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flambda-backend: Labeled Tuples (#2009)
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* Labeled tuples

* A couple minor error message improvements

* Turn on labeled tuples by default

* Delete some CRs in ocamldoc - we don't care about this tool

* Move source test to correct location

* Final nits

* Add test with attribute

* Add more attributes in tests

* Address review feedback about jane syntax attributes

* An additional test for reordering


Co-authored-by: Ryan Tjoa <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Nick Roberts <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Nov 16, 2023
1 parent 6d4afb3 commit 584cb01
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48,349 changes: 27,714 additions & 20,635 deletions boot/menhir/

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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion debugger/
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Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,10 @@ let rec expression event env = function
Ttuple ty_list ->
if n < 1 || n > List.length ty_list
then raise(Error(Tuple_index(ty, List.length ty_list, n)))
else (Debugcom.Remote_value.field v (n-1), List.nth ty_list (n-1))
(* CR labeled tuples: handle labels in debugger (also see "E_field"
case) *)
else (Debugcom.Remote_value.field v (n-1),
snd (List.nth ty_list (n-1)))
| Tconstr(path, [ty_arg], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_array ->
let size = Debugcom.Remote_value.size v in
if n >= size
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18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions lambda/
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Expand Up @@ -309,7 +309,8 @@ end = struct
match p.pat_desc with
| `Any -> `Any
| `Constant cst -> `Constant cst
| `Tuple ps -> `Tuple ( (alpha_pat env) ps)
| `Tuple ps ->
`Tuple ( (fun (label, p) -> label, alpha_pat env p) ps)
| `Construct (cstr, cst_descr, args) ->
`Construct (cstr, cst_descr, (alpha_pat env) args)
| `Variant (cstr, argo, row_desc) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -642,7 +643,7 @@ end
let rec flatten_pat_line size p k =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ -> Patterns.omegas size :: k
| Tpat_tuple args -> args :: k
| Tpat_tuple args -> ( snd args) :: k
| Tpat_or (p1, p2, _) ->
flatten_pat_line size p1 (flatten_pat_line size p2 k)
| Tpat_alias (p, _, _, _, _) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2211,7 +2212,7 @@ let divide_lazy ~scopes head ctx pm =
let get_pat_args_tuple arity p rem =
match p with
| { pat_desc = Tpat_any } -> Patterns.omegas arity @ rem
| { pat_desc = Tpat_tuple args } -> args @ rem
| { pat_desc = Tpat_tuple args } -> ( snd args) @ rem
| _ -> assert false

let get_expr_args_tuple ~scopes head (arg, _mut, _sort, _layout) rem =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3985,10 +3986,13 @@ let assign_pat ~scopes body_layout opt nraise catch_ids loc pat pat_sort lam =
match (pat.pat_desc, lam) with
| Tpat_tuple patl, Lprim (Pmakeblock _, lams, _) ->
opt := true;
List.fold_left2 (collect Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element) acc patl lams
(fun acc (_, pat) lam ->
collect Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element acc pat lam)
acc patl lams
| Tpat_tuple patl, Lconst (Const_block (_, scl)) ->
opt := true;
let collect_const acc pat sc =
let collect_const acc (_, pat) sc =
collect Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element acc pat (Lconst sc)
List.fold_left2 collect_const acc patl scl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4070,13 +4074,13 @@ let for_tupled_function ~scopes ~return_layout loc paraml pats_act_list partial

let flatten_pattern size p =
match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_tuple args -> args
| Tpat_tuple args -> snd args
| Tpat_any -> Patterns.omegas size
| _ -> raise Cannot_flatten

let flatten_simple_pattern size (p : Simple.pattern) =
match p.pat_desc with
| `Tuple args -> args
| `Tuple args -> ( snd args)
| `Any -> Patterns.omegas size
| `Array _
| `Variant _
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12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions lambda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ let rec trivial_pat pat =
| Tpat_construct (_, cd, [], _) ->
not cd.cstr_generalized && cd.cstr_consts = 1 && cd.cstr_nonconsts = 0
| Tpat_tuple patl ->
List.for_all trivial_pat patl
List.for_all (fun (_, p) -> trivial_pat p) patl
| _ -> false

let rec push_defaults loc bindings use_lhs arg_mode arg_sort cases
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ and transl_exp0 ~in_new_scope ~scopes sort e =
| Texp_tuple (el, alloc_mode) ->
let ll, shape =
transl_list_with_shape ~scopes
( (fun a -> (a, Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element)) el)
( (fun (_, a) -> (a, Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element)) el)
begin try
Lconst(Const_block(0, extract_constant ll))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1700,11 +1700,15 @@ and transl_match ~scopes ~arg_sort ~return_sort e arg pat_expr_list partial =
| {exp_desc = Texp_tuple (argl, alloc_mode)}, [] ->
assert (static_handlers = []);
let mode = transl_alloc_mode alloc_mode in
let argl = (fun a -> (a, Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element)) argl in
let argl = (fun (_, a) -> (a, Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element)) argl
Matching.for_multiple_match ~scopes ~return_layout e.exp_loc
(transl_list_with_layout ~scopes argl) mode val_cases partial
| {exp_desc = Texp_tuple (argl, alloc_mode)}, _ :: _ ->
let argl = (fun a -> (a, Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element)) argl in
let argl = (fun (_, a) -> (a, Jkind.Sort.for_tuple_element)) argl
let val_ids, lvars =
(fun (arg,s) ->
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocamldoc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ module Analyser =

| Typedtree.Tpat_tuple patlist ->
( iter_pattern patlist,
( (fun (_, p) -> iter_pattern p) patlist,
Odoc_env.subst_type env pat.pat_type)

| Typedtree.Tpat_construct (_, cons_desc, _, _) when
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocamldoc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ let dummy_parameter_list typ =
let open Asttypes in
if label = Nolabel then
( (fun t2 -> iter (Nolabel, t2)) l, t)
( (fun t2 -> iter (Nolabel, t2)) ( snd l), t)
(* if there is a label, then we don't want to decompose the tuple *)
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions parsing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,17 @@ let err = Syntaxerr.ill_formed_ast

let empty_record loc = err loc "Records cannot be empty."
let invalid_tuple loc = err loc "Tuples must have at least 2 components."
let unlabeled_labeled_tuple_typ loc =
err loc "Labeled tuple types must have at least one labeled component."
let unlabeled_labeled_tuple_exp loc =
err loc "Labeled tuples must have at least one labeled component."
let unlabeled_labeled_tuple_pat loc =
err loc
"Closed labeled tuple patterns must have at least one labeled component."
let empty_open_labeled_tuple_pat loc =
err loc "Open labeled tuple patterns must have at least one component."
let short_closed_labeled_tuple_pat loc =
err loc "Closed labeled tuple patterns must have at least 2 components."
let no_args loc = err loc "Function application with no argument."
let empty_let loc = err loc "Let with no bindings."
let empty_type loc = err loc "Type declarations cannot be empty."
Expand All @@ -43,6 +54,9 @@ let simple_longident id =
if not (is_simple id.txt) then complex_id id.loc

let labeled_tuple_without_label lt =
List.for_all (fun (lbl,_) -> Option.is_none lbl) lt

let iterator =
let super = Ast_iterator.default_iterator in
let type_declaration self td =
Expand All @@ -52,15 +66,39 @@ let iterator =
| Ptype_record [] -> empty_record loc
| _ -> ()
let jtyp _self loc (jtyp : Jane_syntax.Core_type.t) =
match jtyp with
| Jtyp_layout (Ltyp_var _ | Ltyp_poly _ | Ltyp_alias _) -> ()
| Jtyp_tuple (Lttyp_tuple ([] | [_])) -> invalid_tuple loc
| Jtyp_tuple (Lttyp_tuple l) ->
if labeled_tuple_without_label l then unlabeled_labeled_tuple_typ loc
let typ self ty =
super.typ self ty;
let loc = ty.ptyp_loc in
match Jane_syntax.Core_type.of_ast ty with
| Some (jtyp_, _attrs) -> jtyp self ty.ptyp_loc jtyp_
| None ->
match ty.ptyp_desc with
| Ptyp_tuple ([] | [_]) -> invalid_tuple loc
| Ptyp_package (_, cstrs) ->
List.iter (fun (id, _) -> simple_longident id) cstrs
| _ -> ()
let jpat _self loc (jpat : Jane_syntax.Pattern.t) =
match jpat with
| Jpat_immutable_array (Iapat_immutable_array _)-> ()
| Jpat_layout (Lpat_constant _) -> ()
| Jpat_tuple lt -> begin
match lt with
| Ltpat_tuple ([], Open) -> empty_open_labeled_tuple_pat loc
| Ltpat_tuple (([] | [_]), Closed) ->
short_closed_labeled_tuple_pat loc
| Ltpat_tuple (l, Closed) ->
if labeled_tuple_without_label l then unlabeled_labeled_tuple_pat loc
| Ltpat_tuple (_ :: _, Open) -> ()
let pat self pat =
begin match pat.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_construct (_, Some (_, ({ppat_desc = Ppat_tuple _} as p)))
Expand All @@ -70,6 +108,9 @@ let iterator =
super.pat self pat
let loc = pat.ppat_loc in
match Jane_syntax.Pattern.of_ast pat with
| Some (jpat_, _attrs) -> jpat self pat.ppat_loc jpat_
| None ->
match pat.ppat_desc with
| Ppat_tuple ([] | [_]) -> invalid_tuple loc
| Ppat_record ([], _) -> empty_record loc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +141,12 @@ let iterator =
| Cexp_array_comprehension (_, {clauses = []; body = _}) )
empty_comprehension loc
| Jexp_tuple lt -> begin
match lt with
| Ltexp_tuple ([] | [_]) -> invalid_tuple loc
| Ltexp_tuple l ->
if labeled_tuple_without_label l then unlabeled_labeled_tuple_exp loc
| Jexp_comprehension _
| Jexp_immutable_array _
| Jexp_layout _
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions parsing/
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Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ let iter_loc_txt sub f { loc; txt } =
module T = struct
(* Type expressions for the core language *)

module LT = Jane_syntax.Labeled_tuples

let row_field sub {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,8 +139,12 @@ module T = struct
sub.typ sub aliased_type;
iter_loc_txt sub sub.jkind_annotation jkind

let iter_jst_labeled_tuple sub : LT.core_type -> _ = function
| Lttyp_tuple tl -> List.iter (iter_snd (sub.typ sub)) tl

let iter_jst sub : Jane_syntax.Core_type.t -> _ = function
| Jtyp_layout typ -> iter_jst_layout sub typ
| Jtyp_tuple lt_typ -> iter_jst_labeled_tuple sub lt_typ

let iter sub ({ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
as typ) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,6 +444,7 @@ module E = struct
module IA = Jane_syntax.Immutable_arrays
module L = Jane_syntax.Layouts
module N_ary = Jane_syntax.N_ary_functions
module LT = Jane_syntax.Labeled_tuples

let iter_iterator sub : C.iterator -> _ = function
| Range { start; stop; direction = _ } ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,11 +518,15 @@ module E = struct
Option.iter (iter_function_constraint sub) constraint_;
iter_function_body sub body

let iter_labeled_tuple sub : LT.expression -> _ = function
| Ltexp_tuple el -> List.iter (iter_snd (sub.expr sub)) el

let iter_jst sub : Jane_syntax.Expression.t -> _ = function
| Jexp_comprehension comp_exp -> iter_comp_exp sub comp_exp
| Jexp_immutable_array iarr_exp -> iter_iarr_exp sub iarr_exp
| Jexp_layout layout_exp -> iter_layout_exp sub layout_exp
| Jexp_n_ary_function n_ary_exp -> iter_n_ary_function sub n_ary_exp
| Jexp_tuple lt_exp -> iter_labeled_tuple sub lt_exp

let iter sub
({pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} as expr)=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -611,14 +622,20 @@ module P = struct
(* Patterns *)

module IA = Jane_syntax.Immutable_arrays
module LT = Jane_syntax.Labeled_tuples

let iter_iapat sub : IA.pattern -> _ = function
| Iapat_immutable_array elts ->
List.iter (sub.pat sub) elts

let iter_labeled_tuple sub : LT.pattern -> _ = function
| Ltpat_tuple (pl, _) ->
List.iter (iter_snd (sub.pat sub)) pl

let iter_jst sub : Jane_syntax.Pattern.t -> _ = function
| Jpat_immutable_array iapat -> iter_iapat sub iapat
| Jpat_layout (Lpat_constant _) -> iter_constant
| Jpat_tuple ltpat -> iter_labeled_tuple sub ltpat

let iter sub
({ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} as pat) =
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions parsing/
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Expand Up @@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ end
module T = struct
(* Type expressions for the core language *)

module LT = Jane_syntax.Labeled_tuples

let row_field sub {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,9 +173,14 @@ module T = struct
let jkind = map_loc_txt sub sub.jkind_annotation jkind in
Ltyp_alias { aliased_type; name; jkind }

let map_jst_labeled_tuple sub : LT.core_type -> LT.core_type = function
(* CR labeled tuples: Eventually mappers may want to see the labels. *)
| Lttyp_tuple tl -> Lttyp_tuple ( (map_snd (sub.typ sub)) tl)

let map_jst sub : Jane_syntax.Core_type.t -> Jane_syntax.Core_type.t =
| Jtyp_layout typ -> Jtyp_layout (map_jst_layouts sub typ)
| Jtyp_tuple x -> Jtyp_tuple (map_jst_labeled_tuple sub x)

let map sub ({ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs}
as typ) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,6 +525,7 @@ module E = struct
module IA = Jane_syntax.Immutable_arrays
module L = Jane_syntax.Layouts
module N_ary = Jane_syntax.N_ary_functions
module LT = Jane_syntax.Labeled_tuples

let map_iterator sub : C.iterator -> C.iterator = function
| Range { start; stop; direction } ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -607,12 +615,17 @@ module E = struct
let body = map_function_body sub body in
params, constraint_, body

let map_ltexp sub : LT.expression -> LT.expression = function
(* CR labeled tuples: Eventually mappers may want to see the labels. *)
| Ltexp_tuple el -> Ltexp_tuple ( (map_snd (sub.expr sub)) el)

let map_jst sub : Jane_syntax.Expression.t -> Jane_syntax.Expression.t =
| Jexp_comprehension x -> Jexp_comprehension (map_cexp sub x)
| Jexp_immutable_array x -> Jexp_immutable_array (map_iaexp sub x)
| Jexp_layout x -> Jexp_layout (map_layout_exp sub x)
| Jexp_n_ary_function x -> Jexp_n_ary_function (map_n_ary_exp sub x)
| Jexp_tuple ltexp -> Jexp_tuple (map_ltexp sub ltexp)

let map sub
({pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} as exp) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -718,6 +731,7 @@ module P = struct

module IA = Jane_syntax.Immutable_arrays
module L = Jane_syntax.Layouts
module LT = Jane_syntax.Labeled_tuples

let map_iapat sub : IA.pattern -> IA.pattern = function
| Iapat_immutable_array elts ->
Expand All @@ -729,10 +743,16 @@ module P = struct
| Float _ | Integer _ as x -> x

let map_ltpat sub : LT.pattern -> LT.pattern = function
(* CR labeled tuples: Eventually mappers may want to see the labels. *)
| Ltpat_tuple (pl, closed) ->
Ltpat_tuple ( (map_snd (sub.pat sub)) pl, closed)

let map_jst sub : Jane_syntax.Pattern.t -> Jane_syntax.Pattern.t = function
| Jpat_immutable_array x -> Jpat_immutable_array (map_iapat sub x)
| Jpat_layout (Lpat_constant x) ->
Jpat_layout (Lpat_constant (map_unboxed_constant_pat sub x))
| Jpat_tuple ltpat -> Jpat_tuple (map_ltpat sub ltpat)

let map sub
({ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} as pat) =
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