A database class which uses the PDO extension.
- Allows one connection with the database and deny duplicate connection,
- this speeds up to use the database and reduces the load on the server.
- supports many drivers (mysql, sqlite, PostgreSQL, mssql, sybase, Oracle Call Interface -oci-)
If you have any issue please open issue to fix it.
any suggestions would you like added or modified write to us at [email protected]
"require" :
"phptricks/database_class" : "dev-master"
- go to (database_config.php) file
- config class as your project need
- fetch : PDO Fetch Style By default, database results will be returned as instances of the PHP stdClass object.
- default : Default Database Connection Name (driver) by default (mysql)
- connections : Database Connections (drivers).
- Include the class in your project
- Create the instance (connect with database)
use PHPtricks\Orm\Database;
$db = Database::connect();
very important (select, first, find, paginate) methods return Database object you can use ->results(); to convert to array or object as you config a "fetch"
- select all data from
table :$allData = $db->table('test')->select(); var_dump($allData); // try var_dump($allData->results()); // but you cant use any more methods
- select
for all users fromusers
table$coustomFields = $db->table('users')->select(['id', 'name', 'email']); var_dump($coustomFields); // if configure to return object echo $coustomFields->name; echo $coustomFields->email; // if configure to return array echo $coustomFields['name']; echo $coustomFields['email']; // or yo can foreach the returned values foreach($coustomFields as $fields) { // ... }
- select
where itsid
is equal 5$post = $db->table('posts')->where('id', '=', 5)->select(); // or $post = $db->table('posts')->where('id', 5)->select(); // Custom fields $post = $db->table('posts')->where('id', 5)->select(['id', 'title', 'body']);
- multi where :
you can use
$post = $db->table('posts') ->where('vote', '>', 5) ->where('visetors', '>', 200) ->select(); // Custom fields $post = $db->table('posts') ->where('vote', '>', 5) ->where('visetors', '>', 200) ->select(['id', 'title', 'body']);
method an infinite :)
- whereBetween() :
$db->table('posts') ->whereBetween('data', [$start, $end]) ->select();
- likeWhere() :
$db->table('users') ->likeWhere('name', 'mohammad') ->select();
- orWhere() :
$db->table('posts') ->where('id', 5) ->orWhere('id', 3) ->select(['title', 'body']);
->where('id', 5)
->orWhere('id', 3)
all examples above you can replace select
with first
to get only first row selected.
find where id
// SELECT * FROM `users` where `id` = 1
please note : change $_idColumn variable to id name in table if the table have no id set it to null. you can user idName() method or edit from Database class file direct
change id column name | by default is id
insert new user to users
'name' => 'mohammad',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'password' => 'secret',
insert new post to posts
'title' => 'my post title',
'body' => 'post body and description',
// ....
if we need to update user name to 'ali' where his id is 5 :
->where('id', 5)
'name' => 'ali'
update all posts title like (test
) to (this is a test post
->likeWhere('title', 'test')
'title' => 'this is a test post'
if you select row and you want to update direct
is this example we configure "fetch" to object
use PHPtricks\Database;
$db = Database::connect();
$user = $db->table('users')->find('1');
$user->name = 'Mohammad';
$user->email = [email protected];
is this example we configure "fetch" to array
use PHPtricks\Database;
$db = Database::connect();
$user = $db->table('users')->find('1');
$user['name'] = 'Mohammad';
$user['email'] = [email protected];
but you cant use save with multi rows
$multiUsers = $db->table('users')
->where('name', 'mohammad')
$multiUsers->name = 'Mohhamed'; // ERROR
$multiUsers->save(); // ERROR
$multiUsers = $db->table('users')
->where('name', 'mohammad')
foreach($multiUsers as $user)
$user->name = 'Mohhamed';
delete user has id 105
->where('id', 105)
// or
// or
$user = $db->table('users')->find(105);
if($user->active === 0)
// or
$allUsers = $db->table('users')->select();
foreach($allUsers as $user)
if($user->active === 0)
delete all posts voted < 2
and visetors < 200
or id is 2
->where('vote', "<", 2)
->where('visetors', '<', 200)
->orWhere('id', 2)
// or
$unnessoryPosts = $db->table('posts')
->where('vote', "<", 2)
->where('visetors', '<', 200)
->orWhere('id', 2);
to get selected records count
$allUsers = $db->table('users')->select();
echo $allUsers->count();
get first 10 rows
$justTenRows = $db->table('posts')
->where('vote',">", 3)
get first 10 rows offset 3
->where('vote',">", 3)
->in('id', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
->notIn('id', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
to paginate results
paginate($recordsCount = 0) $recordsCount => default value take from database_config.php file
"pagination" => [
"no_data_found_message" => "Oops, No Data Found to show ..",
"records_per_page" => 10,
"link_query_key" => "page"
$db = PHPtricks\Database\Database::connect();
$results = $db->table("blog")->paginate(15);
// to array or object
now add to url this string query (?page=2 or 3 or 4 .. etc) see (link() method to know how to generate navigation automatically)
create pagination list to navigate between pages
- compatible with bootstrap and foundation frameworks
$db = PHPtricks\Database\Database::connect();
$posts = $db->table("blog")->where("vote", ">", 2)->paginate(5);
echo $posts->link();
view query results in table we need to create a simple table to view results of query
$db = PHPtricks\Database\Database::connect();
$data = $db->table("blog")->where("vote", ">", 2)->select();
echo $data->dataView();
$db = PHPtricks\Database\Database::connect();
$posts = $db->table("blog")->paginate();
echo $posts->dataView();
echo $posts->link();
you can echo out the results directlly that convert the results to json format
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
echo $results; // return json format
or foreach results as last virsion.
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
foreach($results as $key => $value)
// ..
select(), first(), find(), paginate() methods now return an instance of Collection class
get last record selected
$all = $db->table('my_table')->select();
all() and results() has same functionallaty
$all = $db->table('my_table')->select();
// var_dump($all->results());
to each results with callback function.
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
$results->each(function($row) {
echo $row->column_name . " !! <br>";
$new = [];
$results->each(function($row) {
$new[] = $row->column_name;
// you can chaning first(), last(), filter(), map(), each(),
// toJson(), keys(), empty() with each() method
$results->each(function($row) {
$new[] = $row->column_name;
filter results values.
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
$filterdResults = $results->filter(function($row) {
return $row->id > 15;
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
$filterdResults = $results->filter(function($row, $key) {
// you can use $key if you want
return $row->id > 15;
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
// exclude null values !
$filterdResults = $results->filter();
// you can use first(), last(), filter(), map(), each(),
// toJson(), keys(), empty() with $filterdResults variable
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
$newResults = $results->map(function($row) {
// return ..
// you can use first(), last(), filter(), map(), each(),
// toJson(), keys(), empty() with $newResults variable
convert results to json format
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
echo $results->toJson();
merge array with collection or 2 collections
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
$otherResults = $db->table('other_table')->select();
$merge = $results->merge($otherResults);
// you can use first(), last(), filter(), map(), each(),
// toJson(), keys(), empty() with $merge variable
get results keys
$results = $db->table('table')->select();
$db = Database::connect();
$db->table('my_new_table_name')->schema('schema as array')->create();
EX :
$db = Database::connect();
'id' => 'increments',
'name' => 'string:255 | not_null',
'number' => 'int|unsigned';
'id' => 'increments' mean the id column well be integer,primary key, auto increment not null, and unsigned
'number' => 'int|my_constraint|other_constraint|more_constraint';
SO the first one is a column type and other well be Constraints
to set defualt value type :
'number' => 'int|unsigned|default:222';
'name' => 'int|unsigned|default:hello-this-a-default-value';
// note : the charecter (-) replaced with white space
$db = Database::connect();
$schema = [
'id' => 'increments',
'username' => 'string:100|not_null',
'full_name' => 'string:255|defualt:no-name',
'joined' => 'timestamp',
'user_email' => 'string:100|not_null',
$db->table('target_table')->alterSchema('condetions is array')->alter();
$db->table('table')->alterSchema(['add', 'column_name', 'type'])->alter();
$db->table('users')->alterSchema(['add', 'last_login', 'date'])->alter();
$db->table('target_table')->alterSchema('condetions is array')->alter();
$db->table('table')->alterSchema(['rename', 'column_name', 'new_column_name' ,'type'])->alter();
$db->table('users')->alterSchema(['rename', 'last_login', 'last_session', 'date'])->alter();
$db->table('table')->alterSchema(['modify', 'column_name', 'new_type'])->alter();
$db->table('users')->alterSchema(['modify', 'full_name', 'text'])->alter();
$db->table('table')->alterSchema(['drop', 'column_name'])->alter();
$db->table('users')->alterSchema(['drop', 'full_name'])->alter();
$con = [
'age', '<', '30'
'OR' => [
'sex', '=', 'female'
'AND' => [
'position', '=', 'manager'
// ---
->where('username', 'ALI')
// SELECT * FROM table_name where username='ALI' AND (age<30 OR sex='female AND position='manager')
// OR
->where('username', 'ALI')
->parseWhere($con, 'OR;)->select();
// SELECT * FROM table_name where username='ALI' OR (age<30 OR sex='female AND position='manager')
after insert into database you can retrieve last inserted ID
$insert = $db->table('table_name')->insert($insertArray);
echo $insert->lastInsertedId();
// or
echo $db->lastInsertedId();
now you can check if record exist to update or create new one in easy
$db = \PHPtricks\Orm\Database::connect();
// check in table users if we have username (AL-Azzawi)
// update it if not create new one
$users = $db->table('users')->createOrUpdate([
'username' => 'Mohammad Walid AL-Anzawi',
'password' => 'mySecretPass',
'active' => 1,
], ['username', 'AL-Anzawi']);
note: $conditionColumn is optional but you need to send ID column manually
$users = $db->table('users')->createOrUpdate([
'id' => 8
'username' => 'Mohammad Walid AL-Anzawi',
'password' => 'mySecretPass',
'active' => 1,
now you can find record with custom field example :
$user = $db->table('users')->findBy('username', 'mohammad');
DONT FORGET find($id) method ;)
- ADD : parseWhere(array $cons, $type = "AND") method
- ADD : lastInsertedId() method
- ADD : createOrUpdate($values, $conditionColumn = []) method
- ADD : findBy($column, $value) method
- REMOVE: empty() method
- MODIFY : namesace to
- MODIFY : files structure
- FIX : Duplicate connection
- ADD : Some methods
- each() -> to each all collection values
- map() -> to map all results
- all() -> to get all results
- last() -> to get last recored selectedw
- filter() -> to filter values
- keys() -> to get collection keys
- toJson() -> to convert results to json format
- ADD : convert results to json format when use collection as string automaticlly
- ADD : direct update functionality
- FIX : dataView method with first method
- MODIFY : methods chaining technique
- select, first, find, paginate NOW return Database Object
- but you can use results as array or object
- any time you can add ->results() to convert to array or object
- Add : pagination functionality
- Add : count method
- Add : dataView method (to display 'selected results' in table)
- FIX : in() method
- FIX : notIn() method
- ADD : supports multi
- mysql
- PostgreSQL
- sqlite
- msSql
- sybase
- Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
- ADD : multi where
- ADD : type of where
- ADD : show query
- FIX : default constraint
- ADD : limit function
- ADD : offset function
- rebuilt 80% of methods
- change License terms
- ADD Some Data Definition Language (DDL) functions.
- ADD Create New Table
- ADD Drop Table
- ADD Alter Table
- ADD new Column
- Change Column Name
- Drop Column
- Rename Column
- FIX first method -> to compatible with PHP V +5.3.0
- First Release