereum.Web3(rpcUrl: rpcUrl)
// Asking wallet for the Account
web3.eth.accounts() { response in
// Check that we have response
guard let accounts = response.result else {
print("Error:", response.error!)
// Asking network for balance
web3.eth.getBalance(address: accounts[0]) { response in
switch response.status {
case .success(let balance): print("Balance:", balance)
case .failure(let err): print("Error:", err)
Add the following to your Podfile:
pod 'TesseractSDK/Ethereum.PromiseKit'
Then run pod install
import PromiseKit
// Asking wallet for Account
.then { accounts in
// Obtaining balance
web3.eth.getBalance(address: accounts[0])
}.done { balance in
print("Balance:", balance)
}.catch { err in
print("Error:", err)
// Creating Transaction
let tx = Transaction(
from: account, // Account from previous examples
to: try! Address(hex: "0x..."),
value: 1.eth
// Sending it. Tesseract will handle signing automatically.
web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction: tx) { response in
switch response.status {
case .success(let hash): print("TX Hash:", hash.hex())
case .failure(let err): print("Error:", err)
// Sending it. Tesseract will handle signing automatically.
web3.eth.sendTransaction(transaction: tx)
.done { hash in
print("TX Hash:", hash.hex())
}.catch { err in
print("Error:", err)
// EOS ERC20 token
let contractAddress = try! Address(hex: "0x86Fa049857E0209aa7D9e616F7eb3b3B78ECfdb0")
// ERC20 contract object
let contract = web3.eth.Contract(type: GenericERC20Contract.self, address: contractAddress)
contract.balanceOf(address: account) // Account from previous steps
.call() // Performing Ethereum Call
.done { outputs in
print("Balance:", outputs["_balance"] as! BigUInt)
}.catch { error in
print("Error:", error)
// Our recipient
let recipient = try! Address(hex: "0x....")
.transfer(to: recipient, value: 100000) // Creating SC invocaion
.send(from: account) // Sending it from our account
.done { hash in
print("TX Hash:", hash.hex())
}.catch { err in
print("Error:", err)
Web3 can parse you JSON smart contract ABI.
You can use methods of Smart Contract by subcripting them by name from the Contract object.
// EOS ERC20 token
let contractAddress = try! Address(hex: "0x86Fa049857E0209aa7D9e616F7eb3b3B78ECfdb0")
// JSON ABI. Can be loaded from json file
let contractJsonABI = "<your contract ABI as a JSON string>".data(using: .utf8)!
// You can optionally pass an abiKey param if the actual abi is nested and not the top level element of the json
let contract = try web3.eth.Contract(json: contractJsonABI, abiKey: nil, address: contractAddress)
contract["balanceOf"]!(account) // Account from previous steps
.done { outputs in
print("Balance:", outputs["_balance"] as! BigUInt)
}.catch { error in
print("Error:", error)
// Our recipient
let recipient = try! Address(hex: "0x....")
// Creating ERC20 call object
let invocation = contract["transfer"]!(recipient, BigUInt(100000))
.send(from: account) // Sending it from our account
.done { hash in
print("TX Hash:", hash.hex())
}.catch { err in
print("Error:", err)
For more examples check Web3.swift library used inside.
This SDK has modular structure. All modules can be installed with CocoaPods.
Right now SDK has this modules:
- Tesseract.OpenWallet - reference OpenWallet client implementation. Main part of SDK
- Tesseract.Ethereum - metapackage, which will install all Ethereum modules
- Tesseract.Ethereum.Web3 - Web3 implementation for Swift with OpenWallet support
- Tesseract.Ethereum.PromiseKit - metapackage, which will install all Ethereum modules with PromiseKit support
- Tesseract.Ethereum.Web3.PromiseKit - PromiseKit extensions for Web3.
Modules can be installed one-by-one.
As example, if you want to install Web3 only add the following to your Podfile:
pod 'TesseractSDK/Ethereum.Web3'
# Uncomment this line if you want to enable Web3 PromiseKit extensions
# pod 'TesseractSDK/Ethereum.Web3.PromiseKit'
Then run pod install
Tesseract dApps Platform emerged from one simple vision - dApps should not store Private Keys inside.
With this vision we created Mobile-first platform. It allows app developers to write Native dApps and leave all key storage security tasks to Wallet developers.
We started with open protocol, which describes Wallet <-> dApp communication. It's called Open Wallet.
This SDK can interact with any Wallet which implemented this protocol. Ask your preferred Wallet to implement it :)
is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.