The folder called gtg includes the algorithm implementations from the following book:
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python by Michael H. Goldwasser, Michael T. Goodrich, and Roberto Tamassia
The folder wedgewick includes algorithm implementations in Python based on the book by Sedgewick and the online course from MIT. Here is the outline:
Fundamentials: linked list, stacks and queues; case study: percolation
Sorting: selection, inerting, shell, merge, quick, Heap and other.
Searching: binary search and Hash tables.
Trees: binary trees and binary search tress.
Graphs: depth first and breadth first search, shortest paths and minimal spanning tress.
by shellfly -
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures with Python by Brad Miller and David Ranum, Luther College
Introduction to the A* Algorithm by Amit Patel