crypt-php is class for encrypting and decrypting any data type in PHP. It uses libmcrypt and rjindael-192 (also known as AES192) algorithm. It tested on Mac OS X server and some (Ubuntu and Centos) Linux distributions.
Include Crypt.php to your PHP project and call Crypt class with new operator. It checks your environment is mcrypt installed correctly.
$crypt = new Crypt;
Now provide a secret key for encrypting and decrypting given data. This secret key must 8 character at least.
Ok, if you think encrypt a complex data type like an array or object we must declare this. (This parameter is not required for scalar data types like string and numbers)
Now, we give data for encrypting.
$crypt->setData(array('username' => 'osmanungur', 'realname' => 'Osman Üngür', 'password' => 12345, 'groups' => array(18, 34)));
And finally we will encrypt it !
$encrypted = $crypt->encrypt(); // It gives you like cryptPHP#GjHTQ1SU+WWKb/CYhjyQrKOlXvsyIkqP#xuA6 S6NIQegeZtPjuuS9m3iy4F6yGw9cFBYIcYddJ7Y4g3lmFUObfRH3glx0Jv9ruOA9ZFx 4p4V1Lyyb+ikmEK84z8AEFPqaRhavJ7TUACAyVRfP6mcRbnKNW8awYoaHBD23q6/jCS AvHXGAGBbXuVTk7yCIz3m9YnFzq3TG36edwIzDlG7L#9dbbfefa3e85c28c4b434505 7e472a6325ccfe02
This cipher is change on every request.
$crypt = new Crypt;
Do you remember ? We encrypted a complex data type.
We set key for decryption. Dont forgot your key !
Now we will call encrypted data. Maybe it living in SQL or cookie.
$crypt->setData('cryptPHP#GjHTQ1SU+WWKb/CYhjyQrKOlXvsyIkqP#xuA6S6NI QegeZtPjuuS9m3iy4F6yGw9cFBYIcYddJ7Y4g3lmFUObfRH3glx0Jv9ruOA9ZFx4p4V 1Lyyb+ikmEK84z8AEFPqaRhavJ7TUACAyVRfP6mcRbnKNW8awYoaHBD23q6/jCSAvHX GAGBbXuVTk7yCIz3m9YnFzq3TG36edwIzDlG7L#9dbbfefa3e85c28c4b4345057e47 2a6325ccfe02');
$decrypted = $crypt->decrypt();
Ok, now we discovering on our decrypted data.
var_dump($decrypted); array 'username' => string 'osmanungur' (length=10) 'realname' => string 'Osman Üngür' (length=13) 'password' => int 12345 'groups' => array 0 => int 18 1 => int 34
Everything is ok ? If something went wrong please tell me whats going on from Issues page.