Interview Task for C#/WPF Developer
Simple WPF Application which fetches data from DataBase and Displays it.
App requirements:
- Fetch all int columns and display them
- Ability to type login and password
- Ability to test if there is connection
DataBase Engine: SQL Server 2019
DataBase Client/Editor: SSM 18
Nuget Packages:
- MVVM Community Toolkit by Microsoft
- WPF Controls Extender for optional / future usage of BusyIndicator for asynchronouse data fetch
What can be done differently?
- instead of getting union, you / we can create Tabs which will contains only data from single Table. So creating Tabs and asynchronous download of data. Or synchronouse cuz there is no much data to begin with. It depends.
- TextBox for insterting server address. Just a possibility cuz for now you can only connect to localhost dbs.
DataBase schema:
CREATE TABLE [DevData].dbo.Table_A (Col_A1 int, Col_A2 varchar(10), Col_A3 date);
CREATE TABLE [DevData].dbo.Table_B (Col_B1 int, Col_B2 nchar(10), Col_B3 int);
CREATE TABLE [DevData].dbo.Table_C (Col_C1 varchar (10), Col_C2 timestamp, Col_C3 int, Col_C4 char(10));