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Support 4.11 ASTs (#26)
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aantron authored Apr 29, 2020
1 parent 563c8e5 commit bc9178b
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Showing 11 changed files with 2,877 additions and 3 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ env:
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
open Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411

(* This file is part of the ppx_tools package. It is released *)
(* under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file). *)
(* Copyright 2013 Alain Frisch and LexiFi *)

open Parsetree
open Asttypes
open Location
open Ast_helper

module Label = struct

type t = Asttypes.arg_label

type desc = Asttypes.arg_label =
| Labelled of string
| Optional of string

let explode x = x

let nolabel = Nolabel
let labelled x = Labelled x
let optional x = Optional x


module Constant = struct
type t = Parsetree.constant =
Pconst_integer of string * char option
| Pconst_char of char
| Pconst_string of string * Location.t * string option
| Pconst_float of string * char option

let of_constant x = x

let to_constant x = x


let may_tuple ?loc tup = function
| [] -> None
| [x] -> Some x
| l -> Some (tup ?loc ?attrs:None l)

let lid ?(loc = !default_loc) s = mkloc (Longident.parse s) loc
let constr ?loc ?attrs s args = Exp.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Exp.tuple args)
let nil ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
let unit ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
let tuple ?loc ?attrs = function
| [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
| [x] -> x
| xs -> Exp.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
let cons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = constr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
let list ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (cons ?loc ?attrs) l (nil ?loc ?attrs ())
let str ?loc ?attrs s =
let inner_loc =
match loc with
| None -> !default_loc
| Some loc -> loc
Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_string (s, inner_loc, None))
let int ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (string_of_int x, None))
let int32 ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (Int32.to_string x, Some 'l'))
let int64 ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (Int64.to_string x, Some 'L'))
let char ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_char x)
let float ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_float (string_of_float x, None))
let record ?loc ?attrs ?over l =
Exp.record ?loc ?attrs ( (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.pexp_loc s, e)) l) over
let func ?loc ?attrs l = Exp.function_ ?loc ?attrs ( (fun (p, e) -> p e) l)
let lam ?loc ?attrs ?(label = Label.nolabel) ?default pat exp = Exp.fun_ ?loc ?attrs label default pat exp
let app ?loc ?attrs f l = if l = [] then f else Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs f ( (fun a -> Label.nolabel, a) l)
let evar ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.ident ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s)
let let_in ?loc ?attrs ?(recursive = false) b body =
Exp.let_ ?loc ?attrs (if recursive then Recursive else Nonrecursive) b body

let sequence ?loc ?attrs = function
| [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
| hd :: tl -> List.fold_left (fun e1 e2 -> Exp.sequence ?loc ?attrs e1 e2) hd tl

let pvar ?(loc = !default_loc) ?attrs s = Pat.var ~loc ?attrs (mkloc s loc)
let pconstr ?loc ?attrs s args = Pat.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Pat.tuple args)
let precord ?loc ?attrs ?(closed = Open) l =
Pat.record ?loc ?attrs ( (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.ppat_loc s, e)) l) closed
let pnil ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
let pcons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
let punit ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
let ptuple ?loc ?attrs = function
| [] -> punit ?loc ?attrs ()
| [x] -> x
| xs -> Pat.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
let plist ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (pcons ?loc ?attrs) l (pnil ?loc ?attrs ())

let pstr ?loc ?attrs s =
let inner_loc =
match loc with
| None -> !default_loc
| Some loc -> loc
Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_string (s, inner_loc, None))
let pint ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (string_of_int x, None))
let pchar ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_char x)
let pfloat ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_float (string_of_float x, None))

let tconstr ?loc ?attrs c l = Typ.constr ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc c) l

let get_str = function
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, _, _)); _} -> Some s
| _ -> None

let get_str_with_quotation_delimiter = function
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, _, d)); _} -> Some (s, d)
| _ -> None

let get_lid = function
| {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=id;_};_} ->
Some (String.concat "." (Longident.flatten id))
| _ -> None

let find_attr s attrs =
try Some ((List.find (fun {attr_name=x;_} -> x.txt = s) attrs).attr_payload)
with Not_found -> None

let expr_of_payload = function
| PStr [{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval(e, _); _}] -> Some e
| _ -> None

let find_attr_expr s attrs =
match find_attr s attrs with
| Some e -> expr_of_payload e
| None -> None

let has_attr s attrs =
find_attr s attrs <> None
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions ast_convenience_411.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
open Migrate_parsetree.Ast_411

(* This file is part of the ppx_tools package. It is released *)
(* under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file). *)
(* Copyright 2013 Alain Frisch and LexiFi *)

(** {1 Convenience functions to help build and deconstruct AST fragments.} *)

open Asttypes
open Ast_helper
open Parsetree

(** {2 Compatibility modules} *)

module Label : sig
type t = Asttypes.arg_label

type desc = Asttypes.arg_label =
| Labelled of string
| Optional of string

val explode : t -> desc

val nolabel : t
val labelled : string -> t
val optional : string -> t


(** {2 Provides a unified abstraction over differences in Parsetree.constant and Asttypes.constant
* types defined in ocaml 4.03 and 4.02 respectively}*)
module Constant : sig
type t = Parsetree.constant =
Pconst_integer of string * char option
| Pconst_char of char
| Pconst_string of string * Location.t * string option
| Pconst_float of string * char option

(** Convert Asttypes.constant to Constant.t *)
val of_constant : Parsetree.constant -> t

(** Convert Constant.t to Asttypes.constant *)
val to_constant : t -> Parsetree.constant


(** {2 Misc} *)

val lid: ?loc:loc -> string -> lid

(** {2 Expressions} *)

val evar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
val let_in: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?recursive:bool -> value_binding list -> expression -> expression

val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression list -> expression
val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?over:expression -> (string * expression) list -> expression
val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression

val nil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
val cons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression -> expression
val list: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression

val unit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression

val func: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (pattern * expression) list -> expression
val lam: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?label:Label.t -> ?default:expression -> pattern -> expression -> expression
val app: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression list -> expression

val str: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
val int: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> expression
val int32: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int32 -> expression
val int64: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int64 -> expression
val char: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> expression
val float: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> expression

val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
(** Return [()] if the list is empty. Tail rec. *)

(** {2 Patterns} *)

val pvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
val pconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern list -> pattern
val precord: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?closed:closed_flag -> (string * pattern) list -> pattern
val ptuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern

val pnil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
val pcons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
val plist: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern

val pstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
val pint: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> pattern
val pchar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> pattern
val pfloat: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> pattern

val punit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern

(** {2 Types} *)

val tconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type list -> core_type

(** {2 AST deconstruction} *)

val get_str: expression -> string option
val get_str_with_quotation_delimiter: expression -> (string * string option) option
val get_lid: expression -> string option

val has_attr: string -> attributes -> bool
val find_attr: string -> attributes -> payload option
val find_attr_expr: string -> attributes -> expression option

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