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flambda-backend: New library for computing instance names after subst…
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…itution (#1186)

Defines `Global_module.t` and related types and their behavior under substitution. These represent the names of global modules, including instances, which carry arguments for parameterized modules. In particular, a `Global_module.Name.t` will be contained by the `Ident.t` for an instance identifier.
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lukemaurer authored May 29, 2024
1 parent d63b736 commit 3d901f7
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ident path jkind primitive shape shape_reduce types btype oprint subst predef datarepr
cmi_format persistent_env env errortrace mode jkind_types jkind_intf
global_module cmi_format persistent_env env errortrace mode jkind_types jkind_intf
typedtree printtyped ctype printtyp includeclass mtype envaux includecore
tast_iterator tast_mapper signature_group cmt_format cms_format untypeast
includemod includemod_errorprinter
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232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions typing/
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@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-40-41-42"]

let pp_concat pp ppf list =
Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_cut pp ppf list

module Name : sig
type t = private {
head : string;
args : (t * t) list;

val create : string -> (t * t) list -> t

val unsafe_create_unchecked : string -> (t * t) list -> t

include Identifiable.S with type t := t
end = struct
type t = {
head : string;
args : (t * t) list;

include Identifiable.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t

let rec compare
({ head = head1; args = args1 } as t1)
({ head = head2; args = args2 } as t2) =
if t1 == t2 then 0
match head1 head2 with
| 0 -> compare_arg args1 args2
| c -> c
and compare_arg (name1, arg1) (name2, arg2) =
match compare name1 name2 with
| 0 -> compare arg1 arg2
| c -> c

let equal t1 t2 = compare t1 t2 = 0

let rec print ppf ({ head; args } : t) =
match args with
| [] ->
(* Preserve simple non-wrapping behaviour in atomic case *)
Format.fprintf ppf "%s" head
| _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 1>%s%a@]"
(pp_concat print_arg_pair) args
and print_arg_pair ppf (name, arg) =
Format.fprintf ppf "[%a:%a]" print name print arg

let output = print |> Misc.output_of_print

let hash = Hashtbl.hash

let create head args =
let sorted_args =
List.sort_uniq (fun (name1, _) (name2, _) -> compare name1 name2) args
let t = { head; args = sorted_args } in
if List.length args != List.length sorted_args then
Misc.fatal_errorf "Names of instance arguments must be unique:@ %a"
print t;

let unsafe_create_unchecked head args = { head; args }

let compare_arg_name (name1, _) (name2, _) = name1 name2

let rec list_similar f list1 list2 =
match list1, list2 with
| [], [] -> true
| a :: list1, b :: list2 -> f a b && list_similar f list1 list2
| (_ :: _), [] | [], (_ :: _) -> false

module T0 : sig
type t = private {
head : string;
visible_args : (Name.t * t) list;
hidden_args : (Name.t * t) list;

include Identifiable.S with type t := t

val create : string -> (Name.t * t) list -> hidden_args:(Name.t * t) list -> t

val to_name : t -> Name.t
end = struct
type t = {
head : string;
visible_args : (Name.t * t) list;
hidden_args : (Name.t * t) list;

include Identifiable.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t

let rec compare
({ head = head1; visible_args = visible_args1; hidden_args = hidden_args1 } as t1)
({ head = head2; visible_args = visible_args2; hidden_args = hidden_args2 } as t2) =
if t1 == t2 then 0
match head1 head2 with
| 0 -> begin
match compare_pairs visible_args1 visible_args2 with
| 0 -> compare_pairs hidden_args1 hidden_args2
| c -> c
| c -> c
and compare_pairs (param1, value1) (param2, value2) =
match param1 param2 with
| 0 -> compare value1 value2
| c -> c

let equal t1 t2 = compare t1 t2 = 0

let rec equal_looking t name =
let { head; visible_args; hidden_args } = t in
let { Name.head = name_head; args = name_args } = name in
hidden_args = []
&& String.equal head name_head
&& list_similar equal_looking_args visible_args name_args
and equal_looking_args (name1, value1) (name2, value2) =
Name.equal name1 name2 && equal_looking value1 value2

let rec print ppf { head; visible_args; hidden_args } =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hov 1>%s%a%a@]"
(pp_concat print_visible_pair) visible_args
(pp_concat print_hidden_pair) hidden_args
and print_visible_pair ppf (name, value) =
Format.fprintf ppf "[%a:%a]" Name.print name print value
and print_hidden_pair ppf (name, value) =
if equal_looking value name then
Format.fprintf ppf "{%a}" Name.print name
Format.fprintf ppf "{%a:%a}" Name.print name print value

let output = print |> Misc.output_of_print

let hash = Hashtbl.hash

let create head visible_args ~hidden_args =
let visible_args_sorted = List.sort compare_arg_name visible_args in
let hidden_args_sorted = List.sort compare_arg_name hidden_args in
let t =
visible_args = visible_args_sorted;
hidden_args = hidden_args_sorted;
List.length visible_args != List.length visible_args_sorted
|| List.length hidden_args != List.length hidden_args_sorted
Misc.fatal_errorf "Names of arguments and parameters must be unique:@ %a"
print t;

(* CR-someday lmaurer: Should try and make this unnecessary or at least cheap.
Could do it by making [Name.t] an unboxed existential so that converting from
[t] is the identity. Or just have [Name.t] wrap [t] and ignore [hidden_args]. *)
let rec to_name ({ head; visible_args; hidden_args = _ }) : Name.t =
(* Safe because we already checked the names in this exact argument list *)
Name.unsafe_create_unchecked head ( arg_to_name visible_args)
and arg_to_name (name, value) =
name, to_name value

include T0

let all_args t = t.visible_args @ t.hidden_args

module Subst = Name.Map
type subst = t Subst.t

let rec subst0 (t : t) (s : subst) ~changed =
match Subst.find_opt (to_name t) s with
| Some rhs -> changed := true; rhs
| None -> subst0_inside t s ~changed
and subst0_inside { head; visible_args; hidden_args } s ~changed =
let matching_hidden_args, non_matching_hidden_args =
(fun ((name, value) as pair) ->
match Subst.find_opt (to_name value) s with
| Some rhs -> changed := true; Left (name, rhs)
| None -> Right pair)
let visible_args = subst0_alist visible_args s ~changed in
let hidden_args = subst0_alist non_matching_hidden_args s ~changed in
let visible_args =
List.merge compare_arg_name visible_args matching_hidden_args
create head visible_args ~hidden_args
and subst0_alist l s ~changed = (fun (name, value) -> name, subst0 value s ~changed) l

let subst t s =
let changed = ref false in
let new_t = subst0 t s ~changed in
if !changed then new_t, `Changed else t, `Did_not_change

let subst_inside t s =
let changed = ref false in
let new_t = subst0_inside t s ~changed in
if !changed then new_t else t

let check s args =
(* This could do more - say, check that the replacement (the argument) has
all the parameters of the original (the parameter). (The subset rule
requires this, since an argument has to refer to the parameter it
implements, and thus the parameter's parameters must include the
argument's parameters.) It would be redundant with the checks
implemented elsewhere but could still be helpful. *)
let param_set = to_name args |> Name.Set.of_list in
Name.Set.subset (Name.Map.keys s) param_set

let rec is_complete t =
match t.hidden_args with
| [] -> List.for_all (fun (_, value) -> is_complete value) t.visible_args
| _ -> false

let has_arguments t =
match t with
| { head = _; visible_args = []; hidden_args = [] } -> false
| _ -> true
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions typing/global_module.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-9-40-41-42"]

module Name : sig
type t = private {
head : string;
args : (t * t) list;

include Identifiable.S with type t := t

val create : string -> (t * t) list -> t

(** An elaborated form of name in which all arguments are expressed, including
those being passed implicitly from one module to another by the subset rule
for parameterised modules. Normally, these "hidden" arguments simply say to
pass [X] as [X] for some module [X], but if there are parameterised
parameters, the hidden arguments can get more complex.
Suppose [M] takes parameters [X] and [Y], neither of which is itself
parameterised. If someone is passing [Foo] as the value of [X], then, we
will have (abbreviating nested records):
{ head: M; visible_args: [ X, Foo ]; hidden_args: [ Y, Y ] }
This represents that [X] is explicitly being given the value [Foo] and [Y]
(the parameter) is implicitly getting the value [Y] (the argument currently
in scope).
However, suppose instead [Y] is parameterised by [X]. Then [M] still takes
two parameters [X] and [Y], but now once [X] has the value [Foo], [Y]
requires _that particular_ [X]:
{ head: M; visible_args: [ X, Foo ]; hidden_args: [ Y, Y[X:Foo] ] }
Importantly, the _parameters_ [X] and [Y] never change: they are names that
appear in [] and [m.cmi]. But further specialisation requires passing
specifically a [Y[X:Foo]] rather than a [Y]. (Here, [Y[X:Foo]] stands for
the record [{ head = Y; visible_args = [ X, Foo ]; hidden_args = [] }] of
type [t].)
type t = private {
head : string;
visible_args : (Name.t * t) list;
hidden_args : (Name.t * t) list;

include Identifiable.S with type t := t

val create : string -> (Name.t * t) list -> hidden_args:(Name.t * t) list -> t

val to_name : t -> Name.t

val all_args : t -> (Name.t * t) list

(** A map from parameter names to their values. Hidden arguments aren't relevant
in the parameter names, so they're represented by [Name.t]s here. *)
type subst = t Name.Map.t

(** Apply a substitution to the given global. If it appears in the substitution
directly (that is, its [Name.t] form is a key in the map), this simply
performs a lookup. Otherwise, we perform a _revealing substitution_: if the
value of a hidden argument is a key in the substitution, the argument becomes
visible. Otherwise, substitution recurses into arguments (both hidden and
visible) as usual. See [] for examples. *)
val subst : t -> subst -> t * [ `Changed | `Did_not_change ]

(** Apply a substitution to the arguments and parameters in [t] but not to [t]
itself. Useful if [subst] is constructed from some parameter-argument pairs
and [t] is one of the parameters, since we want to handle any
interdependencies but the substitution applied to [t] itself is
uninterestingly just the corresponding value. *)
val subst_inside : t -> subst -> t

(** Check that a substitution is a valid (possibly partial) instantiation of
a module with the given parameter list. Each name being substituted must
appear in the list. *)
val check : subst -> t list -> bool

(** Returns [true] if [hidden_args] is empty and all argument values (if any)
are also complete. This is a stronger condition than full application, and
(unless the whole global is itself a parameter) it's equivalent to the
global being a static constant, since any parameters being used would have
to show up in a [hidden_args] somewhere. (Importantly, it's not possible
that a parameter is being used as an argument to a different parameter,
since a module can be declared to be an argument for up to one parameter.)
CR lmaurer: Make sure we're checking for the user redundantly passing an
parameter as an argument. This should be accepted and ignored, lest we
count the parameter as filled and consider something completely
instantiated. *)
val is_complete : t -> bool

(** Returns [true] if this name has at least one argument (either hidden or
visible). *)
val has_arguments : t -> bool
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions utils/
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Expand Up @@ -1089,6 +1089,16 @@ let print_see_manual ppf manual_section =
(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun f () -> pp_print_char f '.') pp_print_int)

let output_of_print print =
let output out_channel t =
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in
print ppf t;
(* Must flush the formatter immediately because it has a buffer separate
from the output channel's buffer *)
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ()

type filepath = string

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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions utils/misc.mli
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Expand Up @@ -624,6 +624,12 @@ val pp_two_columns :
val print_see_manual : Format.formatter -> int list -> unit
(** See manual section *)

val output_of_print :
(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> out_channel -> 'a -> unit
(** [output_of_print print] produces an output function from a pretty printer.
Note that naively using [Format.formatter_of_out_channel] typechecks but
doesn't work because it fails to flush the formatter. *)

(** {1 Displaying configuration variables} *)

val show_config_and_exit : unit -> unit
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