#Sunday Pairing
With my pal Alex!
- <<
- capitalize
- center
- chars
- delete
- downcase
- end_with?
- start_with?
- gsub
- hash
- empty?
- length
- include?
- reverse
- prepend
- replace
- size
- slice
- split
- to_i
- to_sym
- <<
- count
- delete
- delete_at
- delete_if
- each
- each_index
- empty?
- first
- flatten
- find_index
- include?
- join
- keep_if
- last
- map
- pop
- reject
- select
- reverse
- sample
- shuffle
- size
- slice
- sort
- transpose
- uniq
- all?
- any?
- each_slice
- each_with_index
- find
- inject
- max
- min
- reduce - aka inject
- to_h
- delete
- delete_if
- each
- each_key
- each_value
- each_pair
- flatten
- has_key?
- has_value?
- include?
- keys
- values
- reject
- select
- to_a
- values_at
for Arrays and Hashes you need to know most the methods in Enumerable module