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GET fitbit subscriber

Jefferson Medeiros edited this page Dec 2, 2019 · 3 revisions


Endpoint required for Fitbit verify subscriber.

When a subscriber is added, or when its URL is changed, Fitbit sends 2 GET requests to the subscriber endpoint, each with a "verify" query string parameter. One request has the subscriber verification code (which you can find on your app details page) as the "verify" query string parameter value, and expects the subscriber to respond with a 204. Another request has an intentionally invalid verification code, and expects the subscriber to respond with a 404.

For more information see the Fitbit documentation.


GET https://localhost:5001/v1/fitbit/subscriber

Query Strings

Query strings are used as follows: there must be a question mark following the URL and providing the parameters for the desired operation.

Curl example

curl -X GET "https://localhost:5001/v1/fitbit/subscriber?verify=848a8s4das68d4ad4as86d4asdsad8asd" -H "accept: /"

Response body

  • 204 The verify code sended is correct. There is no data to be returned
  • 404 The verify code sended is invalid. There is no data to be returned