Bug Fixes
- border presets (b69a75a)
- dont render title if not provided (b8985f6)
- dont truncate header (900ecaf)
- handle zero width characters (d57a948)
- handle zero width characters (62548ad)
- truncation and padding (ee688e7)
- add some polish (a2a1c81)
- add title and examples (406b4aa)
- allow column specific settings (5d975cb)
- automatic truncating (20dd4c0)
- clean up and sort with fn (e758b0e)
- filtering and sorting options (38efda2)
- make customizable (6fa62ef)
- maxWidth (0b783b0)
- simplify filtering (bf20670)
- support all margins (2b5d84a)
- support borderColor (f858ad5)
- support borderColor (272d578)
- support noStyle option (0de83e9)
- support vertical orientation (2dc2609)